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Everything posted by Afrommert

  1. girls, thought id share, Got confirmation email from Tiffany today finally ... guest coming to wedding booked with a PRIVATE event are free. AMY, omg, how fun, you must postm on facebook then!!! come on share share, dont tease us hahahaha!!!
  2. my to doooo's 1. GET SHOES ALREADY 2. figure out jewlrey prob just a necklace 3. pick something blue? maybe garter or panties? 4. 1st dress fitting tmw, yay!!! getting the tuelle dyed hot pink! 5. go shopping for mexico clothes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6. finish oot bag goodies
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by lolo Lolo’s to do’s: 1) Final fitting of my TTD dress on Tues 12 -we'll see.... 2) Get wedding dress alterations started - On Jan 12 3) Bouquets and corsages for the ladies DONE 4) Get travel mugs for our guests from Starbucks DONE 5)Take pics to use on mugs-this will take ahwile 6) Upload pic of rings DONE 7) Started part 2 of insanity Going to hit home outfitters to finish registry DONE 9) get marriage license 10)book JP for legal ceremony before we go- meeting one tonight Does anyone know the going rate for a JP? i was quoted $350 by two of them Kinda pricey?? lolo, what is JP?? also, we were wondering if you still had the email from Tiffany about guest not staying at the resort being free?? thanks
  4. woaaaaaaawhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo go amy in your birthday suit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. thanks nicole!!! and i loooove your pics, the seaweed actually looks great in your ttd lol! guess its good for somthin, pic props hahahaha!
  6. Does anyone have the spa menu with prices? Also, Does anyone know if there is yoga everyday?
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B Amy, I looked at all the Michael's around here and must have missed the luggage tags that were on clearance. I really appreciate you looking for me in Detroit. You are awesome!! Andrea, not sure if your still interested, but michaels have luggage tags again, the are new ones. And they are $2 each, let me know!
  8. Hey girls does anyone know if theres an atm at AS? Also, does any former bride have any recommendation for a place for guest to hang out for an hour between ceremony and reception? I want to atlease designate a meeting spot?>>>
  9. Amy! Goodluck tmrw, have a great time, enjoy yourself!!! Your gonna look fab!
  10. Amy B--- Is this your dress? Photo - Dino Gomez Photography, Destination Weddings, Wedding Photographers
  11. FYI, i was told, to get those group 20% discounts you have to be booked in blocks for your whole group, which is not always the best rate. I was told i dont get 20% off my private reception because I was not booked in a group rate through my travel agent.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by schmittphoto Hello Brides, We just wanted to announce that we have the pleasure of photographing several upcoming weddings this year at the Azul Sensatori. We are offering an unbelievable promotion during the days that we will already be down there. No travel fees and a free trash the dress session ( or day after portrait session) So if your wedding is around these dates, please send us an email and we'll take great care of you! Here are the dates: April 16-21 2010 May 5-10 2010 May 27-31 2010 We'd like to extend a huge thanks to Amy (kittenheart) for continuing to promote us and we are really looking forward to photographing her wedding! oh mannnn, ARE YOU SURRRRRRRRE your not gonna be there FEB 13-14th Come onnnn lol, its valentines weekend lol! Great referrel Amy, Thank you!
  13. Amy B, Okay, I think you should take pics of yourself in both dresses and see how you feel and how you think you look!!! I personally love the detail in the new dress, I think thats so modern, chic and funnnn! But you do look so happy and absolutly gorgous in your old gown as well@
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Katie_2010 god i totally admire you Amy. I can't even manage to cut chocolate and sweets out my diet really, let alone eat healthy, exercise like you were in the army and have all those treatments done! i majorly suck im with you Katie!!! Chocolate alllll day and a carmel machetto from starbucks ALMOST everyday lol!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B I am getting married legally in Mexico and then having our marriage blessed in the Catholic Church when we get back. We still went through all of the marriage prep classes as the church requires. Our priest told us as long as we had a Catholic ceremony we would be married in the eyes of the church. He will not marry us in the church without confirming we are married legally. Have you considered just getting married legally in Mexico and then having the blessing when you get back? Andrea, Is there a difference in ceremonys? I thought it was just legal/ civil or symbolic??
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsVaughn2B I filled one out. If you need a copy let me know and I will email it to you. Thanks girl, did you get it off line?, I just happen to run into it last night when surfn the as site, was just trying to figure out why I wasnt told i needed that? Ive never heard of it before. I guess ill fill it out and take it with me?? Is that what you do? Also, do we need anything else??
  17. Amy, Im glad your healing up well! Your gonna do so great at your fun photo session!!!! your such a hottie, and your husband to be is gonna love your gift for him and im sure he will appriciate all your efforts! gessssssh, the things us woman go through for beauty!!!
  18. ya, the communication is poor, but maybe its a matter of year you askd(*price changes) lol and with or without private reception.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Do you mind me asking where they are staying? I was wondering what the other options were around there. hey girl! Well my friend, a family of 3, is a flight attentend and has a discount- hook up in cancun, so shes staying somwhere there, I think just a holiday inn type place, and then we have family of 6 staying in a beach house an hour south of cancun, im just not sure where......
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