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Everything posted by classadiva

  1. That's what I was going to say...get the free 100 postcards from Vistaprint and send out a correction....in the meantime...e-mail those for whom you have an e-mail address.
  2. Your new hubby is going to LOVE these!!! OMG...you look stunning. I so agree with Islandbride...the point is to invoke a fantasy and I don't think the make-up is too much at all....I think the LAST thing your new hubby will be thinking about is your make-up!!! LOL BTW...now you are making me think I should get some pics done!! If I looked half as good as you do in my pics...I would be ecstatic!!
  3. Your flowers are gorgeous and they look soooo real...even in the photographs. Have a great wedding!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by futuremissbk Hi ladies! I just booked my wedding at the new Sandals property-Emerald Bay for March 19, 2011. I've been engaged for just over a year and happy to finally have something booked! Now I feel like I can finally get started on all the fun details! Congrats!! That Sandals property looks absolutely gorgeous!! If we can be of any help with your planning...let us know!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Cdrolz So I got the Martha Stewart Destination wedding mag- It had some good advice! I never would have thought to have brought a portable steamer to steam my dress! But I must have missed the Cloister wedding? Is it the wedding of Susan and James? (tall blond lady). If so, they were on a TV special a few years ago- AMAZING Oh...I am so sorry..I just went to look and it wasn't in the Martha Stewart mag, it was page 56-57 of the "winter 2009" issue of Destination Weddings and Honeymoons. It's a different issue than the "fall 2009" issue. It was the wedding of Melissa Abell and Jonathan Cauffin December, 2008. They even used Mathew Sweeting...the "island preacha"...the same pastor we are using...there is a picture of his back as he is officiating.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ultimateme143 Dont use Kevin Williams - Quality Images. He took my money and I have not heard from him. $4000 for a copy of the pictures on a disc, but no books. I dont know what to do. Oh no!!! You should contact the Atlantis immediately and let them know!!! He is on their list of recommended vendors. You chose him in part at their suggestion. I would contact your wedding coordinator and let them know what is going on. If he has failed to deliver what he promised, he should be taken off of their recommended vendor list!! Also...if you paid him with Amex or even another credit card company...see if you can dispute the charges. I am sooo sorry.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by vdaybride I won't call you a dummy, I will just tell you where it is lol. For real touch flowers 28th between 6th and 7th avenues. For key chains like you see (12 for $6) on 27th between 6th and Broadway. Pashminas, not pictured here, but in my thread on pashminas (12 for $27) at pioneer group glass-html I thing they are on 26th between 6th and Broadway, there are so many stores in a 4-6 block radius its rediculous. Hanging lanterns 12 or $27, I could go on and on. THe best thing to do is go down there wearing comfy shoes and walk the area to take it all in. Start near 28th street and 7th avenue and walk over to 6th avenue then down to 27th and walk over to broadway and keep zig zaging going down town from 6th avenue over to broadway and keep repeating until you are down on 23rd street. It will blow your mind the great wedding finds down in that area. If you plan to go on a Saturday morning if, I am free I can meet with you and show you the area... we can bring Classadiva along and make a day of it Awww...yeahhhh...just say the word ladies...and I'm there!!
  8. Oh...that's terrible. Don't let this person spoil this time for you. What a mean-spirted and petty coward!!! Not to mention immature!!! Just delete the comment or have it deleted and see if you can ban that IP address from getting onto the site as many have suggested.
  9. Your bags are sick!! You guests are very lucky!! I tell you...I feel like such a slacker compared to you!! LOL
  10. So sorry to hear about this. I know that you are disapointed, but it will be okay...your wedding will be lovely and it is this "friend" that will have lost out.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by jerseykitten I did not invite anyone single with guests. Almost all of my single friends know each other and told me right off that they were planning on rooming together. FI and I only wanted people that knew us at our wedding - no strangers unless they were part of a couple (my friend in Portland OR has been dating her boyfriend for a year - he's invited although we never met as they are across the country). Now his single friend has told him she is bringing her aunt. He knows her aunt pretty well and I have met her once. I'm so tired of being stressed out about little things...at least FI knows her...has been to her house...she seemed really happy for us when i met her...so I'm going to chalk this up to "things i cannot control"...and move on. Glad to see that I am not the only one with this strategy. This has been an unexpected stressful issue and the invites haven't even been sent out yet!!! Goodness knows what "surprises" await us down the road!! LOL
  12. Hey, I know how you feel....kind of have the same situation as has been documented in another thread. I'm afraid to see what is going to happen when the actual invites go out!! On one hand...it's very flattering to have so many people want to come to your wedding. On the other....you only wanted close family and friends. Not to mention....this will become a huge financial burden if it gets out of hand. Have a candid conversation with your fiance about the costs. I think that sometimes our FI's have no idea just how much an uninvited guest can cost. This is especially true since your mother is bearing the burden of the expense. Also...be firm from the start....don't waiver. When folks say that they will come but not go to the wedding or that their invited guest will simply stay with them...hold them to it and let them know that this is your intention. I would ask the FI to simply tell folks that the wedding is a small affair and that you will be sending information later on about an AHR.
  13. Hi, Just an FYI...there is a 4-hour sale at www.Zazzle.com for postage tonight starting at midnight EST. It's a great sale...postage at face value fo for the small size which is not so small!! $9.15 for other sizes. My postage cost me an additional $10 per page of 20 so this is great. It's for the small postage size which is not so small. The code is "FACEVALUE880." Here's what my postage looked like that I ordered for my Vintage post card Save the Dates: Here's the fine print: Face value ($8.80 a sheet) applies when you create your own postage and choose size 'small'. A discount of $9.15 per sheet will be applied to all other sizes of postage, or to marketplace postage with a denomination of 44 cents. Discount will not apply to orders with more than ten sheets of twenty Zazzle Custom Stamps with a denomination of 44 cents. Enter promo code at checkout to receive discount.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by creoletexan I agree, I thought more would be getting married in the Bahamas too! I went to the Phoenix Productions website and I couldn't find their pricing, but I know the resort also offers videography, but it may be cheaper just to buy my brother a camera and let him go at it. Yea, I'm excited about the Poop Deck, I've heard so many good things about it, though, I would just need to arrange transportation for my guests. Have you decided when you are sending out invitations? I think the idea to have your brother do it is a GOOD one!! I'm going down in January for a site visit so I plan to ask around to see if any of the locals know anyone whom would videotape my wedding for a much cheaper price. I did some research re: transportation if you need some vendor info...just let me know. As for the invites...I think I will send them out at the very start of March and give an RSVP date at the end of May. What about you?
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Quietstorm Thanks a lot. Finding the dress was easier then finding silk flowers NY. For some strange I can't find silk flowers here. I found some online, but I like to actual see it before I buy it. I saw plenty of silk flowers in the flower/plant district in Manhattan...did you go there? What I could not find were real touch flowers.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Quietstorm Hey Ladies, I finally ended getting my dress at David Bridal in Westbury. I'm trying to keep my dress a secret from my DH, so I'm paying for here and having my mom who lives in VA, pick it up down there and hold onto it. Congrats on finding the dress!!! One major task done...
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by mrsrhbtobe Our wedding in in just over 4 months, and I still haven't found "the" dress! EEEEEK! I bought a great dress from a nurse at work for our TTD shoot for super cheap (score!) but still haven't found the dress I want to wear at both our wedding and the AHR. I haven't honestly had much time to get into a local store for an appointment, and I'm realizing that I'd have to buy off the rack at this late stage (which would be okay if I found one I loved). So I've been looking online at all hours of the day and night. I found this dress last night on Duoshong.com, and LOVE it, but I'd like to try it on locally if I can to see how that style looks on me. All that it says is the product ID number and it's under Wedding Dresses Couture. Not even a price! Please BDW detectives, HELP! http://www.duosheng.cn/shangweb/xihun/2154a.html Isn't this a Chinese knock-off wedding dress site? If so...there probably is no dress to try on here unless you just want to try on a similar dress.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by vdaybride I can only imagine! stick in there, I am sure you will find something that you will fall in love with Thank you...I actually LOVE the dress I posted..and in all likelihood...that is my dress..I just wanted to cover the bases.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by creoletexan Hello Ladies! I didn't know people were posting in the Bahamas thread again! YEA!!! As far as flowers, I am getting Real Touch flowers for the Bridesmaid Bouquets, the Bouts, and the corsages. I haven't looked into a videographer, though I guess I should. They have one through the resort, but I don't know how good they are. I guess I can ask my photog who he recommends I dunno. We will most likely have a small group so I'm not having a private reception, just having dinner in a semi-private area of a restaurant .. either Poop Deck or at the resort... haven't decided yet..lol I've never been to the Bahamas, so everything I know is from google or BDW.. lol! Yeah!! You made it back!! LOL It's so odd to me that so few brides get married in the Bahamas...I guess there just are not enough choices. As for the videographers, I was given this site as a recommendation: Phoenix Productions - Nassau, The Bahamas The prices are more than I want to pay really so I am still looking. The Poop Deck has great food so you can't go wrong with them. I was looking into doing my Welcome Dinner there for a while...well at the one in Sandport...which I have never been to.
  20. Hi and welcome to the forum!!! Good to see another Atlantis bride. There are a few threads on the Atlantis on the Bahamas board that you might find helpful. Let me know if I can help!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by KJT1985 You just made me cry at work. Words cannot express how appreciative I am for this post. I have tried so hard NOT to be selfish or to stress about this whole thing. You hit the nail on the head when you said i'm disappointed. I really really am. Two days ago I was so pumped for this and now i'm so sad. I'm sad because I don't have the support that I want. I'm hurt that my wedding can't be the perfect dream we all try so hard to make it. I'm hurt that I don't have a happy healthy family who would jump through hoops selflessly to make our day the best. It hurts because it's exactly what I try so hard to do for everyone else. Yet it doesn't seem like I can get it in return. Awwww sweetie...didn't mean to make you cry Having read through the rest of the thread, I see that you are feeling better....wonderful!!! Take solace in the words of the brides in this thread whom have been there and done that...this too will pass and all that will matter is you and your new hubby and the people that are there....I know I will. These are words of wisdom when those around us sometimes dissapoint.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by KJT1985 Thanks. This is the type of thing I need to hear. I guess I just want the supportive kind of family my fiance has. I feel bad that he has over 20 people coming and i've got my parents and one friend. Again, it's not about the number of people. Guess it just sucks to feel like you don't matter that much. I feel for you...and I actually think that some folks are being a bit TOO harsh on you. Reading some of these threads, it's often those that have already had their day...are already married and can look at it from a different perspective than those of us whom are in the throes of planning that are the harshest. I'm not saying this to call anyone out because I actually UNDERSTAND where they are coming from...I just think that some should TRY to look at things from the place of someone in the midst of planning their wedding. Remember how sensitve you might have been when in our position. JMHO and two cents. Are you being a bit selfish? I don't think it's so much being selfish as being disappointed. IMHO, you have every right to be. Your aunt's excuse sounds like nonsense and it sounds as if many were never really that supportive to begin with. You have every right to want your loved ones to be there for you and right now...at this place in time...you are upset...so what? You are human. As we all are. I would stop focusing on whether or not you are being selfish and try to get your mind set around the fact that no matter what...you are marrying the man that you love. In that way...you are luckier than many. All the best.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Puzzled-Bride Have you had any luck with flowers or videographer? We love the Bahamas, we got engaged there, so we thought it was only fitting to get married there as well. Up until the last two years we had been traveling there every year. It seems to be the only place that we go where FI actually relaxes. i can't believe we are the only two getting married there!! LOL..No there are at least two more Bahamas brides on the forum that I know of I think that because this board is so dead, unless you happen to catch it and see from the Home page that there is a new post....many don't come in here that often. Hopefully they will take a peek soon. As for the flowers...I am making some headway. It looks like I may use Floral Arts. However I think I am pretty certain that I am going to use Real Touch Flowers for myself and my Bridal party to cut down on costs. Some people in my family are not okay with this...but....I need to save a few dollars where I can and spend them where IMHO...it matters most. To that end, I am having an arbor on the beach free of flowers and with only chiffon drapping. I am also foregoing flowers on the aisle seats and using ribbon. I guess you can say that I am using Floral Arts mainly for decoration and some flower arrangements. I am however having Floral Arts get me fresh flowers for my reception centerpieces. When my mother finds out she may hit the roof...but hey!!! LOL She feels like this...why spend all this money only to have fake flowers at your wedding? As for the videographer...no headway at all. I may just have to go with having the ceremony video-taped and not the reception.
  24. Well...another store that does not have plus-sized samples in anything other than A-line dresses!! URGH!!! Guess I will not be going to Bridals by Roma...sorry to vent...but this is BEYOND frustrating!!
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