Kind of cheesey, but a scavenger hunt? Or I know someone doing a meet and greet - giving bios of all the guests, and then they have to find the guest that matches the bio.. Not sure about either of these though. Good luck!
I would do the passes for them - they're family and have a special situation. Other friends who chose to stay at a different resort - I agree with your fiance. By choosing another resort, they would have to realize there will be an extra cost to attend your wedding at your resort.
Just my opinion
Tlseege - That's where we're planning on doing our TTD, but I've kind of noticed in some other threads people going there and then not being allowed to do a photo shoot there. Have you heard of this? Or did you do yours in a special area where it is allowed?
I would looove some info on this
I love love love my photographer - his info is in my planning bio if you want to look. I have his price list too. He's from Vancouver, but will be in the Mayan in April of next year (my wedding is in March) Good luck!
We invited most of our friends and family, and ended up with almost 30 attending. Because of the cost, time of year, etc, lots couldn't come - which we anticipated We're having an an home BBQ/celebration when we get back.
Shannon - gorgeous photos!! I LOVE LOVE the bridesmaids dresses - where did you get them? I'm thinking I might want one for the rehearsal dinner or AHR. Thanks!!
Thanks Everyone!
AmyandRich - yes, i've heard it many times over the past ten years, but more when people are drinking for some reason. There was a drunk guy out of a 7-11 who was convinced I was her once. Only a tiny creepy We have the same face shape
I think no matter when it happens you will be able to arrange things. Obviously, the sooner the better, but you can always get things together It's amazing whatyou can do when you need to
I sent out RSVP's with the invites, but they were post-cards with a beachy pic on the front.
The wording was similar to one above:
____ Yes! I'm packing my luggage!
____ Number of guests attending
____ Regrets, I can't find my luggage.
I just got our engagement pics back! Taken by Dean Sanderson of Dean Sanderson Wedding Photography He's from Van, but will be in Mexico from feb to april of next year!
you can see the pics on my planning bio
Robyn's Wedding Planning Bio - Home
I totally recommend him! I love his style and work! (I fancy him just a little
Has anyone had their wedding and had their hair and make-up done at the Occidental Xcaret? I'm hoping to use them, but I've heard of some bad experiences at some resort spas in Mex as far as the hair and make-up not turning out right and better to bring someone in, which I'm hoping to avoid ($$$)
Any experiences/pics anyone could share?