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Everything posted by Melidell

  1. Wow! I love the Stephita invites. Mine are still being printed and I can't wait. How did you find they were in "real life" compared to the pictures? Your invitations are really pretty- nice job, I'm sure your guests will love them.
  2. Melidell

    Ochi Bride

    Congratulations on your engagement. I hope you have a great time with planning, enjoy!
  3. Your date is coming up really soon- you must be soo excited. Congratulations, and hope to hear more about what you have planned for your big day.
  4. Congrats! I agree, this forum has been a great resource. It's so nice to hear about other peoples idea's and experience, I've been finding it a great help too. Have fun with your planning.
  5. No- as long as they don't look better in it than I do in mine lol. Would you ever spend a whole weekend in your pajamas?
  6. Coke, only diet though, but I can't say I have a strong preference either way. Would you rather have to listen to a toddler having a tantrum or a smoke alarm going off for one hour?
  7. Welcome to the forum! Getting started is the hardest part, I think. I agree with everyone else; start narrowing down the destinations that you like and then think about getting in touch with a travel agent who specializes in destination weddings. Give some thought to what you're requirements for your location are and then pass that on to the TA and they'll help you find the spot that's best for you. Good luck, and enjoy your planning.
  8. We had to tether our Saint Bernard to us sometimes, too. He was an awesome dog and not much of a chewer, but he was a bit hard to housebreak. He would just not give you any warning that he had to go, so you had to keep an eye on him. You can imagine what that was like once he started to get bigger! He would even crap in his crate sometimes rather than go to the effort of whining to wake us up- he just did not care! A trainer sounds like a good idea, too, they may be able to give you some tips. My other dog was easy to housebreak, but a chewer, so she had to be watched and the house had to be really puppy proof. They will grow out of it, I promise! It just takes a lot of work when they're still puppies, but if you put that extra effort in you'll literally wake up one morning with an awesome dog. Getting them fixed as soon as they're old enough makes a big difference too- my Saint lost a lot of his stubborness after he was fixed. Good luck and hang in there- I know it's so hard sometimes!
  9. Nice! Thats like sending out invitations saying "you are invited to my party... and btw, would you mind helping me pay for it too?" She sounds like she want all the kudos and glory of hosting a party, without the hassle and expense that come with it. I'm glad your mother told her no!
  10. Oh well- that truly sucks, but on the bright side think about how ready for Mexico you and you're guests will be! Snow in October is no fun, though, I hear you.
  11. I went with the pocket fold invites, they have two pockets and one has an rsvp card with preaddressed envelope, the other is a travel info insert with our TA's info and our website address. They came with a monogram on the front of the invite and some ribbon detail as well and the envelopes had the return address on the flap included. I paid 4.99 plus I think .60 for the extra travel insert, and that included the envelopes and design work too. I also added on a few things on my own that I had to pay for (envelope liners, and the guest addresses printed on the envelope cause I'm lazy) but if you don't include that then it was about 5.60 for each (Canadian). I'd shopped it around, too, and you can definitely pay more for pocket folds than I did. I think if you ordered custom made bording pass ones you'd pay even more than I did- they're more expensive I believe. So it doesn't sound too bad to me, honestly- I think you're getting a deal.
  12. Well, I did resist the second and third helpings last night, however if you had seen the size of my first helping... well.... let's not talk about it, okay? So needless to say I'm trying to get up the motivation to get on the eliptical before I go to work (and having to go in to work unexpectedly on the long weekend already has me crabby), any words of encouragement? I think I have residual turkey coma because I'm sooo lazy this morning.
  13. Welcome Jen! I hope you have a great engagment party- keep us posted. We've got a few NS (or former NS like me!) brides on this thread- you'll fit right in. Quote: Kimmy- Holy crap, 5 months to gO? That's crazy and I'm jealous haha! I know, I have serious ticker envy too! I've got one of the later April dates, so it'll be a bit longer for me until mine rolls around to five months.
  14. Welcome to the forum! You should check out the April brides post, there are lots of us on here! Good luck with your planning.
  15. Welcome! Hope you're having fun with your planning, keep us posted.
  16. Congrats and good luck! I know what you mean- turns out April is a really busy wedding month, and you're right around the long weekend, too. Have you checked with a travel agent? I was going nuts researching on my own, but my travel agent made a few suggestions based on what I told her I was looking for, and I found the perfect place for us. It was a lot easier having her narrow my search. I was in Punta Cana for my vacation this year and it is gorgeous, good choice on location. Don't let it get you too stressed- hang in there!
  17. Me too. I picked out my dress a while ago, and while a big part of me knows that it's the dress for me and looks amazing on me- this dress was seriously made for me- I still keep thinking maybe I made a mistake. Sometimes I think about the dress that was my "second runner up" and I get so paranoid that I made a mistake. Other times I see other girls dresses and get serious dress envy and think I should have gone for a different style. I'm hoping it's just nerves because a wedding dress is such a big deal. I feel so much better knowing I'm normal to second guess it.
  18. I just love your invitations-they're so pretty. I'm so glad that your happy with them-I've ordered mine from Stephita also and I really enjoyed working with them! They were incredibly easy to deal with and I had a lot of fun personalizing my invites and making them my own. Their customer service was absolutely top notch- I can't speak too highly of them. I'm still waiting for mine to be printed and shipped and it's great to hear that the finished product lives up to what I've been hoping for. Now that I've seen yours I can't wait to get mine too-I'm so excited! Thanks for posting them.
  19. Quote: I have slacked bad today, was on the go with the baby and didn't do any work out...not to mention I really want to bake brownies right now...have a bad craving for some brownies, even FI wants brownies - this could be bad!! lol __________________ I agree with caribbean lover, you are probably burning crazy calories when you're running errands with the baby and every bit helps. So having said that- have a brownie for me and just work out super hard tomorrow! I'm gonna try to fit in a workout tomorrow, but I have appointments (dentist, and I am not one who enjoys it) and the first dinner of my turkey marathon to cook, so I wont make any promises-except not to have that third helping. Wish me luck!
  20. Amazing find! Your Mom is right- you wont want to trash it once it comes if it looks that nice. Keep us posted as to how it looks in person.
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