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Everything posted by jaundice

  1. I have a lot of family that live in Jamaica. Therefore, most of them will be driving down for the ceremony. I'm a little concerned about the cost of having people attend that are not guests of the hotel. I expect about 40 people, and I think that there will be about 15 of them that are staying at the hotel. That makes for 25 people that I'd have to purchase day passes for. Has anyone had this experience? Do you have any advice? I believe the guest passes are around 100 dollars each. That's a heck of a lot of money just to allow people to enter the complex. I still have to consider meals and other amenities. Any advice would be helpful. Thans!
  2. You look so beautiful. Thanks for the advice and the tips, I have long since been going back and forth between the Palladium and other locations because of Jascynthia's lack of response, and costs of people to attend that are not staying at the hotel. But, looking at your photos and reading your comments, really set me at ease again with this place. Thanks so much for sharing and Congratulations!!! What a beautiful ceremony!
  3. jaundice

    In a frump!

    Hi Janice from Canada here, but living in South Korea. Trying to plan a wedding from here is like trying to pull teeth with oily fingers. I know the place is Jamaica, and that we want to get married lol....but that's pretty much all I know at this time. I'm hoping this forum is going to help me make those key decisions to get started. Thanks!!!
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