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Everything posted by Tifuhhknee

  1. Like some, not all. Like or Dislike: Exercising.
  2. Diane Keaton : Because I Said So
  3. Dislike, I'd rather keep using 2003! I guess I'm getting used to it. Like or Dislike: Making and eating S'Mores.
  4. Runaway Jury : Rachel Weisz
  5. Dislike! Like or Dislike: Watching football Sunday after Sunday... after Sunday... haha
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by ashley1316 for photographers ladies, are any of u using resort ones or did you out source? and if so how much are u paying? i am a little concerned. Haven't gotten into that yet but I want to contant Moments that Matter to get a quote. I am a bit concerned myself, but if they are affordable, I can start putting money aside for the photographer now. My sister is a photographer, but if she does get to come to Mexico for my wedding, I don't want to have her take the pics b/c its supposed to be Vacation! If I get some price quotes from anyone I'll be sure to share. )
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by shortnsweet7675 So, I have not dressed up for halloween as an adult and I don't know where any photos of me in costumes as a kid are. So, this is the only "scary" type photo I have (it was scary for me anyway). This photo was taken at the Everglades in Florida a couple of years ago. My sister convinced me to hold the baby alligator. I was so afraid the thing was gonna bite me (don't let the smile fool ya). You've inspired me, I may change my picture this weekend. Last summer, while driving home after a big rain, I accidently clipped a baby gator with my car. So I went back later and took an "oops" picture with it to send my northern family members!
  8. Meyer 2010, thanks! I have 2 prettier logos made too. It's so much fun! haha. I have 18 months to alternate. Morgan, I feel the same about not needing a reception. Want to have my wedding early in the day and just let everyone have the rest to themselves and meet up at bar/disco or whatever the resort I'll choose has to offer.
  9. Anyone have luck getting pictures on a beach wedding there? I'm still not feeling that gazebo.
  10. Haven't tried it yet, but I'm sure I'd love it. Anything water related is great. The Gulf of Mexico just doesn't provide those kinds of waves here. Like or Dislike? Chocolate milk. Been wanting to ask Fried Alligator because I'm craving it, but I'm sure not everyone has access to it haha. Oh well.
  11. Like cats, preferrably outdoors. Like or Dislike: "Flo" from Progressive tv commercials
  12. A League of Their Own - Madonna
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Anyone that freaks out about money, tells me they can't go, or gives me any crap about this I simlply respond. "Thanks for letting me know, I totally understand." WOW, very gracious response that I will definitely borrow from now on. These past few days I've been thinking, it is just sad that people are so concerned with the life of FI and myself, their own must not be filled like ours is. I am completely happy with my life and have everything I want and need. These other people just aren't there yet. Good for us though! We will all have the most beautiful, perfect weddings of our dreams. Just gotta let time pass and drama blow over.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by autjo PS: Love your monogram! Thanks! Made it myself. I'm sure in hte 18 months of planning I'll keep it ever changing, just for fun.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Barbo Also, after consulting with all our important people making sure they would come: My brother and his family said they couldn't afford it! Then FI's brother said he couldn't! So now, my mom is bailing out my brother (giving him 5k!) and FI's parents are bailing out his brother! Everyone is getting help but us! Same problem! His dad says they will make it work no matter what. We told them we expected them to pay for themselves and the two younger ones, NOT the ones in/graduated from college! Get those kids off the tit for once, hah. My sister straight up told me "I don't see us being able to do it, so if a wedding in Mexico is more important than us being there..." but my mom told me not to worry about her. Mom says if they can afford some if it they may help them out to go. My brother in law is their sole supporter and they have a 2 year old and will have a baby (that was completely unplanned and the timing just isn't right) coming in about 2 months. So I do feel for them somewhat, but it's just sooo far away, do some saving and at least attempt to come! Oh well. And you can vent too, I don't mind! Other people's stories make me feel like this is normal!! HAHA.
  16. There are a ton of websites that people can get ordained on. This is where you can get an ordination (is that the right word? haha) certificate. E-mailed my clerk of court's office and this is what she said... Attached is a copy of the Louisiana revised statute on the authority to perform marriage ceremonies. In ---- Parish we have a clergy registry book you can come in and sign. Please bring your original Ordination Certificate for verification. Also there is a registry Affidavit through the State of Louisiana, Office of Vital Records Registry. I will reply to her and find out if we get paperwork here, take it to Mexico to fill out, and file it when we return home, is it legal? I'll let everyone know once I find that out. Hope this helps at least in some small way!
  17. Has anyone brought their own state's paperwork and had an ordained friend/family member come along to officiate? I know someone who is ordained, but we aren't super close so she will not be coming. Just wondering the legality of everything, I know I can't have her sign off on the document, then us go to Mexico and just us sign it for the ceremony (so the religious one but us go ahead and sign that during ceremony). This is all so confusing. May talk someone for sure coming into letting me spend $30 to get them ordained online and just bring our own paperwork. Then we can have the religious ceremony and after it ends have our witnesses, the ordained person, and ourselves sign? I'm just not sure how all of this works... don't want my marriage to not actually be legal!
  18. Those shoes are precious! I loved the idea of colored heels with my white dress, but I'm seriously just thinking of going barefoot on the beach.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by ashley1316 have any of you spoke to a travel agent at this point? if so what have they said about pricing and booking? travel agent i went to came back with a price of 1500 before tax per person, which is a lot compared to what i paid last yr. she said to check back in jan. but my fi an i wanted to get invites out right around then. how soon did u put ur invites out? I did speak with a local TA and she said reservations can be made about 10 months in advance. So it looks like I have until June or July before I can actually DO anything as far as the trip itself goes. I may need that long to choose a resort though, haha. As far as prices, she gave me about the same but for just 5 days. I've been doing my own research and just getting April 2010 prices to guess about April 2011 (cheapcaribbean.com, bookit.com, expedia.com, etc). Nothing else I can really go off of. We are at a stand still.
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