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Everything posted by Patti

  1. I only needed 6 and got several from eBay and some from Amazon.com. It's a shame to pay too much for them knowing that Target had them for $1.00, but they don't have them now, so it is what it is.
  2. No. 1 but I agree that they both look good on you. Go with your true feelings.
  3. We are staying at the same hotel, however, we'll still be will family. Christmas is the week we are going back home. Believe it or not, when we leave Cabo, we're going in different directions. My FI is headed to LA and to Phoenix to visit his kids for Christmas and I'll be heading back to Texas to spend Christmas with my kids and family. I know it sounds strange, but we're older and have adult kids with grandkids in different states. We do this every year. Then, we will meet back up after Christmas and spend the whole week together.
  4. Patti


    Congratulations and welcome to the Forum. I'm also getting married in Cabo this December. Have you been there before?
  5. Thanks, Ladies. Sounds like from your experiences that it is ok to drive there. We'll definitely check with out the insurance.
  6. The cakes look beautiful. I'm getting married at the Hilton and they said they have a wonderful pastry chef, but want to charge us $200 ($250 with tax) for a one tier cake (for 15). We wanted our cake to look more like a wedding cake and was wondering about different bakeries, so thanks for your input. NOW, I'm wondering if the Hilton would even let me bring in my own cake?
  7. Thanks, Daryl. Which three? Are you from Cabo?
  8. The bags looked so good. I'm really impressed for someone that didn't even sew. You did an aewsome job!!!
  9. Jennyco, have you received your towels yet? Just wondering the quality. How funny about the Bears towels. I have already purchased my towels but had even thought about having the Bears embroidered on them - as my FI and his son are from Chicago and I thought they would get a kick out of that. Maybe I'll return the ones I bought (Target) and get these. Thanks for the tip!!
  10. Good news, Ladies. I sent an email to Wholesale Pashminas Scarves explaining that they were highly recommended from BDW brides and asked if they would sell me just six and they wrote back within a couple of hours and said they would be happy to help any of the brides on this site. Yippee. Thanks for all of your opinions/advice. I really appreciate it!!
  11. Your guests will probably only need them if you think it will be cool in the evening, but for $3.95, what a nice gesture. Autjo, I can't find Handbags Central in with the vendors. help please.
  12. Hey, thanks. I'll go by there and take a look. I'lve decided on black, so we'll see. You've been such a help to me, Autumn, on all kinds of things. I really appreciate it.
  13. Oh, that's great, Autjo. I did send an email through their site at [email protected]. is that a different sight than handbagscentral?
  14. I also use the one on the french onion can and have never heard of putting cheese in it. Have you ever eaten broccoli rice casserole? Yummy. My FI is from Chicago and says it's definitely a southern thing.
  15. Bubbles, the place I just listed looked like a good place. Only $3.95 and was recommended by other BDW brides. If you need to buy $50 worth, it might be worth looking at, but it said they only sold to wholesalers so I'm not sure if they ask for a number or not. Let me know if you find someplace else. I just need to buy six.
  16. OH, Great. I just tried to order from a website that other brides were real happy with (Shopping Cart wholesale pashmina scarves) and they won't take orders for my meezily (sp?) little order of six. Does anyone have any suggestions where I should look now?
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