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Everything posted by futuremrssoisson

  1. My fiance's stepsons are the "Best Men" and I wanted all of them to have the same pants, so I sewed all of them linen pants. They'll be wearing white linen long-sleeve shirts. I had originally planned on wearing a short wedding dress, and so they were all going to wear khaki shorts, but I changed my mind and am wearing a long gown, so I told him he had to wear pants. LOL. He wasn't happy about it, but the kids think it's great and LOVE their outfits!
  2. Thank you for the welcome everyone!!! I really only have time to do wedding "stuff" on the weekends so I apologize for the delay in my response! We just booked yesterday for the Majestic Colonial in Punta Cana and I feel so relieved now! Now it's just fun stuff preparing the welcome bags for our guests who come!
  3. Hello all you lovely ladies! My name is Jenn and my fiance, Scott, and I will be getting married in Punta Cana June 2010. We will be going with his two wonderful sons from his previous marriage and about 20 of our family and friends! We will be booking our trip in the next 2 weeks and I'm very anxious for it! It's been stressful dealing with (mainly) his family because they don't want to spend the money to come. However, in September following the wedding we're going to have a big party to celebrate the wedding. Although really it's just an excuse to party with our family and friends! My whole outlook on marriage and weddings changed since being involved with Scott. I'm so grateful for our situation with his kids-I love them very much and I'm very involved in their life. It hasn't been easy and the future won't be easy either. I get my feelings hurt a lot but there a lot of fun-filled and loving times that make up for it! I get along with his ex which is also good for the kids to see. Everyone gave us a hard time about taking the kids to our wedding but I really can't imagine getting married without them because they're such a big part of my life! Scott and I don't get much "alone time" anyways so it doesn't even matter to me. We figured that with our family being there we'd get some "us" time! Anyways I look forward to getting to know you all! Thanks! Jenn
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