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Everything posted by chrissytina924

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by laurabrea78 Hi Ladies, I am getting married there next Sunday!!! June 6, 2010 !!! I will be there from the 4th-9th, then we head to Tahiti for the honeymoon. When I get back I will do a full review! I know several people who have had or gone to weddings there and they have nothing but WONDERFUL things to say about it. OMG!! I cant wait till you get back to here how it was!! Hope everything went perfect!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by nicdeb928 they look great! fun and creative! where did you get the whistle and key/tip holders? i got the holders from ebay and the coil/ whistles from oriental trading
  3. Sooo they are finally done... I couldnt have done it without the amazing ideas from everyone on this site... I ordered the bags from oriental trading.. they were alot smaller then i originally thought they would be but it worked out to be kind of a perfect fit for everything we bought... i bought avery products for the first aid kit labels & for the oh sh*t kit labels as well as avery business cards which i used for the name tags on each bag and the tip/ key holders.. avery.com has alot of cool templates that I ended up using... the pink bag is for my sister she is the MOH.. we ended up having a last min guest and we didnt have enought bags so i am giving her a diffeent bag and will say she is special bc she is the MOH lol.. i also put the pink bag filled with the bath and body works stuff in her bag. and for all my bridesmaids I wrote them a thank you note. I got my MOH a massage certificate for the hotel that i will also put in her bag.
  4. it is super cute.. do you happen to have a picture of the back?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by T&C Here are mine where did you find these.. i really like them.. exactly what i am looking for!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsG521 I just emailed the price guides to the individuals who requested it. Please let me know if there was a problem. Also, I heard back from my WC today and was told I could change my package to a different premium if I'd like to, just need to specify. My wedding date is not until May 21 2011 so I will wait until I get some RSVPs to see if it is necessary to upgrade. i didnt get it.. if its not a bother can you try sending it again... [email protected] Thankss
  7. Yikess I feel your pain... Dont worry about what other people say.. do your thing!!!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by marew9 we finally sent our contract in!! Phew - what a sense of relief to have that completed! Our date is january 8, 2011. congrats!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by chrissytina924 it is not letting me open.. i guess i dont have enough points.. anyway you would be able to PM them or email me them.. i havent seen those package prices and want to make sure they are the same or if they went lower bc I am supposed to be confirming all my prices for my wedding next month... thanks my email is [email protected] if you want to email it.. Thanks sorry i meant to quote the post above this one.. Thanks
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsG521 Attachment 5089 Attachment 5090 I just got the new pricing packages emailed to me! let me know who wants them and I will PM them - i tried to attach them but not sure that it worked. it is not letting me open.. i guess i dont have enough points.. anyway you would be able to PM them or email me them.. i havent seen those package prices and want to make sure they are the same or if they went lower bc I am supposed to be confirming all my prices for my wedding next month... thanks my email is [email protected] if you want to email it.. Thanks
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by endlesslove Sorry, it was sold I sent you the payment on Saturday and you said you would ship out on Thursday.. Just wanted to make sure we were still on the same page.. hopefully you just didnt realize it was me who purchase it! )
  12. yea dont get me wrong I am super appreciative that they are coming i totally get that they are spending alot of their hard earned money to spend.. im not annoyed at all they are coming just stressed about finding everything to put in the bags..
  13. i would def recommend that.. i have 1 each of everything extra.. i figured just in case but i didnt think we would have 3 people extra...
  14. I am looking for a TTD but would def need some alterations.. im not sure if i can afford the dress at that cost plus all the alterations.. if your looking to come down in price at all def let me know.. but i completely understand if you dont want to bc it is a beautiful dress!! Good luck either way!
  15. .. So three of my fathers cousins (who responded no) decided a month before the wedding that they would like to come... this would be fine if i didnt specifically wait until after i got all my rsvps so I can start making purchases for the OOT bags.. now i am 1 OOT actual bag short so i am giving my sister (MOH) a completely different bag then everyone else.. i guess ill just say its bc she was the MOH... i went around buying the exact amount of everything i needed for inside the bag and now i need to pray that i can find the same stuff.. i had extra spanish/ english dictionaries and extra suduoko and word activity books that i sold on this site bc i thought i didnt need them.. so now i need to figure out what I am going to do about that bc the store no longer sells them!!!! Augghhhhhh i was hoping i could have some more stress added to my life one month before my freakin wedding!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by mareW9 That would be great! We still haven't heard back and it's been over a week - I don't mind them taking some time to respond as long as it doesn't mean we lose the date! I'm also going to try to call again on Monday. Not having the date / place confirmed is really holding up the rest of the process No Problem.. it's: [email protected] m & her name is Esterlin Josefina Martinez.. hope that helps!
  17. Matt Damon: Good Will Hunting
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Leslaine Do you happen to have a facebook?if so, add this group: Arrecife Melia Caribe, in there you will find several pictures of locations and also info about melia caribe inside photographers. They gave me all the information i needed. I didnt even know that.. ill def do that right now!! Thanks for the tip!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by kloc12 My Wedding coordinator Esterlin just wrote back to me and said as of now she has not heard of new ownership on Melia in Punta cana and my wedding date is all set for Nov 5th 2010, I am reserved and told not to worry!!!! SO that is good.... Christina,....I am def going to call my travel agent from DW about this, b/c if things aren't affecting punta cana, they really shouldnt get us all nervous about this. Great!!! you can stop stressing then!!! Im not all that happy with destinationweddings.com as my TA anyway.. thankfully ill never have to use them again after this )
  20. Hey I was wondering when you say that the dress is has not been clean how dirty is it.. would you be able to take a picture of the actual dress bc I cant really see the pictures that are up...
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