wow, i have a lot of catching up to do.... just read 4 pages and im soo behind...
Amy(kitten), Im sorry for your loss, even a 10year mark is hard, especailly when planning your big day. huggs
Amyb, love your new logo lol! how funnnn!!!
KATIEEEEEEE- I cant believe your friend did that to you. that totally sucks and I so agree with nicole, wedding bring out the craziness in ppl. Im sorry that happen and i hope you two are able to patch things up. I truely belive that everything happens for a reason. Meaning , maybe this is a blessing is diguise. Maybe this is opening a door for you both to face some underlieing problem, fix them up and make your friendship stronger and better than ever and in the end, things will not just be ok, they may be better than ever either way, ill be praying for a happy ending for you whatever it may be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lindz- change resort? hmmmm.... I had a hard time choosing a resort that was affordable to my guest. It was important to us to have our closest friends and family there. And we knew because some of our friends are having hard times with money, that anything more would not make the trip affordable for them and we wanted them there bad enough we found somthing in the middle. But, no matter what, i feel like when planning a wedding, we cant please everyone. and no matter what we do or where we get married, even if it were at home at a local church, someone will have somthing to say about somthing.. We cant make EVERYONE happy and youve got to follow your heart.(*how chessy lol) and think about what your priorities are. We are approx 60days away from our day, and stillllll have ppl saying they are coming,but have not booked their trip and i heard a comment last week, my friends mother is joing us and she said " you just had to pick the most expensive resort didnt you" and was laughing... I thought that was so inappropriate of her to say to me. ESPecailly because AS is NOT the most expensive. ANd my dad makes a point to remind me about how alot of our family& friends have lost jobs and are hurting and dont have the money to book a mexico trip right before Christmas. THANKS DAD
So I understand..... and we too had a hard time but feel like we really did take our guest into concideration.... Do you plan on having a big wedding??
OH and BTW i wanna be facebook buddys with you girls!!! Add me! amy morales, detroit michigan!
OH and BTW again, we have lots of snowwww here, and I cant wait for sunny hot MEXICO