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Everything posted by t&kJanuary2010

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by BethBride1 Hi girls! I have been MIA for September, it's the busiest month for us teachers! Anyway, I am sorry, I still have pictures of all the reception & cocktail options from our site visit in August that I specifically took for all you girls. I guess I have to put them on shutterfly or something like that & just post the link. I've been catching up reading the last few pages that I've missed & it seems a lot of you are starting to get really upset. I know it's hard, but having been down there & seeing what the WC does, just try to relax and cut them some slack. You have to remember that when it is your day, they will be focused on YOU, and not the 3,000 emails of the same question that they get a day. I know it's hard bc we are trying to plan & need the correct info...believe me, I get that...it's frustrating!! ....but at the same time, try to understand their side of it too. I really don't think (from my experience) they are trying to nickel & dime. Some of their policies are annoying (photog & DJ)- but most of the resorts do this. Yes, the Barcelo's price is a little higher than other resorts, but in all fairness we knew that going in. The resort is absolutely stunning...and sometimes in life, you get what you pay for....hopefully, we will all be getting beautiful weddings filled with moments that will stay with us and our guests. YES...Thanks for the reassuring words! I know I have been negitive nellie...but I have not had good response and my wedding date is coming. I just want to be prepared with what I need to bring...etc.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by laura4ever I sent the WC 2 pics of cakes that I liked...a wedding cake and a grooms cake and she said that the chef would be able to do both and got me prices right away So thought I would share in case any of you wanted to do something special How detailed were the pictures of your cake? Can you show us? I want to be sure I am super clear. I am going to do something simple just so it doesn't look a hot mess...especailly after some of the dw cakes I have seen on the site
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Chicken764 I'm just back from my lunch break and I found the greatest deal ever. I went to La Vie En Rose (only in Canada) and they had the nicest,bigest beach bags (white, brown and aqua) for 2 for 5.99$. I almost bought the entire stock. They would be perfect for OOT bags for my guests. These beach bags are huge. I'm so happy with my find. That is an awesome find. Do they have a website?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Karla~ UPDATE: Brandynd will not be having a DW anymore so I have removed her from the list. Karla's Blue Starfish Passing List - Wedding Date in () 1. Flasong - Jamaica Oct 23-30, 2009 2. Maggie (lolasmama) - Dreams Tulum Nov 13-24, 2009 (Nov 17) 3. Karla - Negril, JA Dec 28-Jan 9, 2010 (Dec 31) 4. Toni (T&KJanuary2010) - Barcelo Maya Palace, Jan 16, 2010 5. Kelly (Bakersgirl) - Whitehouse, JA April 30-May 9, 2010 (May 2) 6. brezzie - St. Lucia Aug 4-Aug 14, 2010 (Aug 4) Anyone else, let me know! I leave home to head to MX on January 11th...do you think I will recieve the starfish by then? Seems a little close?
  5. Ladies...I should have been on this during the summer months! We had so many other weddings this past summer I wasn't on point. Well now I am kicking myself. We are looking for OOT bags...I like totes, my FI is not a fan as much because we have several single guys and thinks it will be a waste. Can anyone direct me to some great websites with bags under $5.00 and that don't have a HIGH min. order?? MUCH THANKS!!!!
  6. I love all the items you selected! It all looks great!!! What is "Jewel" where you purchased the Super Energy Booster?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Boudou33 First I was thinking abot getting married in Dominican Republic and I asked a lot of information at a lot of resort and the average price for additionnal person was 45$ and not including the open bar that was around 18$. So you are close to your 66$. And ladies don't worry about the food at the Barcelo. I stayed at the Barcelo Maya Colonial 2 years ago and the food was amazing. This is pretty much why we decided on the Barcelo Palace for our wedding. We traveled a lot around the world and we did all the islands in the carribeen and this resort had the bast food. So great to hear the food is so great!!
  8. All of you ladies are making very valid points!!! Can you email my FI with all this information...LOL! He seems to get frustrated with everything I add to the list...saying thats not included, you better ask about this or that?? You know I was frustrated about all the extra costs too, but then I started to compare to the budget we had put together here at home. I mean we are paying $66 per person for 50-60 people not 225 like it was at home. Yes there are additional costs, like cocktail, etc. but there are ways to work it in without alot of cost. Also these people are going to be celebrating your love for one another for MANY days...not just 5 hours like it would have been at home. We never thought we would have had as many guests, but we are so blessed we are and we are going to have to dig in those pockets for it...but to me worth each pennie!
  9. Yeah the mic would be awesome. I have a noisey group!! LOL. Def going to need to talk over a few.LOL.
  10. I am wondering if buying there in Playa del Carmen is cheaper in the end. I am going to have to pay for an extra bag at $35-50 per bag to haul all this stuff on the airplane. Maybe if I brought the ribbon and pre-made tags for "shake for a kiss" my BM can help me attach when we get to MX.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by sfrench0621 I'm pretty sure to do either the open air restaurants or beach reception you must go with Strawberry Passion package. FYI...I have been told the same!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by harv0136 Does anyone know what days of the week the french restuarant is available? What about the other ala cartes, can they be used for weddings too? Thanks! Not sure about the days...I was just told your party has to be under 30 for the ala carte restuarants. We are going back and forth about this now with my WC.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by vlynnw I'm also debating with this as well. I at first thought I would like the mint breeze because it includes 20 people plus it's more cost efficient, as I really don't need a lot that's included. Then I asked about having my reception in the French restaurant after seeing Erin's great pics! Xhail said I could do that but would have to upgrade to strawberry passion which I was considering because my dream was to not have a banquet room. Currently I think I'm going to stick with Strawberry Passion but if something comes up and I need to cut costs I'll return to the mint breeze package. I can't say I'm much help as I'm having a lot of trouble with this decision myself! Xhail said you can do the French rest?? How many people are you expecting? We have 50 and we were told no to the French rest...even though we were willing to pay extra. Planning to do the open-air restaurant with the Strawberry Passion. FYI...I hear it is warm in May even in the outside restaurant. Keep that in mind...maybe others can offer their experience. Good Luck!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by babiexoxo im habing 50 guets sso that can get expensive...im doing it per souple, and i think honestly the woman usually carry the beach bag around anyways...for the single men alone i am giving a drawstring book bag (if u know what i mean).....immediate family will get nicer expensive real beach bags Have you gotten your bags yet? I can't find a nice bag for a reasonable price. We also have 50 guests. I love the drawstring book bag idea, where do you buy them??
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by candicemarie Thanks ladies! I just went and got some of those shower puffs. 2 for $1! Great idea! They only had 6 bottles of the aloe gel left so I'm gonna wait till I find more to buy that bc I need 14 bottles, and I want them all to be the same brand. They, also, had 2-2oz bottles of hand sanitizer for $1. I love Dollar Tree! We found our aloe's at "Christmas Tree Shops" it is like the dollar store.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by candicemarie Thanks ladies! I just went and got some of those shower puffs. 2 for $1! Great idea! They only had 6 bottles of the aloe gel left so I'm gonna wait till I find more to buy that bc I need 14 bottles, and I want them all to be the same brand. They, also, had 2-2oz bottles of hand sanitizer for $1. I love Dollar Tree! We found our aloe's at "Christmas Tree Shops" it is like the dollar store.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by candicemarie Thanks ladies! I just went and got some of those shower puffs. 2 for $1! Great idea! They only had 6 bottles of the aloe gel left so I'm gonna wait till I find more to buy that bc I need 14 bottles, and I want them all to be the same brand. They, also, had 2-2oz bottles of hand sanitizer for $1. I love Dollar Tree! We found our aloe's at "Christmas Tree Shops" it is like the dollar store.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by brandynd So, I made a trip to th dollar tree (everything for $1 store)and got some great finds! Aloe after sun gels, hand sanitizers, oh sh*t kits, and mini packs of advil, tylenol,and pepto...all in name brand! If you ladies have a dollar tree in your area, I strongly suggest checking it out! What did you use for oh*hit kits? We are not sure what to include. Have you found bags yet? or what are you planning to use?
  19. Welcome!! It is coming up very soon! Good Luck!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by diamondpooch Ladies: So, does anyone know anything about or have used the DJ you can get through the resort If you don't use that DJ, and you use a different one, they charge you a $50 per hour fee for electricity! Seems steep, but if the resident DJ stinks, I'm gonna spring for DJMannia. Also, anyone used the floral arrangments the hotel provides? Claudia sent me a PDF of images of some examples, but I'm not crazy about the style of the centerpeices. Anyone know if they are flexible if I sent her a pic of what I want, can she make it? Also, if anyone was wondering, Claudia told me that for the rehearsal dinner she can't accept reservations of more than 30 people. She will get a guest list three weeks before the wedding and will make the reservation for us. Also, I got with my travel agent today and they are working their magic on a deal and also on bulk air. I will let you know what they come back with. MObride.....if we end up with bulk air and most of your guest list is leaving from STL, that could work out for you, so let me know if you wanna jump on the plane. I too am concerned with the arrangments the hotel provides. Can you email me the pictures Claudia sent you so that I can compare to the ones she sent me, also I never recieved centerpiece pics can you send them to me too? I was thinking of just going with roses just because it would be hard to mess up, not sure if that would be an extra charge. Also need 5 BM bouquets too. That really stinks they can't have reservations for more then 30 people. We are over 40 now. I really don't know what I am going to do...really stressing about it. My FI does not feel we should spend additional money on a welcome party if that is the case, but I feel all these people came this far...they deserve the best treatment. Thanks a bunch!
  21. Josee, I really hope you are able to voice your thoughts to your dad. I am lucky to know my dad booked today...thank heavens. My heart goes out to you. Yes you are marrying the men of your dreams but that gives dad no excuse to not be truthful. I know my dad is not a HUGE fan of this whole thing but he has been pretty receptive now that he has had time to process it and other family members are attending. Now Pop-pop won't stop! Not happy with the cost, the travel, the parking, anything..but I pray he makes it there and has a FABULOUS time. Good Luck...sorry to turn it around on me...clearly I needed to vent too...LOL. Thanks!
  22. That dress is really pretty...but I was trying to stay below $99 for my TTD. Thanks for the post.
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