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Everything posted by Stamperamma

  1. Hi Tamyw Welcome to the board and congrats.
  2. Hi Crystal My planning in Jamaica started exactly as yours is, so I put on my organizational hat and created a spread sheet of everything I wanted at the wedding, you know like cake, wine toast, beach wedding, sit down dinner, breakfast in bed ect....I then went to each and every resort in Jamaica and determined the cost to host a wedding for 10, including our room cost but not the room costs of our guests. I narrowed it down to three locations and then we sat down and discussed all three. We also spent time on the forums reading the reviews of each of the locations. It really helped us out and gave us the tools to make the decision. Hope this helped, good luck and happy planning.
  3. Stamperamma


    Hi Dionisa Congrats and welcome to the forum, I know that you will find excellent information on this forum that will help you along the way.
  4. Congrats, welcome and happy planning
  5. I wish you both all the happiness in the world. I know that everyone on this board is very happy for you.
  6. Thank you for sharing I have contacted Diane, we are getting married in Montego Bay. Is Diane in Jamaica or did she travel with you? Dea
  7. You could always have a private ceremony at home before you head out on the special day and then have a vow renewal ceremony with your friends and family on a new date. It is an option. We are facing the same issue. We will get married on the 28th but it is the 29th that we truly wanted to get married on. Good luck and happy planning
  8. Congrats and happy planning
  9. Welcome and congrats on your engagement. Good luck with the planning.
  10. I would not worry, we sent out our wedding invitations by email. Long story short we had to cancel our original wedding so we booked ours current wedding with only 14 weeks until the ceremony. We created a beautiful invitation - looks like the one we had planned on making with paper we just did everything electronically. No one commented in a negative manner, to be honest, most responded back on how beautiful they were and what a great idea to get the message out quickly. I hope this helps. Dea
  11. I keep coming back to these photos, I finally showed my fiance - he cannot believe how stunning they are. Thank you so much for sharing.
  12. Thank you so much for posting, hopefully they are on sale in Canada as well....
  13. Hi Erica Welcome to the forum. I think if you can dream your wedding you can plan your wedding so all the best with your planning
  14. HI Katie, welcome to the board, happy planning. Dea
  15. Stamperamma


    Congrats and Happy planning
  16. Welcome and Congrats, I know you will find a wealth of information on this site. Dea
  17. I am really new as well, I made sure that the forums I post on or the threads I start that I am also subscribed to this way I get to see what the comments are. Make sure though that you check your spam folder because that is where I find the thread results.
  18. coping : panic - is there a difference
  19. Thanks for your advise Heather, yes I will be doing the writing myself, I don't love my writing but I also don't hate my writing either. All the sand dollars where collected by Warren and I on our trip to the Bahamas in the spring. It was a good experience and at the same time we learned how to pack them. Tupperware is a miracle product when it comes to shells.
  20. this is fabulous, I am thinking of creating a beach scrapbook for all my guests so that they can add photos once they get home that will be there welcome gift.
  21. Stamperamma

    Hello :-)

    Congrats and welcome to the forum
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