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Everything posted by Patti

  1. I'm late too - but I agree with the other ladies. Definitely #1.
  2. I ordered post cards from Vista Print. On the front, I put "Welcome to Paradise" on the top of the card and on the bottom, I put "Los Cabos, Mexico 2009". On the back side, I put: Welcome to Cabo! Thank you for coming all this way to share in the happiness of our special day. We hope you enjoy the goodies in the bag. Glad to see you read this tag. (we know this line is lame) We're happy that you're finally here. Now we can raise our drinks to cheer. I will punch a hole in the corner of the card and tie it with a ribbon around the strap of the bag.
  3. I have to add that I'm very happy with their product and their customer service. Don't think you could go wrong with them.
  4. How about cookies from the Honolulu Cookie Company? They're awesome. Check out their website Honolulu Cookie Company - Shortbread Specialist
  5. Congratulations and best of luck to you!! Everything looks great and we really appreciate you taking the time to post your planning thread - especially when we all know how terribly busy you must be right now. Be sure to let us know how it all went, once you return. Happy wedding!!!!
  6. Thank you. I have my own template, I'm just struggling with the see through label. If you find someone to print yours, please let me know.
  7. I was going to get clear sticker paper and pring my own labels, however, even though the avery labels say clear - they have a frosted look. I printed out some anyway and put on one of the mugs and it doesn't look very good at all. I found some on the internet at Labels by the Sheet and ordered a couple of sheets. They claim to be glossy clear, which I think what is needed for completely clear see-through labels. I haven't received them yet, but we'll see once they arrive. They were only 90 cents each.
  8. I think your wording sounds great. You did a really good job putting it all together.
  9. They do look really good. How many do you need? Have you thought about just buying them when you get there? I was just thinking about all the stuff that I'm lugging to Mexico. It seems like I keep buying more and more - ugh.
  10. I like it. Don't think you could go wrong with it. Is that the color you plan to use? It's my color.
  11. Thanks, Annette. It appears that I can do 10 at a time. BTW, my FI is from Chicago. Great city. We always go the week before Christmas. Fun place - but cold for this Texas gal.
  12. I received an email offering a lot of free stuff. I have never ordered before and was pretty excited to be ordering. So, here's the problem. I kept added the free stuff in my cart but as I added more, then I would see that what had originally been marked free (in my cart), had changed to a price. I can't quite figure it out. Is there a limit of how much free stuff you can get at one time?
  13. I am so sorry for your loss. Your story has really touched me. Just know that she will be with you in spirit on your special day.
  14. I'm still struggling on this one. If you have any pictures with instructions, please post.
  15. Yes, I did. They were recommended by other brides on this forum. I just emailed them and asked if I could just purchase 6 and got an email back from "Joseph". He said even though their minimum is 12, he would gladly help out any of the brides on this forum. They came very nicely wrapped. They look nice, but are quite thin, but what do you expect for just $3.95.
  16. You did a great job. They look really nice. Congratulations!!
  17. I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. Just talk with them again and if it really seems to be finanical reasons - and you have the money - just explain to them that this is your special day and it just wouldn't be the same without them and that you are going to pay their way. If they feel badly about taking your money, then tell them they can pay you back when things are better for them. My FI and I have 2 grown children each, plus their spouse, and paid for their flights and hotel, however one of my daughters can't go because she's too far along in her pregnancy , but wanted to go, and his daughter just doesn't want to go because she says "it would be weird to see her father get married". (He's a widower.) However, his son is standing up as his BM and my other daughter is my MOH. Just can't please everyone. I sincerely hope it works out for you!!
  18. I ordered travel mugs but didn't have them personalized because I only needed 12. I would have really liked to but just couldn't justify the imprint charge. I ordered from Discount Mugs. I got an email saying they've been shipped and I should receive them on Friday. Since, they are not imprinted, I guess they can't screw anything up as mentioned in the earlier posts. The only thing though is that I've asked for different colors. We'll see. It's not that important to me. I'm planning to make my own design on a clear label. Then, my guests can remove it when they get home and will still use the mugs. Hope it works - and hope you get your cups figured out,
  19. That's a shame. I don't believe I would tell anyone. Just can't cry over spilt milk.
  20. Congratulations!! How exciting!! I'm so happy for you and your hubby. Have fun!!
  21. Nadine, if you're still looking for Christmas ornaments, I got mine off of eBay - 10 for $20, and they turned out great. I'm only having 13 so the price was ok for me. Check out the link. BEACH THEME REAL SAND DOLLAR STAR FISH WEDDING FAVORS - eBay (item 250405299415 end time Nov-07-09 05:43:20 PST)
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