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Everything posted by kerrij

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by pineapple princess 9 months!!! that is awesome! i lOVE your sig pic btw - super fun!!! thanks Quote: Originally Posted by pineapple princess HA!! i think maybe an email to the best man should be in order! LOL. ya right! his BM is a doofus! hahah i'm sure there is someone i could mention the idea too! hahaha I love the Price is Right one...but i love price is right...well i should say i LoveD it...don't like drew carey! keep on with the ideas!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be Congrats Auntie!!!! OOHhhh twins!!! Thats sooo exciting!!!! We have just decided last night that were not going to find out the sex of the baby. I kinda want to but I kinda don't want to, if that makes any sence. My parents and my sister don't want to know what it is, so if I can't tell anyone then whats the point of finding out. My mom bought me some mat clothes at frenchy this week, ther are one pair of capris that I'm thinking I'm gonna be rockin' pretty soon!! lol kerrij, does this mean your not sharing your names on here?? lol i kinda wanted to know too. but DH says no but then he said if i really want to find out then we can...but i want him to want to also. so i've decided no we won't for sure and i'm kind of excited to wait for the surprise! Mat clothes are the most comfy things ever! it's like wearing jammies! and you can find some nice stuff out there! DH and i are planning a trip to Kalispell to hit up Target and TJ Maxx (just heard of that store the other day) to find some mat clothes..i hear they have good stuff for cheap!? Well i might share my names here...if you guys do! hehehe but no idea on names yet. i don't LOVE any names yet. it's soooo hard! hehehe
  3. I heard of an awesome on for the GUYS recently!! A diaper party...the guys all get together and have beer and celebrate while the girls are up with the baby and doing their thing..or even totally separate days....and the guys have to each bring a bag of diapers! one girl didn't have to buy diapers for the first 9 months! imagine how much of a savings that would be! apparently Hooters organizes the parties and on each invite it tells what size of diapers to bring, so you get an assortment! I want my hubby to have a baby party but i can't really throw it for him! hahahah
  4. My brother's twin boys were born last night!!!! OMG!!!! they are sooooooo cute!!! one at 5pm and one at 730pm. they are so amazing! i got to go to the hosptial for a quick visit to meet them! i was the first person to see them. they are amazing! i just couldn't stop kissing them! Carter Wilson (mid name after our dad) and Liam Ivan (mid name after SIL dad) soooo great! i was actually pretty pissed because they wouldn't tell us the names there were thinking of....like not even me, i thought i'd get to know atleast!! hahaha i was like, i'm never doing that to anyone and keeping the NAMES a secret! i thought it was so dumb cause i am not the one to say EWWWW NOOO or wahtever...but i absolutely LOVED hearing that they were born and what their names were!! it made me cry when i was told their names...just made it so much better...so now i am totally keeping our baby names a secret!! hehehehehe Now i reallllly have baby fever....next 5 months are going to feel like forever! hehehe just had to share!!
  5. I also just noticed you're from Regina...Honey you won't even be able to drink at your own wedding...unless you are for sure doing a DW?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Depends on what you classify as young! I like to think that I am young at 29....but I'm definitely not that young! lol hehe that's funny!! It's odd how the age thing works...i'm 32 and just got married and couldn't have imagined marrying anyone else in my past or at any other time in my life...and most of my girlfriends are the same. all my age-ish and just starting to tie the knot now. My youngest girl cousin who is 22 now, got married almost 2 years ago and all of her friends are now getting engaged and getting married too. I'm pretty sure she had all the comments too, but they are married and happy for almost 2 years now. I don't have any advice on dealing with the age comments but only you know if it's truly right and meant to be!
  7. I wish that I had had more time before the ceremony to have that moment with my dad tht you see in the movies, where he walks in to my room and see me in my dress for the first time. Makes me sad that I didn't get that. Other than that and wishing I did my own hair and make up...nothing!!! loved every second of my wedding! Oh wait...i wish i ate more! i got pretty tipsy at dinner cause I hadn't eaten all day! If you could punch out any actor or reality star, and not get in trouble or feel bad afterwards....who would it be?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by MilitaryMrs.s-to be Update!!!!! Sooo...A few pages back I said we wanted to try down south...we tried!!! and..............I'm pregnant!! lol I think it worked out to be right after we got home though!!! hahah So like kerrij said in baby language I'm 8 weeks(tomorrow) pregnant!! woot!! But its still a big secret to our world just because its to early, We don't want to jinx ourselves!! Hoping everything works out well!! How are you feeling kerrij Yayayayyyy!!! Congrats to you!! it's the hardest secret to keep. i pretty much told everyone but didn't let it out on fb until the 3 month mark. I've been feeling like complete kaakaa the last couple months, but this last week i've been pretty good finally! they say 2nd trimester is the honeymoon trimester...and i think they are right dead on! how are you feeling so far? are you pants starting to get tight? my work pants don't button up. so i wear all work pants with a long tank to hide the fact that my pants are unbuttoned! hahha i have yet to find decent maternity dress pants. Caribbeanlover - i hope everything works out for you!! at least your friend will have lots of good advice for you when it's your turn soon! Enjoy being married and don't stress about anythign else. I must say, with my pregnancy, because i've been so sick...i'm totally missing out on enjoying my new "married life". so just enjoy being a mrs...and it'll happen soon enough. best of luck to you!
  9. hehehe that's a good white lie! Yes! I absolutely hated my hair and make up that i had done, and my MOH had the most beautiful hair, and i was jealous that her hair was so pretty and mine sucked! she looked beautiful, but i wasn't jealous about that, just that my hair and make up was terrible lol Was your engagement everything that you could have dreamed of? or were you disappointed in how/when/where he popped the question?
  10. Ohhh yay! that is great, a girl! I told my DH on the weekend that if we found out the sex and they told me it was a boy, i'd be shocked! haha i think it's a girl, but we'll see. DH doesn't want to find out the sex, but i sure do!
  11. I already got married but I'll have to say, to my face no! hahaha one of my BM for past weddings she's been in and a current one, always has something she's not happy about, we call her the Bridesmaidzilla! haha are you a faithful sunscreen applier and shade person, or do you enjoy baking in the sun?
  12. Weirdest...hmmm..i've had lots, but i think the weirdest would be breaking my two front teeth in half when i was knocked off my bike as a kid and went teeth first into the ground. also makes it weird because it was the first of many injuries that i copied my brother on. same age and injury, happened a few times. Which is why i was soooo worried I'd get food posioning on my DW wedding day just like he did! thankfully i didn't. wwooh! long answer! what's your favorite Uniform to see a man in?
  13. cars don't turn my crank like they use to, so i'm not sure....right now i really want a mazda cx7, perfect for family and the pooch... what is your most favorite vacation/trip you took as a child?
  14. Any more preggers out there?? I swear I'm rubbing my fertility on to this website for all you brides! So I'm about 13 weeks in baby language ( I still don't get why they tack on a couple weeks!) so i've announced it to the world now! so nice being able to tell everyone and not keep my virgin drinks a secret. lol And even more fun news, is one of my bffs found out she was preggers one week after me! yay! i hope you all can have a friend preg at the same time, it's so great to be able to talk to someone about the things you go through when you're preg! Good luck girls on your attempts to get pregnant!
  15. There are lots of local photogs in the area you can hire. I searched lots of them and i think the most expensive was about $2500 for the full day, which wasn't a ton more than what i paid to bring my photographer from home. I wish I still had all the info...but just google jamaica photographers. they'll drive from anywhere to come do your wedding. But if you can find someone from home that you can fly down for the week and pay for their accom, that's always a good deal to! There are lots of wedding photogs who will go if you pay. Just found a couple....SunGold Photography...they have some newer photogs for a reduce rate...they had a bunch of photographers and you can check out each persons portfolio, etc. Misha Earle Photography i looooved but she was pricey...10 hours for $2900, but loved her work. Good luck!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 My favorite baby/parenting site is MotheringDotCommunity Forums - Powered by vBulletin It's much more AP parenting. So if you're the opposite I wouldn't recommend it. But if you lean that way then it's awesome! Well I don't know what AP means...but I'll def check it out! thanks
  17. Mrs Martin...thanks for that post...DH and i are both a little worried too, even though we are in the same financial state as you, houses, no debt, etc. it's still scary! but i guess you're right, you don't go out as much and everything just evens out. Does anyone know of a good baby website?? BDW site is the best wedding site by far...and trying to find a TTC/Preg site is soooo difficult! i want threads and questions and message boards, i want it all, but no one else has it...that i've found anyway. Like Cathy says, these things aren't up to us...DH and i had always hoped we'd get preg on our wedding/honeymoon in Jamaica. after being on the pill 13 years and never once either of us having a Whoopsies!, i was a little concerned that it would take me a long time TC. went off the pill in Dec and wedding was in early March, and bam, preg on the very first try. So you just never know what you are going to get! 11 weeks tomorrow, yay! Good luck mama's to be!
  18. I would love to go back to the time where they always wore big fancy dresses and carry parasols! whatever that era was, not sure what it's called! hehehe It'd be like wearing a wedding dress everyday! If you plan to have babies, do you want to be a stay at home mom or a working mom? Sorry to hear about your In Laws Sammysgirl...my bffs father in law did the same thing. jerks!
  19. If i get the question right, our favorite meal to have as a couple is sushi!! we love to go out for sushi together...but now that i'm preggers, that doesn't happen much what do you really think of your in-laws?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by geology_rocks Have you had any luck finding a photographer for a TTD session? We were married at ROR almost 2 years ago and HATE our pictures. I'm thinking about doing a TTD when we go back in June. I've sent an inquiry to Marcia Roberts to see if she would be interested. The wait begins! GREAT idea!!! i don't really like our pictures. and i wish we had more TTD shots...good idea to take your dress and do it again!!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by swong BIG congrats kerrij!!! I love your pic and I'm glad you had a perfect wedding!!! Did you do a poolside reception? Scarlett Thanks! They actually don't do pool side receptions maybe you could have your champagne poolside. but I asked about having our dinner and stuff outdoors and they don't allow it due to health regulations or something.
  22. I actually SHOULD be on my lunch break right now, but there isn't anything to do and I forgot my book at home. lol So i'm on BDW checking up on all your B2Bs! Wishing it was my day again...ahhhhh! If you could go anywhere in the world to get married and cost wasn't a factor for you or guests, where would you go?
  23. Awwww thanks girls!! and you'll all feel just as beautiful as i did! you can't go wrong with this resort. and it's so nice that there are a zillion weddings while you are there, so you feel extra special The gazebo in real life is amazing! the pics don't do it justice at all. it's just so PERFECT!! i'm getting teary eyed just thinking about it...but i am extra emotional today. hehehe and the dinner pics...that isn't the $2500 private room either. that is the one that you get with your dinner...actually there are a couple places they could put you, but i'm sure you could request this one, i think bigger groups always go there, but not sure. aahhhhh...to be back again! can i just come to all of your weddings please!!! hehehe
  24. Alright! i have a few key pics on photobucket ready to share!! it's soooo hard to not post a gazillion! lol This is the looooong and beautiful walk way to the gazebo. you can hear the steel drum band the whole walk which is really nice. we had about 50 guests, which all fit in to the tiny area comfortably! A closer up shot of us int he gazebo during the ceremony. Make sure you find out what the script is...the one Rev. Owen Watson had was terrible, we wrote our entire thing, so was much better. We had our wedding party in the gazebo and choose to have our parents sitting up top near us too for optium viewing! lol Pic of the steel drum band during the champagne toast. they were to the right of the gazebo and were a great touch, worth the bucks! the cake...so beautiful! The dinner in Dolce vita was perfect for 50 of us, could easily fit more if they arranged the tables differently. was small enough for speaches to be heard easily too as there is no mic allowed. Head table Trash the Dress Day!! so fun! my pic in my signature of the garter toss, is at the gazebo...there are 3 or 4 steps to this level, which is where our parents sat on the sides, and then the step up to where we were for the ceremony and where the dance was. so fun! i think that is a pic of each detail...any special pic requests, just let me know! and i didn't realize there was another active GBP thread, awesome!!! maybe i'll check it out too. have fun!
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