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Everything posted by amqueens

  1. amqueens


    Congrats!!! Happy planning!
  2. I think you are doing plenty. Some people may wanna spend some time doing there own things. Don't worry!
  3. I got mine in the mail.. It came Fed Ex very quickly. Looks beautiful. I love it!! Thanks soo much for the great tip!!
  4. Welcome!! You will love this site!!
  5. Thank u soooo much!!! I totally love this idea and I haven't found anything anywhere! I ordered mine just now! Can't wait to get it. Now just to follow her steps...... LOL Hope that goes smoothly!!! Thanks again!!
  6. They look great. How did you make them? Pls share, I am soooo not creative! Thanks!
  7. Do you know how much it is to rent the disco? Thanks!!
  8. Thank u all!! I can use all the help I can get! Anyone have any tips on the RIU in Ocho Rios? Thanks!
  9. I was thinking of using TWJ as well. I wanted to get a idea on the cost. I have sent an e-mail to obtain a quote, haven't heard anything yet. Anyone have any prices they could share? Thanks!
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