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Everything posted by SusieQ

  1. Welcome enjoy the adventure of planning
  2. Hi Ladies, I need help, I want to add the Time Ticker Thingy to my profile and I don't know how... Please help!!!
  3. Welcome and good luck with the planning
  4. Sending you hugs.... The one person in your life that you never amagine letting you down is Daddy!!!!! Stay strong and put it behind you. One day he will be sick and want you there for him, plan a vacation!!!!!!
  5. Welcome and happy planning... There are tons of very creative ideas on this site to help you budget your wedding or even blow the bank. You'll get lots of help!!!
  6. Yeah... That is a sticky situation, I agree with just cmoing right out and asking if the person you asked is able to make it giving the stress they have in their lives right now. It maybe that they can not afford it now or really should be going to get away from things. Put it out there that you have to know for sure or move on and their still more than welcome to come. I am not having an MC, we're winging it, not a big group we're thinking 25 at the most, we have 16 booked.
  7. Welcome aboard!!!! Congrats and have tons of fun planning
  8. THE BITTERSWEET TRUTH HAS BEEN TOLD!!! Sorry that is shouting... I am a small business owner that relies on word-of-mouth to promote my business, this lack of ownership and responsiblity for the problem blows my mind. I can not believe she allowed brides to leave for their wedding without their flowers. Seriously I would have stayed up all night to pull this off and have the flowers at her door.
  9. SusieQ

    DR Newbie

    Welcome, Congrats and happy planning
  10. SusieQ


    Welcome, I am getting married feb2/10 in mexcio... great time of year to get married.
  11. sorry hun that really sucks!!!! I am wondering how close you are to your dad, I have an adult son 20 and his dad and I have been apart for quiet sometime and I know with out a doubt if his dad or I have a sore elbow or cold he knows about and is informed daily about the progress of our healing... we're really tight. We never allowed our divorce to take away from the relationship each of us have with our son. I am asking that question because what the hell was he thinking that he could tell such a lie and get away with it... Dear God your his daugther... If he couldn't make it for what ever reason be bloody honest 'she's your girl'.............. Sorry I am not liking your dad right now,
  12. Oh so sad... dirty dancing i watched at least 50 times... I have the DVD here somewhere I have to get it out and watch it... i found it in a Walmart movie sale a few years ago and had to biy it because it was a tread from my teenage years... Damn sorry loved him.................Sucks
  13. I am doing paperlanterns for the tables, their white and i have a friend that is painting aqua blue daisies on them... I am lighting the with LeD tealites
  14. WELCOME!!!! I am headed for the Tulum in just over four months.. i am getting married on the 2 of Feb. I have been to the Tulum before and i just loved the resort. I can keep you inform as to how things flow for me.
  15. My Ex husband was obessed with my weight... it was ok for him to have extra weight on however I had to look good for him. He forced me on a scale ever week and yelled at me about my weight. I became very ashamed of myself and felt very weak. When I left him I did gain weight and have kept it on for a number of years... My FI met me at my heaviest and asked me to marry him at 200lbs... I have lost since then however I am still a big girl... My Fi never once ask me what i weight or my size. We live together and he buys things for me to wear and it fits. I am sure he looks at the tags and figures out the size and where i like to shop. I would like to be thinner however it isn't an issue for me
  16. I was at a friend's daughters wedding a few years ago the grooms parents were divorced for a number of years, however there was some unresolved anger issues there. During the speeches the dad of the groom gets up to speak..(few drinks into him) he went on to say how much he loved his only son and how pround he was. Then on to his new daughter inlaw and how brides how always look so beautiful on their wedding day and he was so confused how the world ended up with so many F*cking ugly ex wives. Well you could of heard a pin drop in a hall of 200 people. He continues on to put his glass up for a toast and says " I hope she not like your mother and leaves you with at least the shirt on your back and pants on your ass. At this point someone is taking him away.......after the shock wore off and I was heading home I laughed so hard I thought i would put the car off the road.
  17. Welcome and happy planning
  18. Same here getting married here privately only two people know and then having the wedding in Mexico... Apparently according to our WC they person marrying you in Mexico will have you sign a certificate of marraige... No one needs to know.
  19. SusieQ


    Congrats... welcome and enjoy the journey...
  20. SusieQ

    Hello :)

    Congrats and happy planning... you have come to the right place for ideas... Good luck
  21. SusieQ


    Congrats... happy planning I am sure you'll find all the info you need on this site... Good luck
  22. WELCOME!!!!!! Let the fun begin... you'll enjoy this site tons off support and very creative talents... Minus the "pole dancer" you have to look up that blog when you need a good laugh to destress.
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