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Everything posted by Melidell

  1. Ughh... I tried level two and it's pretty hard. I'm really uncoordinated so that doesn't help. I'm not too sore from it, though, but I'm wondering if I wasn't doing it completely right. I think I'll stick with level two but maybe alternate it with level one every once in a while until I get the hang of it.
  2. Jerks : people who let their dogs bark at 11:30 at night (ie my neighbours)
  3. Sorry to hear about that- that truly sucks. We had an issue with our tax return two years ago, we get special credits for living so far north in such an isolated area and they wanted all kinds of proof that we'd lived up here for enough time before they'd give us anything. Fingers crossed that they just need some additional paperwork from you. We did buy a house last year and qualify for a tax credit but I'm Canadian so I can't give you much advice. I'm assuming that the tax man down there is a bastard too, though, so I do feel for you. Good luck- they'll get it sorted out eventually.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by ewok I would love to ponder about a nice up-do, I would put some nice crystals in there. You girls will look amazing. Sadly, I have this amazing concave cut, very short in the back with nice lenght (2-3 inches below the chin) in front, that finally makes me look like a grown-up and get me good comments all the time. Which means the only thing I can really do is straighten it perfectly, can't even put a hair flower or something, my hair is very fine & silky, it will just slip down. I will be pretty anyhow! I have really fine hair, too, so I feel your pain. I had a similar hairstyle, too, but I've been growing it out for the wedding so I can put it up. I honestly cannot wait untill we get back so I can cut it again. I got a facinator type thing for my hair and it has a smaller comb and it seems to hold okay- have you thought about something like that? Either way, your are so right, you'll be gorgeous! Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanLover Mel. Def let us see what you have,maybe we can be as much help as you've been for me!!! Aww, you had to work on a sunday?! I forgot last night- maybe I'll try later today. Photobucket is blocked here on my work computer but I can use one of the public computers here at the library and post some pics if it's not too busy. Yeah- I work every Sunday. I work Sun-Thurs at the public library here in towm instead of Mon-Fri because the library is open seven days a week. On most Fridays I work at the high school library as a second job (they don't have a full-time school librarian so I'm their part-time school librarian). Quote: Originally Posted by echo2_62 Are you able to use a comb or wire wrap in your hair?? Either of those might get a bit better grab if you've got fine hair. Either that or you could find something similar to mine that is able to wrap all the way around your head a couple times? They're called hair vines (took me FOREVER to figure that out) and might work for you as well! I agree with this totally- a hair vine would look great as well. They also look a lot more comfortable than hairbands (I hate hairbands, they pinch my head).
  5. I don't like the idea that they're doing it just as a money grab- that might discourage tourism which would be bad for the economy in the long run. Seems a bit shortsighted. The thought of being stopped at the border on the way to your vacation and being made to purchase a specific brand of health insurance bothers me, also- especially if you already have some but they don't recognise it. My big question now is what they'll require for proof of insurance. We both have travel benefits from FI's work benefits (they say that that's not always good enough but I've gone over the coverage and his package is pretty similar to ones that you purchase). I know it's not a factor until May 1st and we leave on the 25th of April but I'd like to have something just in case since we'll be there in May. Also, how do we know whether or not Cuba "recognises" our coverage? The info that's coming out now is a bit vague. I guess I'll have to check with my travel agent.
  6. I've been wondering the same thing. We've requested no gifts but have still received a few already. I'd never thought of the fact that it's not really appropriate to send it beforehand in case something happens but that makes sense. I guess I'll wait- at least this way I can do a photocard.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by KimmyG Hi everyone, I wanted to report that Erin's Bachelorette party is a success!! I had the pleasure of joining them this evening and we had a blast. The girls got a pink limo, went out to dinner and got a little rowdy with a gorgeous view of the city in the background! Erin had the cutest outfit on and a crown and sash that her maid of honor made for her! Awesome night out, thanks for letting me join in!! Congrats bachelorette!! :-) I'm so glad it went well and that you were able to join them. A pink limo- really? That sounds like so much fun! Congrats on getting all of your OOT bags put together and packed, shortnsweet! They look great- I really like the picture that you've got on the OOT bags. Must be a real relief to have that checked off of your list. Good luck with your fitting! Tracy- glad I was able to help with the hair dillema. I'm in the same boat- I'm still trying to narrow down a style. Maybe I'll take a page from your book and post up some pictures when I get home from work today.
  8. FI and I are from the Maritimes originally. I went to high school/ university in Halfax and FI is from Canso. We moved almost three years ago to the NWT but we're going home just before the wedding and flying direct to Cuba from Halifax. I think we're looking forward to going home almost as much as we are going to Cuba.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Lindslou Thanks Melidell I was thinking the same that he can give them to his guys. Enjoy your wedding at Melia, we were there last month. Thats where we got engaged. It's a nice resort!! Thanks! That's really nice to hear- glad to hear you liked it there. I'm getting pretty excited.
  10. I noticed yesterday that my clothes are looking better on me. I think it's working! I'm going to try to move up to level two today- wish me luck!
  11. Welcome! I giggled a bit at 21 sleeps, too. Made me think of the kids I work with and the way they count down to Christmas- I've been feeling like a kid waiting for Christmas lately so I can totally relate. I hope you find the site helpful and that everything goes smoothly for you. Good luck!
  12. I get the cigar idea- they're definitely Cuban- but I have to agree with everyone else that the two ideas don't mix. I love the idea of a donation to the cancer society in memory of your father so maybe keep that and try something else for favours. The fact is, too, that some people don't enjoy cigars at all so they'll be left out if you give these as a favour. I love the idea of chocolate cigars! Your FI could give some cigars to his groomsmen before the wedding as a gift for them if he's really set on the idea. They could enjoy one before the ceremony and that way it's separated from your favour a bit.
  13. We're doing small albums, too. They've got some seashell decorations on the front and I figured they'd be nice for folks to put pictures from the trip in. They're not too big or heavy. Something edibile is always a good choice, too- your guests wont have to take it home and you wont have to worry about it being used.
  14. Gorgeous- I love the colours and the graphics! Your FI's cousin did an amazing job, you must be really excited about them.
  15. I like the hair up picture, but both are really pretty Tracy. I agree that the up do won't take much longer, really. The other factor with wearing your hair down is the humidity- it can make it really hard for your hair to hold a curl so they might fall out by the end of the night. Either way will look gorgeous, though. Oh- and do you have really long hair plus lots of detail on the back of your dress? Wearing your hair down could hide some of your dress depending on where it comes to in the back, you know?
  16. Very nice! I agree that the colours are really nice. I like the palm trees that you've used as well. Great job.
  17. Wow! That seems really excessive to me, too. No doubt about it, when people hear "wedding" they think they can charge and arm and a leg. I hope you can talk them down a bit- good luck!
  18. Hmmm... a packing list is a really good idea. I started one a while ago after I read a thread here about things that people wished they had brought but maybe I should also make a checklist of all the wedding stuff that I need to bring and just mark things off while I pack. I know it's all in one place but I am really paranoid about forgetting something important. I also need to make a shopping list of things to buy when we get to Halifax before the wedding (there is no where to shop up here, thank goodness for online shopping). I have so many wedding lists on the go right now it's insane!
  19. Wow, those came out really great! I think yours look even better than the inspiration one. These are a really great favour idea- nice job.
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