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Everything posted by amqueens

  1. Congrats and Happy Planning!!!
  2. Congrats and Happy Planning!!!
  3. Congrats and Happy Planning!!!
  4. Congrats and Happy Planning!!!
  5. Congrats and Happy Planning!!!
  6. Congrats and Happy Planning!!!
  7. amqueens

    Hi :)

    Congrats and Happy Planning!!!
  8. Congrats and Happy Planning!!!
  9. Congrats and Happy Planning!!!
  10. amqueens


    Congrats and Happy Planning!!!
  11. amqueens


    Congrats and Happy Planning!!!
  12. amqueens

    New to BDW

    Congrats and Happy Planning!!!
  13. Congrats and Happy Planning!!!
  14. Congrats and Happy Planning!!!
  15. Congrats and Happy Planning!!!
  16. amqueens


    Congrats and Happy Planning!!!
  17. This is a tough one. I would question him more and he shouldn't have a problem answering you. You have EVERY right to question this. Listen to your gut, if you find that you can't accept his answers, then don't. Deep down if his answers don't make sense then more often then not they don't. You do have to have trust but you do need to be smart also! Good luck!
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