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Everything posted by Tifuhhknee

  1. Tifuhhknee


    Congrats and welcome! I'm trying to choose a venue in that general area for my wedding also. There is too much good information on this forum, it makes it hard to decide! Good luck and I'm sure you'll find everything you may need to help plan your DW and your AHR.
  2. Daredevil : Jennifer Garner
  3. Wouldn't know! Probably like, but not keen on cold. Like or dislike: Snow cones.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by TeNeil We are just accepting their decision and know that one day they might regret not being apart of our amazing day. My family is extremely supportive and I just keep thinking of what an aunt told me... Whether they will ever admit it or not, if his parents do not come, they will regret it for the rest of their lives. Really makes me feel better! We offered to buy passports for his parents and the two youngest siblings (because they are the two that aren't old enough to work). Just going to have to wait it out and see how it goes.
  5. Welcome and good luck. My bosses just went to a wedding in PC and said it was amazing! It was a major jeweler from my city's wedding... so I'm sure it perfect! They can afford it haha. ANYWAY once you figure out how to search on here, you will find more information than you can handle at times! Definitely a life-saver to find this forum. Happy planning from a fellow 2011 bride. )
  6. Matt Damon : Team America World Police
  7. Love ankle socks! Like or Dislike: The Office
  8. I don't care if no one reads this, but I have to vent! These people are driving me crazy. First off, fiance told his parents we were interested in a DW and told them to think about it. If they gave us the okay, we would continue with trying to plan a DW. If it was an absolute we don't support it, we would consider something else. They gave us the okay, I call about 15 or so family members that wanted us to get married in Mexico (we just went in June with a bunch of my family) and everyone, especially me, was excited. The NEXT DAY.. FI's sister (FI has 2 bros and 2 sis) gets into it with him. She told us she couldn't believe we would go that to their parents and its selfish blah blah. Frankly, that was none of her business. He had some words with her, thank God I wasn't there, and that was that. About an hour later, his brother (only older sibling) called him and told him that we were going to hell, preached about God and church, told him we were wrong, and ended the call with a big "**** you!" and hung up on him. Poor FI, from that moment on, said he feels that he is no longer his brother. So we go to a funeral (half sister's great grandmother's, bad timing, right?) and are on edge about the whole thing the entire time. We went straight to his house after the services and had a talk with his mom, dad, and the sister that was starting stuff. His mom had every excuse in the book as to why we shouldn't get married in Mexico. I cried like a baby the whole time because my family is super supportive and my heart hurts for my FI because his seems to not care about what he wants. Of course your wedding is kind of selfish, it's his one and only day that can be about just him! He's 1 of 5 kids and has never asked his parents for anything. His older brother is a mooch and bums of their parents all the time. Took his dad's brand new truck as his own and left the dad with the '91! They pay the insurance, gas, etc on it. So FI feels he deserves this one thing. I agree. Long story short, I asked his mom how much $ was too much and got no answer. The conversation went nowhere. His dad never said a word because I know he supports us but can't disagree with his control freak wife. The sister listened in, stood up for older brother but said he did take it too far, and was nice about everything. This is getting long, but I know I'll feel better once this is out there. Little things have happened. Older brother's girlfriend is always demeaning or derogatory toward FI and myself. Thinks her sh*t don't stink, basically, and is just super immature. She's BFF with the sister that doesn't get along so well with my FI. It's such a tangled web. This sister of FI's says she can't put up $25 every month to try and come to our wedding. Then 2 months later buys a $300 bed to move into their game room outside so her boyfriend can sleep over with her every night. Paying her parents $60 a month for the AC increase on the bill. I see how important coming to our wedding is to her... Last night, FI's same sister wants to know why she read about our TENTATIVE wedding date (april 21, 2011 mind you) on facebook and wasn't straight up told that was the date. FI explained that this is 18+ months away, nothing is set in stone, we are only telling people who ask, etc. She flipped out on him and said he should have wrote it on the marker board of the fridge, she shouldn't have to ask to be told stuff, blah blah. Funny thing is, in this sit down with his parents and her (she called the older bro on bad terms with FI and told him all about it after, btw) that we were wanting spring break 2011. Is that not when this date falls? She knew first and forgot, so she's having a hissy fit now. Wanted October 2010, but his mom teaches, 1 bro in grad school, 1 sis in college, 1 sis in high school, and other bro will be in middle school. Spring Break is better for them and our anniversary falls in there, so why not? I'm tired of being so nice about all of this. Why do people make the most minor things into issues and arguments? What happened in the past year (been with him 6.5) to make these 2 siblings feel so strongly against us? At least his youngest sis & bro... and dad.. support us. FI's godmother let it slip that his dad already said he WILL be at our wedding, whether his wife goes or not. Is even willing to sell his Harley he's had about a year or two so his family can go. I admire that man so much. FEELING BETTER NOW! As someone said in the "wtf" thread, don't mind me, I'm just b*tching.
  9. LOVE the dress and the necklace too. I'd wear that necklace. Can't believe it came in fitting you so well! Congrats.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by ashley1316 i have bought my dress, ordered it 2 weeks ago. you know what they say, as soon as you find the one, GET IT lol but thats about as far as i am at this point. I just bought mine this weekend! Went by a store with mom just to see what they had, wasn't planning on getting one until 6-9 months from now. But one of them was it, I just knew it. ) I'm probably going to have 20-30 people come as well. If that. Doesn't matter, as long as my parents and FI are there I will be happy as a clam! Saving money sounds great to me.
  11. I will be absolutely sure to have my marriage license with me for my wedding. It will be MY responsibility because.. I was MOH in my cousin's wedding this past summer. The rest of the bridal party has walked down the aisle and when I step out to walk with the BM, my FI (who was an usher) lets me know that the FATHER OF THE BRIDE is not there! I was like ooooh kay do I stay back here or walk? So he told the mother of the bride (both were giving her away) and I walk to the front of the church with the fakest smile and stiffest walk ever because I was so unsure of what to do. I fill everyone in the front (and photographer) in on the situation... and she captures the moment the groom had to tell the priest on camera. It was announced for everyone to be seated because the father of the bride left to get the marriage license (bride thought groom had it, groom through bride had it, so... it was left at their home 20 minutes away). We sat there for 30-45 minutes waiting on him. Why he didn't send someone else to get it who wasn't such an important element to the flow of the wedding? "If you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself."
  12. When y'all are deciding on the where, you will find tons of info and pics (learned that boys do best just by seeing pics haha) of whatever place you can imagine! Good luck and happy planning. I hope you get a ring on your finger soon )
  13. Finally figured out how to post pics.. so here is my ring. aaaaand sparkle...
  14. Giving this a shot, got my dress this weekend. When you are "playing" and not looking yet, of course I find something I feel that I simply cannot leave at the store! Fits like a glove and will need it hemmed because I'm so short... will have some of the train chopped off at the same time. And I know I look about 14, but I'm really 22! haha.
  15. I went with the most recent. Other than that, we have Aladdin & Jasmine, Richard Simmons w/80s workout girls, dirty mechanics, and Lt Dangle w/Clementine from Reno 911. We really are clueless as to what to be this year though!
  16. I saw a post about the airport taking good care of people needing assistance. They were fantastic! I have an uncle with a hip replacement, one whose back was out of whack, and my dad's hip was giving him trouble (all on the way there, crazy). We breezed through that airport and customs by being with them. Also had assistance in Houston airport, which is huge. We had to run to keep up with the airport wheelchair pusher and we got to ride on those carts a lot of the time. They go above and beyond at airports to assist those in need! Not sure if swine flu is still a concern in airports. Went in June and all they did was check our temperature at Cancun airport upon entering. Observed that people with sunburns were checked under their chin instead of on forehead. Filled out a little paper about if you had fever and stuff past 2 days.
  17. I'm debating on even not sending save the dates and just going by WOM. That may sound tacky, but I have a strong idea of which people will come and which people won't. But I love the idea of Save the Dates. I am debating, now, starting a list of select people to send them to. Don't want to invite everyone and their momma's to a DW, it would make it less intimate. That's what the at home reception is for, right?
  18. I love these! Very classy. The one laying on your back is beautiful. The FI will love them, I'm sure.
  19. I LOVE #1 on you, fits like a glove. Second favorite would be #3. Gorgeous back on it!
  20. April 2011 here! Hoping for April 21, 2011. Going to be Cancun/Riviera Maya area. Looking for somewhere in between. Too many great ones to choose from though! haha.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by SDbeachgirl I'm looking for short BM dresses in some shade of blue. Does anyone have any good suggestions? Also, has anyone used the color "pool" in their wedding? Just wondering how that looks. I'm having a difficult time picking a color. I like the blue/chocolate combo...but there are so many shades of blue. I am thinking I want something affordable and kind of informal because I will want mine to be on the beach. Seems crazy, but I love this dress from American Eagle. Plus, they are under $40 each. I want blue also, that's why this caught my eye. Of course now they are on clearance and only in certain sizes, but there are other similar ones on the website. http://www.ae.com/Images/laydowns/on...3_9215_588.jpg Maybe try the gap online? Unless of course you are wanting to be more formal.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Megan24 Did you girls see the gazebo yet? They put chairs in front of it. I guess it did help the look some. Look on facebook. I feel like the gazebo looks a bit like something you'd see in sci-fi spacey stuff. Can't wait to see pics from all the brides getting married there now/soon. I have plenty of time to decide on a resort, but would love to just pick one ASAP. Hoping the on beach arch (or however they will do it) looks a little less... futuristic?
  23. My favorite part of attending wedding, and being in a wedding party, has been the reception. Maybe that's a southern thing, I'm not sure, but we are planning to have an AHR for us and our guests. My dad is one of 13 and one of the youngest at about 45 years old, I have over 100 immediate family members just on his side of the family ranging from about 65-newborn. I know that not many people could make the DW, but we want it because it is personal and for us. Whoever wants to come is more than welcome, but we do not want to put on a show. We aren't planning to have a reception in Mexico, just after the ceremony have dinner and hang out as if on vaca (cuz we will be) with whoever is there with us. We want to come home and probably in about 2 weeks (ASAP) have a reception. Probably just rent a KC Hall or something, gets lots of beer, have my uncles cook up some amazing brisket and jambalaya, I have had a DJ picked out since I was a kid (the only part of my wedding I knew I wanted, haha), and just party it up. My cousin who is closest to my age got married this past June... when I caught the bouquet and my FI caught the garter, the pressure was on! Of course a month later we got engaged, but I feel that celebrating with all of our family and friends is a big deal for us, and we will spend most of that time together. We also plan to have the wedding cake there, etc. Traditional stuff. So I feel like having a AHR is important to me, not just people I know can't get to Mexico.
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