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Everything posted by beadinggirl

  1. I agree that it was tacky to put on the invitation, it wouldn't sit well with the guests and really does take away from the importance of the wedding event itself. Wow, thanks for your comments, these are some great suggestions to think about. We're also planning to move overseas within a year after our wedding, so naturally we'd prefer to get monetary gifts. I was even thinking to post on our website for registry to request gift cards from a list of stores, just because I understand how giving cash may be uncomfortable for some guests.
  2. very nice, I like the scroll motif, you could consider using it again for your other stationery or cake design! =)
  3. very creative! I've seen these online somewhere before, but it's nice to see you've added your own personal touch, and love the colors!
  4. wow, this is really useful info, I've never worked with a TA for personal travel . . . only for work and those flights always costed more than what I pay when traveling for leisure. But hearing your story, I might look into working with a TA.
  5. thank you everyone for the warm welcome!
  6. Hello & congrats everyone! We've just set our wedding for August 9, 2010 in Honolulu Hope to get some ideas & tips from here as we start planning Lisa
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