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Everything posted by Melidell

  1. Ugh- Meghan I'm so sorry about the way things went down. They put your FI in a tough spot too- he can't really make too much fuss or he looks like a jerk in front of them. That is not cool. I'm okay with strippers on stage at a strip club but I draw the line at lap dances- that is not okay. Too close for comfort. Don't even get me started on hiring a private stripper, either- that's too sleazy. I'm so sorry that one of the girls in your wedding party did that, and that they all disrespected your boundaries (and your FI's). That is so rude, I have no words. I'd be livid, too, if it's any help. On a plus note, your bachelorette sounds like so much fun- especially the roller skating in seventies clothes! I'm so jealous- I hope you girls have a blast.
  2. Coffee. Would you rather have ice cream or cake?
  3. Most of my orders should be in this week or next week so I should have plenty of time. The only thing I'm worried about is the MOH brooch- I couldn't find one I liked so I ordered a custom made one from an etsy seller and it wont be done for a few weeks. If it's not here before we leave town I'll just get my MOH to check my mail for it- she's leaving a week or so after us so that should give us enough time as long as they don't stop it at customs.
  4. Hey everyone, I've had this DVD for months now and only worked myself up to trying it last week (bad, I know). The good news is that now I'm on day 5 of level one and it's starting to get easier. I've been doing 20-30 min on my elliptical before most sessions to make it a longer workout overall and I'm not seeing much of a change in myself physically yet but I feel pretty good! It's definitely an intense workout for me- I'm sweating like crazy by the end. I'm actually starting to enjoy it, though.
  5. My own plane- that would be cool. Would your rather bike to work or take the bus?
  6. Meghan- sorry to hear about the state of things with FI's friends. Sounds like your stuck between a rock and a hard place there- I hope things get better before the wedding. Tracy- glad to hear the bachelorette went well! I don't have much left on my to-do list. - Shopping (when we're in Halifax) for some more things to wear while we're in Cuba -FI's suit (also just getting this in Hali when we get there) -print out programs and menu and add ribbon (they're all ready to go, just waiting until the last minute in case anything changes at the resort end) -tie welcome tags/ thank you tags to favours and welcome gifts. (My mugs are in NS so I'll have to do this at FMIL's house the weekend before we leave- but she'll probably help me with it and she's really good at that sort of thing). -finalize our Ipod playlist- this is almost done, just tweaking it now -I need a necklace to wear with my dress and I can't decide whether to order it now or to buy it in Halifax. I'm still waiting for a few things that I've ordered to get here in the mail, too. My hair combs, parasols for MH and myself, my ring bowl, some rose petals, a silk pocket square for FI, a floral brooch for MOH, a T-shirt for FI (just a joke gift) and my wedding night lingerie . I love getting things in the mail!
  7. Sadly, yes- unless it was something important. Would you ever tell a friend what you really thought of her boyfriend/FI/husband if she asked you? (Assuming it's nothing good lol).
  8. If you go into microsoft powerpoint, go to insert clip art and then search for borders. You'll see all sorts of swirly type things if you scroll down. You can change the colours and even "unassemble" them to move things around. I started with these for my programs and played with them (putting two together, moving pieces around) until I had some pretty corner art- you could probably make or find a border this way pretty easily. Just save them as a JPEG when you're done and then you can insert them into whatever program you're using for invitations. Easy and free! Hope this helps. Let me know if you want some of the ones I played with and I'll see if I can dig them up to post them.
  9. I love that shirt with the suit. Are the groomsmen wearing the same colour? I think they match really well. Personally I like the open, more casual look on your FI- especially with the groomsmen doing the pushed up sleeves look. A button up shirt with an open suit and no tie is what my FI is planning on, too. I like that look for a DW- not too dressy but not too casual next to the bridesmaids and bride, you know? On a side note, congrats for getting your FI to pose for you that many times! My guy would have lost patience after the first one (if he even let me take one)! Seems like you've got a real sweetheart, there!
  10. Welcome to the thread Julie! Eloping sounds so romantic- we considered it ourselves but were too chicken. Sorry to hear about your papers at the border- that truly sucks. I like your idea of having just one ring- I like my wedding band just fine and love my engagement ring but I like them both separately more than I like them together if you know what I mean. I'm hoping I'll get used to two bands down the road but it still seems strange to me whenever I try them on.
  11. Welcome, Melissa! I'm originally from Halifax- went to Dal, actually. Nice to see a bride from NS! I hope your planning is going well- this forum is a great resource. Good luck.
  12. Yes-I've tried it once and would love to do it again! Would you ever eat brownies for breakfast?
  13. I'm not doing much wedding-wise today besides surfing BDW and trying to talk myself out of doing anymore wedding shopping but good luck with your planning. You'll get so much done and it'll feel so great! If you're a coffee drinker, get the pot on! Oh, and out of curiosity, what's on your to-do list for today? You can do it!
  14. Hey everyone, My FMIL just received the mugs that I ordered! I live up in the NWT so I had them shipped to her to save on time and shipping costs since we'll be visiting her before the wedding. I was going to have her take a picture of them and email them to me, but FI told me that she knows I must be dying to see them so she mailed one to us (she's so sweet). I'll post a pic once I have it, but she said that they looked great. Here's my verdict so far (without having seen them): Shipping time was reasonable. I had to go back and forth a bit with the art department because my first imprint colour wouldn't have shown up well against my mugs, but even with that it only delayed receiving them by a week. So give yourself some extra time when you order in case there are any issues like that. The customs fees weren't too bad- about $70 on a $230 order. That may sound like a lot, but similar mugs through 4imprint would have worked out to be more in the end. Discount mugs had cheaper mugs and cheaper shipping so even with the extra charges over all I saved about $80. They sent me ten extra mugs! I double checked, and they only charged me for the 30 that I originally ordered so I don't know what's up with that. FMIL said that there were a few mugs that seemed off- the colour on the mug itself was streaked so she's was thinking that they had to do an extra batch and just sent them all to me? Hope this helps, I'll post a pic when I have one!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Mhabas DISLIKE! Those guys are gross! penis straws, cakes, buttons, etc at the bachelette party? Dislike. Boring and tacky (IMHO) Wedding shower games?
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