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Everything posted by t&kJanuary2010

  1. Karla, Sorry I am just getting back myself...I got the little guy the night before we left at like 5:30pm...I was worried...Sorry! But I can not thank you enough for letting me be a part of this!!! Everyone loved the way it looked and it was special to me. Good luck to all you ladies! I hope to post some pictures once I am settled. Thanks a million! Quote: Originally Posted by ~Karla~ Toni, I am just seeing this post. I hope the starfish got to you in time! I'm sorry, I don't know what the hold up was. My MOH sent him out on Mon Jan 4 b/c I was still in JA. Please let me know if you got him, it should have only taken a few days.
  2. Hi Karla, I have not gotten my little star fish Think he will be here tomorrow? I leave tuesday morning 4:00Am Quote: Originally Posted by ~Karla~ UPDATE: Karla's Blue Starfish Passing List - Wedding Date in () Karla - Negril, JA Dec 28-Jan 8, 2010 (Dec 31) Toni (T&KJanuary2010) - Barcelo Maya Palace, Jan 16, 2010 Martine (Chicken764) - Punta Cana April 7- April 14, 2010 Kelly (Bakersgirl) - Whitehouse, JA April 30-May 9, 2010 (May 2) Staceysbride - Punta Cana June 7-June 21, 2010 (June 10) brezzie - St. Lucia Aug 4-Aug 14, 2010 (Aug 4) Anyone else, let me know!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by t&kJanuary2010 Sabrina, I will let you know what I find out. I emailed the WC but have not heard back yet. Keep you posted!!! I am so excited....almost time to leave!!! Sabrina, They take Visa, Mastercard, and Travelers Checks. Good Luck!!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by pebbles Hey t&kJan2010 Did you find out about this yet? I was wondering the same thing. I would rather bring travelers chqs vs a creditcard or cash. If the travelers chqs get stollen or something then you can cancel them. I guess I will just email Xhail (WC) to find out. Your wedding is so soon!!!!! Cheers! Sabrina Sabrina, I will let you know what I find out. I emailed the WC but have not heard back yet. Keep you posted!!! I am so excited....almost time to leave!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by staceychris17 Hi How much does the DJ cost and how long does he play for? Thanks:) i think we got him for 4 hours, over 900
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by bride2b10 Hi Stacey, We were just there in December and our having both our ceremony and reception on the beach. Bride2b10, Which building did you stay in during your stay in DEC? I have some elderly, I was wondering if I requested to close to the pool would their room be to loud?? When again I don't want them to have to walk as far. Any ideas?
  7. Does anyone have a price list for the SPA? Please let me know where I can find it if anyone has sent it anywhere. Thanks a bunch!
  8. Anyone use Barcelo DJ? We have him booked but downloaded all our own music. My FI just wanted to have someone else run the show.
  9. I have questions for some of you brides that already got married. How did you pay for the wedding? In advance, travelers checks, credit card? I know credit cards charge international fees...just wondering if anyone had ideas on the best suggested method?? Let me know thank you!
  10. Does anyone have suggestions on which side of the resort or rooms are best to try to get at the Palace?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by DDBentley15 Are there no doors for the bathrooms in the palace? Like for the showers? Not that I care but we have lots of friends staying with other friends, etc. I don't want it to be too awkward for anyone. OMG...what a great point! We have tons of that going on in our party too! LOL. Please let me know what you find out!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Sandra&Mario Just wanted to let you all you lovely Barcelo brides know that Claudia has been A LOT more responsive to my emails, questions, etc. Just within the past couple of days she's emailed me 3 times! My wedding is 7 weeks away, so now the finalizing is well on its way. I never bothered her anyways being that I know they have tons of weddings and would begin to contact me much closer to the wedding date. So for everyone stressing out and worried about anything, please don't be. When you're approaching your wedding date, they will take care of any questions or concerns asap. All, My experience has been the same as Sandra with my wedding quickly approaching. Sandra, have you been asked about a seating map? Do you have a temeplate for this?? Can anyone help? Thanks!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by bride2b10 Hi Everyone, I'm going down to Barcelo for a site visit in a couple of weeks. Anything anybody wants me to ask in particular? Anything you would suggest for me to ask for myself? I'm worried there are lots of things I'm overlooking :-) Thanks!!! I would like pictures of the grills. We are trying to do a seating map for our WC but I don't know the room layout.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by BethBride1 Rooms: Picasa Web Albums - Beth.Nihill - Rooms Pools: Picasa Web Albums - Beth.Nihill - Pools This last one is some of our personal pics, so I'm not going to leave it public for too long..... Picasa Web Albums - Beth.Nihill - BARCELO MAYA ... Beth, OMG thank you so much for sharing your pictures!! I have a few questions: 1. what time are the shows at night? 2. Do you have any pictures of any grills?
  15. The amazing race idea is AMAZING! Considering we lovet that sound it would be so fitting for us. Wonder how I could incorporate it?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by maddox96 We are going to down to RM next weekend for my friend's wedding. We have an appointment with Victoria to see the resort and find out about questions we have. Anyone have any good questions that they would like answered. I would like to know how much it is to get roses for my bouquet and my bridesmaids. I am suppose to get my bouquet free with my package but I didn't know if they charge more for roses. Thanks for the help.
  17. per person/per hour. I am trying to negotiate an additional hr for free since we are bringing so many people. My DJ is 4 hours but my reception is only 3. Great idea! I am going to try this as well. We don't need anything more then alcohol and it will already be set up.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by DDBentley15 Hi Everyone! I'm getting married in January at the Palace. This forum has been great so far, thanks ladies! Welcome!! I am a January bride as well. Look through this thread page by page, you will get some much wonderful information.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by bride2b10 Most pictures of the Palmeras Grill have rectangular tables. Does anybody know if they can do round tables instead? great question I am wondering the same?? Please let me know what you find out. Thanks!!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by moepeedy Thank you so much! Having a destination wedding was the best decision I ever made. Love your dress...you looked great! I already have my dress but where did you get your necklace?
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by eblum999 The dress from the White Party is from Nordstroms.. here is the link JS Boutique Embellished Jersey Knit Gown - Wedding Dresses - Nordstrom Thank you for all your kind words I wonder if they still have this party dress! I love both of your dresses! Would you be willing to sell the welcome party dress?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by BethBride1 Hi girls! I have been MIA for September, it's the busiest month for us teachers! Anyway, I am sorry, I still have pictures of all the reception & cocktail options from our site visit in August that I specifically took for all you girls. I guess I have to put them on shutterfly or something like that & just post the link. I've been catching up reading the last few pages that I've missed & it seems a lot of you are starting to get really upset. I know it's hard, but having been down there & seeing what the WC does, just try to relax and cut them some slack. You have to remember that when it is your day, they will be focused on YOU, and not the 3,000 emails of the same question that they get a day. I know it's hard bc we are trying to plan & need the correct info...believe me, I get that...it's frustrating!! ....but at the same time, try to understand their side of it too. I really don't think (from my experience) they are trying to nickel & dime. Some of their policies are annoying (photog & DJ)- but most of the resorts do this. Yes, the Barcelo's price is a little higher than other resorts, but in all fairness we knew that going in. The resort is absolutely stunning...and sometimes in life, you get what you pay for....hopefully, we will all be getting beautiful weddings filled with moments that will stay with us and our guests. Have you happened to posted a link and I missed it?? I paged through lots of this thread and didn't see it...anxious to see the pics
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by eblum999 Hey Future Brides! I just got married at the Palace on July 18th! I could not have asked for a nicer wedding!!! They do such a nice job and do anything to make you happy. As far as the 3 hour reception. Yes it is true. That is all that is included in the price of the wedding package. If you would like to extend it... which I did... it is an additional $9/10 USD per hour. I got married at the Colonial Chapel at 4:30... Had cocktail hour at 6:30pm till 8pm and then the reception started at 8pm and went till midnight. If you have any questions just ask! -Erica Ercia, I would like some help with my timeline....would you be willing to help? My ceremony is in the chapel at 4pm. How long should we leave for pictures of us and our group?? My FI doesn't want people to have to wait around to long but I don't want to rush through the day. Was your cocktail food and drinks? Did people mind eating dinner that late...what time was dinner served? Please help if you can!!! Thanks so much!!
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