I Like Ginalyn's idea!!!! I am doing simular, we're not having a wedding party. FI and I are walking down the aisle together and will stop before entering the Gazebo to pick up our children. We have one each, my son and his daughter, my son is one witiness because he is old enough, FI's daugther isn't. FI's mother will bring the ring to us and stand with the kids when it's time for the rings, she is FI's witness. I have several gfriends and FI's neice assigned duties to include them.
We're doing the "whiteboard guestbook" (thread on BDW) and one gfriend will take pics and make sure all guests are included.
Another gfriend is doing a reading
FI's neice will drop rose petals when the music begins (something she begged me to do because she thinks its romantic, i could care less)
My BIL to be will be in charge of the ipod and music. No one is being noted on the program it is so informal and we figured everyone know each other. Sue 2cents over morning coffee... Good luck in your planning, don't sweat the small details girl.