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Everything posted by t&kJanuary2010

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by finzup Hi.. you can have an outside photographer if they are a guest of the hotel! My wedding in 2010 and I have confirmed this twice with my WC, Claudia. Additionally she confirmed that they don't even need to stay at the palace - they can stay at the colonial, tropical, or beach and still participate in all activities of the wedding. Well I tried inquiring just in case with Elizabeth M. and she is unavailable on my date...
  2. Erica, REALLY... I can not thank you enough for taking the time to provide all that information!!!! I have gotten an email from the WC that we can have the ceremony at 3:00pm. My FI wants later but we'll see what she comes back with...4:30pm would work for time I am sure Did you get to meet the priest prior to your wedding? Also did you and your FI have to legally marry in the states before leaving for MX...I was told that by WC also Doesn't look like we will be doing a welcome dinner...FI doesn't want to spend that much...b/c I am add alot of other expenses to the wedding its self...I'm sure we will work something out. Do you know if they will book group reservations at any of the resturants Our party is looking like 43-45 right now. I am going to keep my fingers crossed on my girl friend for hair. I just would feel good knowing she is going to be there so I can put those thoughts at rest once i know she is in. Another girl in my bridal party went to "hair school" but she has never worked with my hair sooo I am not going to go there at this point...but was hoping she would help the other ladies. I am sure she would do a great job on me too I just haven't had personal experience. You know!! Thanks sooooo much again! you rock!! Toni
  3. NYA2010, Why not at 6pm? Is there a mass at that time? I heard back from Gabriela and see gave us a 3:00pm time...but my FI thinks that is much to early. Our orginal time was 5pm but that was for a legal ceremony. What do I do Furture Mrs. D, The number would be great. Thanks! Toni
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by brandynd t&k..you arrive the day before my wedding! Yay! If it will help at all you're more than welcome to creep around and see how ours turns out! Sweet...Thanks! Please keep in touch! Have you decided on your site yet? How many in your party?
  5. Erica, I have so many questions...after seeing your pictures I can truly envision our wedding in a more positive light...thank you for that. I am 4 months away and getting very nervous because I don't get the responses I want at times from the WC. I have the same as yours. Now I can say one thing...I am nervous about the pictures. I wish I was on here before I had to make the decision whether to go with the Barcelo pics because it would have been worth it to have amazing pic such as yours. I wasn't aware of the forum as of then and now apparently it is to late to have an outside photographer. First Question: The chapel...so classey. We wanted to have our wedding in the chapel but was told it can not happen on a saturday and then was told we could...just last week. I sent the WC to see if the priest was available at the same time and date, invites are already out so that can't change. Still waiting to hear back. Then we are trying to fastforward pre-marriage courses with our priest here at home...I hope it can happen...we are meeting with him tomorrow night at 7:30pm..can't you tell we want this. Can you tell me your experience with the catholic ceremony? Was it more expensive? is it near the Palace? Question2: Do you still have the picture you sent to the WC of your bouquet? Love that look and would like to take your advice and have a picture of excatly what I want. Question3: Did you and your FI have to pay alot extra for the beach party? Can you PM me with details and questions I should ask the WC?? Your group looks very similar in the size of our guests...we want to just have a big casual party...before the party! Question 4: Did you get your hair done at the resort? I have a friend that has said she was coming which is a stylist and has worked with my hair before...but she is not booked so I am concerned...plus I want my girls to have their hair done. Sorry for all the questions...please help!!
  6. I hear ya! Your so funny...all National Geographic..LOL.
  7. Jacilynda, I did not see your pics before my post...now your BM dresses with a splash of color are such a great look!
  8. I personally like color...but that is just my opinion.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by Peachy~Girl I love your colors! I love it! that is my date too! so exciting!!!
  10. That is plain nasty. I mean I am not a mom yet but I can tell you...no one wants to see that! Did you like stop mid-sentence?? I mean hello...it is the mall not your home or families home. If I were at a friends house our something I think it would even be most polite to ask...is it okay if I breastfeed the baby now? So weird!
  11. Awh!! I am hoping for an English bull dog for my wedding present...but for some reason I don't think he is going to get it for me. Makes me sad!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by caligirl1282 Lil Reeves, Yes I think the holidays will definitely have an impact as I was planning to send formal invites out by mid January for a March 1st deadline (I have to release rooms at the hotel by this date). So people might be figuring out how much they spent at the holidays. I dont have a big family but my fiance has invited like his entire family (cousins all over the place, Minnesota, Oklahoma). I would be incredibly happy to stay in my budget for 100 and under would be icing on the cake! It is a tuff call to make when the best time is to send them...but I say go for it in mid January even though they just had holidays. They will still have time to ponder it. I was really concerned because we sent ours out first wk in AUG and they have to respond by mid SEPT before I release rooms. Many that have booked their air have yet to make a deposit on resort. I am currently trying to think of away to remind them these rooms have to be released...we did share that info on our invitation travel insert!! The good thing about sending our now was that some of my aunts and uncles are bringing their families as christmas gifts...I am soooo siked! Best of luck!!
  13. When do you give out the oot bags? Is it best to leave them at the desk when guests check in? Welcome party? What worked best for you ladies??
  14. Okay I am hoping someone can help... Many months ago when my FI and I started this process we were kind of bummed that we would have to give up a catholic ceremony because we were told Barcelo only does catholic ceremonies in the chapel and the priest is not available on Saturdays. So we moved on and never began pre-marriage classes with in the church because we were just having a legal wedding instead. I am not a confirmed catholic my FI is, I decided to began RCIA anyway so that I understood the church better and would be able to teach our children...one day! Anyway so I started asking questions again since I have more of a contact with my WC at Barcelo before it was my Travel Agent asking the questions. Any way...now that I have babbled...does anyone know the rules? Is there weddings in the chapel on Saturdays? Is the chapel pretty?? PLEASE HELP!
  15. I am struggling with the same choice...my fav dress is more glamorous such as this dress (which is stunning by the way) and then I have a dress that fits the more casual feeling...that everyone else see the DW as! I see it as....this is my wedding and I want to feel like a million bucks. If that dress makes you feel that way....then it should be yours!! Best of luck
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by inspiredfyre seersucker is the best travel fabric, it does not wrinkle if i'm not mistaken? I think that's a great idea, and is sooooo different than the khaki tan suits we all adore! Or, try doing the regular khaki suit in a nice linen fabric, which is similar, and has a great texture! Me and my fi found a great suit at Banana Republic a while back. Unfortunatley, this isn't the best season to find suits, we've tried, and it's a little difficult. however, plenty of great sites on here, like studio suits for $99, all custom made! Lots of brides post about that. Well, best of luck deciding! Thanks Sharon...I will have to check that site out! Have a great weekend!
  17. I don't think she even deserves a text like that...she will see her self. I had two so called friends like that...and guess what?? They didn't make the wedding cut. So now they can hear all about the wonderful time we are going to have...read all about it on facebook..LOL. Hang in there girl!
  18. Okay...we are going this weekend to look again for a suit for my FI for the wedding. Orginally we picked out white and blue seersucker suit for my FI and then seersucker pant with white shirt for the groomsmen. When I showed my mom she didn't seem to thrilled. She said in the pics my FI is going to look like he has a baby blue suit on...don't want that! Does anyone have any suggestions for me?? Please help.
  19. Very nice...the second is my favorite. Any idea what price point? I have 6 BM too and I am trying to keep the cost of the dress below $100. Any ideas Also this weekened we are going to look for suits for my FI...anyone have any ideas there?
  20. Best Wishes to you! I am getting married there in January...going through planning process now. Hit me up if you have any questions at all. I will be happy to share my experiences!
  21. Okay Karenk77...my gosh so sorry you have had to deal with all this nonsense. I also feel like we have the same friends...LOL. It is a damn shame you even have to go through all of this and as for the girl that you have gone out of your way to help...she needs to appreciate you as a friend. Like you said if it is financals that can not allow them to come that is completely understandable...but still being short with you about is not the way to inform you. As far as the other girl....DON'T INVITE HER...next thing you know she will have your wedding pics posted on her facebook without your approval...who posts something like that on your wall...DUH that is what they made private messages for!!!!
  22. Welcome Laura! I am pretty new on here as well. Just joined last month and my wedding is Jan 16th, 2010. You will find lots of great information. Good Luck!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by gbyrd @t&k, I actually got the dresses in Delaware, at this shop in Wilmington on Philadelphia Pike, I think it was called Irinis' Originals or something like that. Yes that is near me...but I didn't find anything. They are really nice there though. Maybe I will go back again.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by barcelobride10 Hi there! My name is Heather and I will be getting married May 2010 at the Barcelo Maya Resorts. I looking forward to discussing wedding with all the fellow brides Heather, Have you selected you date? Or which Barcelo Resort? We are getting married on Jan 16, 2010. I just joined this forum but it has been very helpful already.
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