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Everything posted by Ems

  1. Your right i am, and my guests....So i have just called the travel agent i booked with, They were quite helpful and asked me to forward my mail to them and they will contact them, and advise them to contact me direct...Watch this space...!! I feel really pushy and this is outside my comfort zone but you are right i am paying for a service at then end of the day i guess!! ..Thanks keeping my chin up at the moment...
  2. Any update ladies on Varadero Photographer or Roly ?
  3. i have still not heard from her...!! Gosh its now 5weeks since my first mail and 1 week since my last....i not sure what to do now!!
  4. Hi, thanks for your info, i emailed the address the Travel agent gave me...i checked with the hotels website this was the same, which was [email protected] ? Am i sending it to the wrong place? I still have no reply...Im starting to get a little worried now to be honest, as it is getting closer and i am trying to sort things out but not really getting anywhere...
  5. Ems

    Im new Hello....

    Thanks everyone for ur warm welcomes....xxxxxxxxxxx
  6. Hi, Im getting married at IB Varadero, 23 Dec 09...I have tried emailing throught o the hotel it was 4 weeks ago, and i have still had no reply? I tried again yesterday, Im hoping to hear something soon..It is creeping up and before i know it we will all be there!!
  7. Ems

    Im new Hello....

    Hi all, My name is Emma i live in England, Im getting married 23 December 09 to Alan............Not long now!!!! We are going to Iberostar Varadero in Cuba.... Look forward to speaking to you all... xxxxx
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