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Everything posted by Afrommert

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ Afrommert - to answer your question about the review, yes that's next! And hopefully it will be more helpful than my planning thread hahaha! cant wait!!! im so interested
  2. my dress does not even deliverd until jan 20th, talk about stress....
  3. Thanks for doing this Holly. Just wondering if you put a deadline on ppl paying ? I think I told you before, but I leave for my wedding in approx 70days and just wanna make sure they will be here.... if someone doesnt pay for a week and they arent ordered, and pashmines take 4-8weeks for delivery(*not sure just guessing)? That will be cutting close...?
  4. Thanks Andrea, Im excited and I just went out and bought a new dress!!! Im already worried about where im gonna put new stuff, but ill be so happy I cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Tammy, I just looked up your website, you do great photography!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Dianna Welcome to the forum. Where in Mexico will you be having your wedding? Hi Dianna, Im getting married at azul sensatori, riveria maya
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by SuperKate Congrats and welcome to the forum! I'm not from Detroit but I am getting married in Mexico! thanks super kate
  8. tammy, where bouts in Michigan are you from?
  9. hahahahahaha you got it katie!!!!!!1 not to much longer lol
  10. Your dress looked perfect on you nicole, i think you picked a fab dress, i love maggie myself oh and stacey, that pic of you on the rocks is an amazing pic. love it.
  11. Nicole, your too cute. Thank you for sharing your wedding planning!!! I love your sand ceremony set! Im searching for one now!!! Review to follow??......
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by daniepps You can't get the Free Wedding Package at AS. The cheapest is the Pearl Package. I think if you're planning on having more than 40 people come it would probably be more cost efficient to get the Pearl Package and then build up from there. yeah, thats the best way. I got the pearl package. But trust they will get money from you one way or another.... I have 30 ppl coming and were having a private reception, but no because we want to because were being forced to.
  13. amy b and kitten, what did you girls end up finding out about the donkey situation?
  14. bridal shower in 3 days!! yeay! im so excited, and stressed at the same time. I need to go shopping, that always helps reduce my stress lol
  15. There is MAC in playa de carmen and there is a girl at the mac in cancun that traveles to resorts. if you resort allows it. Karisma resorts do not. booo
  16. i asked him about the promo and hes not offering it anymore. AND now azul sesensatori is not allowing him to dj there, im so mad. ive heard nothing but great things about him!
  17. just got my response from TIFFANY, appearently the chairs for the ceremony are not from lomas lol. so only go by the prices she quotes ... alrighty then.
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