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Everything posted by SusieQ

  1. Would love some right now - popcorn
  2. wonderful things you have for your special day... great work
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by michellek03/10 here is mine Venus Bridals Very pretty dress... congrats big check mark on that task
  4. Word of caution... The sand down south can get extremely hot to the feet
  5. Morning Shells... Yeah last night was great... we had dinner at a Chinese Buffet and the went to a Jazz bar... It was so much fun... The xmas dinner was actually a shwer for FI and I as well... We didn't know that going, they gave us this amazing gift of a two night stay in Niagara falls and spa package... we'll use it later in the spring when we need to escape. It was really sweet of them... I am not sure if I ever told you the story of Mark and I? I worked with youth at risk for years and I helped kids find jobs in the trades... One of the companies I worked with to place these kids in employment was a treecare company... Most kids with attention and learning disabilities do very well working outside and climbing trees. This company is very family oriented and I got to know the owners very well over the years and they set Mark and I one day to meet. Mark is their manager... He runs the business for them because they are semi retired... Mark has worked for them since he was 19 and as gone from a tree climber to their manager. At the party last night I was touched that they celebrated our upcoming wedding with the staff xmas party... There was about 40 people there and 11 of the staff I helped them find that job and they have grown so much over the years. This one kid was such a shit and was on such a bad path about 9 years when we met and he was trying to find a job that would keep him out of jail... I remember his mom and dad asking me to help them because he had court in a few weeks and the judge told him the last court appearence if he didn't have a job the next time he came to court he was going to jail. rambling here lol..... This kid is married now with two little girls... It was a very emotional night for me... So yeah it was a great night
  6. WOW!!! everything was amazing and I am so glad you healed in time for your wedding.. you looked amazing
  7. I totally agree with the buying knock off dresses, I just can not justify spending the huge ticket price for an designer gown. I actually had a seamstress make my dress from pictures of two other dresses. i love it and it fits amazing
  8. Totally amazing,,, i love everything...thank you for sharing I am getting so excited
  9. Hi babes I stuck a note for you in the feb thread..... Go to your local hardware store and buy a little electrical device that send outs a signal through your house that keeps the little critters away.. It cost about $24 dollars and it really works.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by kristaheer Raykel - is it your first fitting? They asked me to book my fitting, but is it early? Sorry Shells guess I didn't explain it properly. And no holes for traps and cheese, our basement is totally finished. Kristaheer.... You can go to your local hardware store and buy this little device that you plug into the electrical outlet that sends out some kind signal that keeps the little critters away.. their cheap like $24 and they work like a charm. I am so excited for you gals getting your dresses... that just means you are getting so close to your big day... yippeeeeeee Timberly have fun next weekend... We'll chat before you leave...
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by krista.baird Okay ladies, I was gone for one night, and I feel like I missed a month's worth! It's amazing to see how supportive you are of each other! I love it! Lisa - that's very cute idea for the bracelets! I think they'll love it! I hope everyone has a great weekend! I've been racking my brain trying to figure out how we can devise one of those machines....mmm....if only I had a degree in physics... Ok... Bright ideas... if you gals can find the slim machine... Sue has on her xmas list.. An ass lifter, wrinkle steamer.. OH i would also like my fat legs stretched... I have been a good girl all year so knock yourselves out my little elves...
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by krista.baird Is there more complications if your name has been changed before? I have a similar situation - born out of wedlock had my mom's maiden name until I was adopted by my stepdad and took his last name. I have the original paperwork to show my name change, and all my current documents - passport, birth certificate, etc, have my stepdad's (new last name) on them, but your comment worries me. Will I have problems in Mexico because of this? i am not sure how much of that paperwork has to be changed into spanish... I just could b bothered
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by lisa_k Yes, it's pretty easy. I thought the jeweler would think I was weird by asking for pesos to be put on the bracelet but he said they actually have frames that go around the peso and attach to the bracelet...so seems easy enough! Sorry, work has been super busy so I haven't had alot of time to be on the site. I can't keep up! I hope everyone's wedding planning is going smoothly!! I seriously can't believe our wedding dates are coming up. It'll be here before we know it! Once the xmas holidays are done we're all coasting into the day
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by shellk futuremsmoulton,im a smoker but i understand where your coming from.the overtime i put in more than makes up for my 2 2min breaks.sounded funny.the bracelet that lisa suggested is a really good idea.really simple but more personal than anything else i can think of. susie,bloody hell damn good reason i thought my family was complicated but i kept same name lol.but me mum and sis all have different names.im dreading blood test i have blood took every month or so for my thyroid problem and i dont part easily i will be in there for hours.and fi normally passes out they lie him down at the doc,s now lol. Your FI are very much alike... I have passed out a couple times...I am pm you something...
  15. Ok I certianly have the xmas blah... I have tried wrapping gifts today ... totally not interested and now i trying to do cards... Nope no interest... make xmas go away
  16. welcome and happy planning
  17. SusieQ


    Welcome and congrats... happy planning
  18. SusieQ

    Newbie here

    welcome and congrats... Have fun with the planning, you'll find tons of great advice and ideas on this site
  19. Oh My OH My.... first what a tiny baby, and way to early... I hope she is ok.. secondly I must have my head in a cloud because I have never heard of this show or the family.. Yikes that is a lot of children
  20. Very cute little baby.... I have two dogs The Babe and Sweetpea... I love them like kids... Dogs are the best.. true companions
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Raykel Hellooo (*knock knock* sounds) I am here in the monitor...anyone out there? Ok Raykel that was 3 am in the morning, I went back to bed and lucky sue slept until 8.30 this morning....
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Prettyhazardous I did so much thru Visteprints. They were great... That picture is breath taking... opps i thought the picture would be in the quote... It was the picture of Prettyhazardous beach wedding.... It is just stunning.
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