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Everything posted by Meyer2010

  1. Shell- What time do you fly in to Cancun Airport? We fly continental and get in at 12:50pm. That would be so cool to meet you!!!! You guys are scaring the sh!t out of me on the teeth whitening!!! I go in 3 weeks to have my teeth professionally whitened and that is like 3x stronger than the whitening strips/trays. OMG... what am I doing? ~ Erica
  2. Shell – We are leaving on Sunday, Feb. 7th. So we will be in the sky at that same time. We leave Michigan at 6am and arrive in Cancun at 12:30pm, that's a 6 hour trip although we have a connecting flight in Houston. We are traveling with my mom, step-dad, brother and sister. It will be fun as my mom has only flown a few times and my brother & sister have NEVER flown. My mom has Multiple Sclerosis so I will be requesting a wheelchair/golf cart to get her back and forth to our gates. I just hope Continental will be able to help us out! Our Civil Ceremony is Feb. 3rd and we will probably go out for dinner after the CC but we’re not going to make too big a deal out of it since we feel like our Mexico wedding date is our “real†wedding date! The CC is just legalized paper! Susie – That is excellent news on Stacey! A facial? You are a spoiled brat! Not fair. I would love to get one but I’m really nervous about getting one in China. I’ve heard of some terrible horror stories! Dr. Tricia – Thanks for the tips. I wish I would have bought that toothpaste back in the USA since I’m pretty sure China doesn’t carry any but I just remembered we will have visitors in a few days and I just emailed them to bring me tube of sensitive toothpaste. Phewww!!! That is so exciting you are doing BD shots! You’re FI sounds so much like mine and sends me little love notes every once a while. We work for the same company so we are together 24/7… it is nice to see him so much but sometimes we have to take a break. That’s when I will walk to the market and do some shopping and he will play the Wii. LOL Love your dress too, so sexy you’re hubby2be won’t be able to keep his paws off of you! hee-hee! Krista – Sorry you have sensitive teeth! From time to time I’ve noticed my teeth have been more and more sensitive but I think it is because I’m a major diet coke drinker. I just recently stopped drinking it at work and have given myself a treat of having 2 cans while at home at night. The system seems to work for me! Not to mention I get in my daily water while at work! Sofiya – Good luck on your dress fitting! Take lots of pictures! I can’t wait for you to start the “FEBRUARY 2010 BRIDES BABY MAKING THREAD†It will be good to bounce ideas off of each other. I have been really mean to my FI and haven’t “done the deed†with him since December I am not punishing him but I think it will be more romantic waiting till our wedding night (but he doesn’t seem to share the same feelings) hee–hee! Only 3 weeks to go, I’m sure we can both handle it! Breens – I think OOT bags are fun but I can’t seem to stop putting more and more junk in them. My FI is urging me to stop but I think I’m obsessed. LOL I’m pretty much done with them and I’m working on the name tags for them. It’s been fun creating them! Warning: Be very careful shipping your items to your resort! I’ve heard from other brides that there items never arrived, were damaged or were confiscated! It’s sounded too scary to me so we decided to split up our goodies between our families. Well, I suppose I should get back to work… its 9:45am and I’ve been doing nothing but reading all of your replies and wedding planning. Oops! SORRY FOR THE EXTREMELY LONG POST!!!!! ~ Erica
  3. Way to go on the smoking!!! I'm not a smoker but from what I hear it's really hard to quit! Think of how much better you will feel and now you will have pearly whites! ~ Erica
  4. That totally sounds like me! We've been working out hard core, tanning and I get my teeth whitened on Feb. 4th, 3 days before we leave for Mexico! Has anyone had the on hour teeth whitening that the Dentist has to do? I'm a little worried because I heard it really makes your teeth/gums tender and sensitive. Is there anything I can do to help that? Augghh. It's worth it though b/c I want pearly whites. Susie - I'm so sorry to hear about Stacey, to be so young and have to worry about something like this. I hope everything works out and I agree, she sounds like a fighter! *Hugs* to you and your family! We are here for you! Wow... 4 more sleeps.... that is sooooo exciting! I have 20 more sleeps until we get "legalized" and then 26 more sleeps until we get hitched on the beach! Yayyy!!! Shellk - I hope your cold goes away soon! Start dosing up on the Vitamin C. We just booked our photographer today! I'm sooooooo excited and relieved. We got Ivan Luckie and I know he will do a fabulous job for us! I had another crazy dream last night... I went to get my hair/makeup done and when I walked into the salon my dress was hanging there but it was totally different then my real dress. I had bright embroiddered flowers on it and a bright green ribbon (like you win in a contest).... I was like HELL NO!!!!! So, I woke myself up and tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. Have a good night all you beautiful February brides! ~ Erica
  5. Hello Girlz! We just officially hired Ivan as our photographer! Yeah, can't wait!!! Now, I can relax a little and hope that these bad dreams go away about not having a photographer! I will be getting married in 4 weeks and I will definitely let you girlz know how everything goes. I already know he is going to do a fantastic job! GO IVAN ~ GO IVAN! lol ~ Erica
  6. Yes... I started taking prenatal vitamins in August of last year. I threw out my BC pill in April and I'm ready to get knocked up! Ha-ha! We have been careful too. I keep my distance from him when I'm ovulating too. He is a year older than me so he is ready to get the show on the road. His little brother has 2 kids now! Time to get caught up! Love the centerpieces Timberly! So lovely! ~ Erica
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by svetayasofiya So far that's our plan! I am 35 so tick-tock. Plus we have been together for 5 1/2 years so no reason to wait. The whole thing totally freaks me out. Yes... I can hear my biological clock ticking away! My FI will be 35 in June and I will be 34 in July. Time to get the show on the road! My dad is a twin so I'm hoping for twins for the first pregnancy. Why not do all the work for two babies in one pregnancy. Ha-ha! ~ Erica
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by TonyandTricia Beautiful flowers, Erica! As far as the pregnant question...I'm hoping within the first year. Thanks I really like the way they turned out! Within the first year.... yeah! Me too! ~ Erica
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by TonyandTricia Erica, actually I have thought the same thing. My body is super sensitive to sodium. All it takes is me going out to dinner and having a couple of drinks and I can't get my ring off the next day. During Thanksgiving it was stuck on there for 3 days! Like really, really stuck. It was horrible. I had to wash my hair with it on when I showered! I had them size my ring up a quarter size when they had it while making the custom band. When I got it back this past Saturday it felt pretty loose. Tony and I went out to dinner Saturday night and I had 2 drinks and Sunday I woke up and couldn't get it off til the afternoon. It's horrible. And being at an all-inclusive resort for 3 days before the wedding!! I have worried about the same thing! Yes... so am I! When we tried on our wedding bands we had been walking around for a few hours before and when I slid it on it was tight but it was the day after NYE... so you can imagine how much sodium I had on NYE! I did have them make my band larger than my E-ring so it would be more comfortable. Let's keep our "fingers" crossed that we don't swell up! (no pun intended) ha-ha! ~ Erica
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Raykel Erica the flowers are beautiful! Teshy...congrats on ordering the ring! That is something huge off your list:) Thanks Raykel! I'm so glad they finally made it to me! One less worry!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by teshy1 Tricia -- love your rings! They are very similar to mine. Went and ordered my wedding band today, the matching one to my e-ring. It should be here in 3 weeks. One more thing off my list! Regarding music, I think we'll just have whatever the resort offers for recorded music; I can't see paying the whopping fees they charge for live musicians for such a short ceremony. We are renting out the disco at the resort after the dinner reception so we can do some dancing, and the DJ will be able to play our music, so that will be when we can have what we really want. I just assumed that when your FI puts your wedding band on, it just goes on top of the e-ring, then you switch it later. Your engagement ring symbolizes one thing, the wedding band symbolizes something different, but there isn't any need to remove your engagement ring, ya know? I totally hear you about the wedding nightmares! I had one the other night, and while I don't remember all of it, I do remember looking at the clock in my dream and realizing I had barely any time to get my hair and makeup done! Resting my weary legs after some cross-country skiing this weekend.... I did send an email to the wedding planner at my resort to ask her what kind of music they offer. I just hope it isn't tacky and if it is I wish I could bring our own music for the ceremony. I guess we'll just have to wait and see! I'm not going to stress about it too much! I'm glad I'm not the only one having wedding nightmares! I hate those nightmares when you are late and don't have time to get ready. My sister (she is my MOH) had a nightmare that the plane took us to Florida instead of Mexico and we decided to get married there without our guests. Then she said when I came down the aisle I was pregnant! Whoooahhh! I am hoping for a honeymoon baby but that is not until after the wedding... hee-hee! So another question.... How many of you are going to be trying to get prego right away? ~ Erica
  12. I forgot to share pics of my flowers... I just love them! Now I just have to pack them good so that they travel down to Mexico okay. I have a folder of receipts for all the stuff I'm bringing down there. I hope I get a green light and don't have to go through inspection! ~ Erica
  13. Here is my completed set of flowers for my fuschia/lime green wedding! Hope that helps. I got them from Sharon Nagassar Designs. ~ Erica
  14. Thanks Tricia for the great idea... why didn't I think of that duh! i'm so scared that the heat and nervousness will swell my fingers and I won't be able to put both of them on. I have seriously had nightmares of this. How dumb huh? Has anyone else been having scary nightmares? The most reoccuring one I have is forgetting my dress, not having time for makeup/hair and not having anyone show up! Love the rings Tricia... talk about BLING BLING!!!!! Cute frisbees too! I would love to get some of those for our OOT bags but I think the FI would not be too happy since we already have a ton of stuff for them. Hee-hee! Would love to go to Florida, when is her wedding?
  15. Okay, I have a silly question. When you are exchanging rings at the altar do you keep your e-ring on do you leave it on and just put it on later. I don't want to be fumbling around with my e-ring when FI is putting on my wedding band. I could just see me dropping it in the sand! Help pleaseeeeee!!! I'm losing sleep over these minor details... I'm also not sure about our music for the cermony! It will only take me 30 sec. to walk down the aisle with my dad and we don't want to play a song for 30 seconds and then suddenly stop it. My FI didn't think we were going to have any music and I told him I want something playing. Our guests will be seated by 2:45 and I will be walking down the aisle at 3:00. Do you have music playing for the guests while they are waiting or what? Ahhhhh.... I think I'm driving myself crazy! lol ~ Erica
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton Ok its 6 am and I am FINALLY done with my ceremony... its long so bear with me. Justin and I went through it together and even though I can't make it through without crying- I think I love it! We are adding a variation that we made up to the sand ceremony-- let me know what you think of that part especially! Thanks ladies and finally-- GOOD NIGHT! Welcome I’d like to respectfully ask: Who gives this beautiful woman to be married to this wonderful man? Both mom and dad – We Do. On behalf of Justin and Brooke, I welcome you and thank you all for gathering here on this beautiful day to witness their marriage ceremony. The fact that you all have traveled such a great distance to be here today is a testament to the amazing amount of love and support they have. All of you have given them much happiness, love, warmth, and guidance through the various stages of their lives. They would like to sincerely thank you all for being here to celebrate their big day. A special and respectful acknowledgement must also be made to those friends and family members who were unable to attend, or have passed on, but whose spirit remains alive and strong in all our hearts. Justin and Brooke, you are here today surrounded by friends and family. Some people here have known you your entire lives and some for only a few years, but no matter how long or in what circumstances they know you, I can guarantee that everyone here knows what remarkable individuals and what an amazing couple you are. You have chosen to walk through life together. There is no truer statement of love. Before this moment you have been many things to one another- best friend, companion, lover, partner, and even teacher, for you have learned much from one another over the years. Soon you shall say a few words that take you across a threshold of life, and things will never quite be the same between you. For after your vows, you shall say to the world, this- is my husband, this- is my wife. Hand Ceremony As an expression that you are joined together in love - will you please hold up your hands and hold one another, so you may feel the gift that you are to each other. These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love for you, that are holding yours on your wedding day as you promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and forever. These are the hands that will work alongside yours as together you build your future. These are the hands that will give you goosebumps and massages. These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, and with the slightest touch, will comfort you like no other. These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief fills your mind. These are the hands that will wipe the tears from your eyes; tears of sorrow and tears of joy. These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it. These are the hands that will tenderly hold your children. These are the hands that will help you to hold your family as one. And lastly, these are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch. (Peggy will do her reading) BROOKE, WILL YOU LOOK INTO JUSTIN’S EYES AND INTO HIS HEART, AND NOW SAY YOUR VOWS. I, Brooke, take you, Justin, to be my husband, my best friend, partner in life and my one true love. (add in personal vow here) With this ring, I give you my heart. I have no greater gift to give. I trust you and respect you, I will continue to laugh with you and cry with you. With this ring, I pledge my life and my love to you. Justin, if you accept please say I do… The wedding ring, is a symbol of the unbroken circle of love as it has neither a beginning nor an end. It should always remind those who wear it of the sacredness of marriage and the love that feeds it. We can be reminded of Justin’s parents successful marriage, by the presence of their rings here today. Justin may you forever wear this band as a symbol of love and commitment to you and your marriage from this day forward until death do you part. JUSTIN, WILL YOU LOOK INTO BROOKE’S EYES AND INTO HER HEART, AND NOW SAY YOUR VOWS. I, Justin, take you, Brooke, to be my wife, my best friend, partner in life and my one true love. (add in personal vow here) With this ring, I give you my heart. I have no greater gift to give. I trust you and respect you, I will continue to laugh with you and cry with you. With this ring, I pledge my life and my love to you. Brooke, if you accept please say I do… The engagement ring is a symbol of promise and intention. Now the intention is realized and the promise fulfilled. Justin, please place the wedding band on Brooke’s finger. Just as Brooke’s great grandmother wore this band until the day she died. Brooke may you forever wear this band as a symbol of love and commitment to you and your marriage from this day forward until death do you part Ladies and Gentlemen, Justin and Brooke have demonstrated in your presence today their belief in their love and their desire to live together as Husband and Wife. If you also believe in their love, and wish to add your blessing upon their marriage today, please respond now by saying……………WE DO And are you all willing to sustain and strengthen this marriage, by giving Justin and Brooke the public commitment of your love and support, through all the ups and downs ahead of them…If you are willing, please say……….WE ARE Sand and Shell Ceremony When you arrived at the ceremony today you were asked to place a shell into the jar on the table. We will now have the parents come up and add their shells into the jar (Brooke and Justin hug the parents) This jar symbolizes the foundation of family and friends in Brooke and Justin’s life. They will now be adding sand from two containers, one represents you, Justin, and you, Brooke, as an individual, and all that you were, all that you are, and all that you will ever be. As these two containers of sand are poured into the third container, they will build upon the foundation that was begun, and the individual containers of sand will no longer exist, but will be joined together as one. Just as these grains of sand can never be separated and poured again back into the individual containers, so shall be your marriage. Closing: Justin and Brooke, now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter for the other. Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other. Now there will be no loneliness, for each of you will be companion to the other. Now you are two persons, but there is only one life before you. May beauty surround you both in the journey ahead and through all the years. May happiness be your companion and your days together be good and long upon the earth. Give to one another new experiences of joy. Challenge one another so that you may grow. May the love you hold for each other, now sealed in marriage, continue to mature with the passing years. May you never take each other for granted, but always experience the wonder of your union. May the people you touch in your lifetime know how much you love and care for one another and may you love one another forever. With friends and family, along with the sun, the sand, and the sea, I have the pleasure to present to you for the very first time… Mr. and Mrs. Moulton. You may now kiss the bride! OMG!!! I'm speechless.... well done girl! ~ Erica
  17. Hey SusieQ! I feel your pain, it's been hectic with the 13 hour time change being back in China. I'm up at 3am everyday! I will just get back to normal and then we will leave in 24 days for Michigan and that starts the time change all over again! Ahhhh!!!! I hope you get some sleep before the big day! *hugs* ~ Erica
  18. I got my I DO rhinestones from: Mindy Weiss - Mindy Weiss Party Consultants - Weddings, Events, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs Good Luck! ~ Erica
  19. Thanks vdaybride... it's great to be back on here! I missed you girls! Your time must be flying since you are so busy the next month! I can't wait to see your pics... you will be one HOT bride!
  20. We picked 3pm for the cermony, we are only doing renewal of vows ceremony since we are getting married beforehand. My FI and I will be staying apart the night before the wedding and I won't see him till the ceremony but it will totally be worth it. After the ceremony is done we will get our pictures taken while our guests enjoy cocktail hour on the beach with a mariachi band. After that we will head to a restaurant (not sure what one yet) and eat dinner. Then the party animals will head to the disco and dance the night away. We are letting our guests decide what they want to do. I just wanted them at the cermony and dinner but I have a feeling all of them will follow us to the disco for a while. It will be low key, just what we wanted! ~ Erica
  21. Yes, I thought it would be fun to follow the something old...new...borrowed... blue! Teneil This is what I'm doing... My something old is: my grandmother's ring she gave me My something new is: my dress (or is that too lame) My something borrowed is: my other grandma's pin My something blue is: I bought blue "I DO" rhinestones online and will put them on my shoes vdaybride Wow, that is a tough one. I could see if he proposed during anytime on your wedding day that would suck. Other than that, I think he should propose a day before so his F2be can always remember it was the day before your wedding and on your wedding she can be glowing with her new ring and have a great time. But he definitely needs to make it romantic. Listen to us choosing when and how he should propose! LOL I also love the hankie idea! I think I decided on wearing waterproof mascara since I will be blubbering all day long! I'm an emotional girl! But I would be honored if they were engaged around my wedding day, kind of tugs at the heartstrings! FutureMsMoulton I'm so sorry you were sick. That really sucks especially since you were traveling and not in your own bed. I'm glad you are home now. Now have your FI take care of his lovely bride to be! Tinkatude We are not doing centerpieces since we decided not to have a reception down there since we will have an AHR when we get back to MI. But, we do plan on having mini marachas at the dinner table with attached little cards that say "shake to see the bride and groom kiss" I also ordered "Real Touch" flowers for all of my bridal party/parents. It made the most sense for 3 reasons: 1) I wanted to keep my bouquet and my bridesmaids did too 2) We will use them for our AHR 3) Real flowers wilt so quickly in the hot sun and I wanted to wake up the next day and see them again
  22. Just had 5 more people book last night for Mexico!!! Yay baby! Looking at a possible 7 more... we must be very popular! haha Either that or people want to get the hell out of Michigan's snowy weather into a tropical atmosphere! LOL Okay, I just had to share that with you girls! So excited!! futuremrsgoodrich.... OMG one more month!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!! Get pumped! xo ~ Erica
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by claire.cw.watson Hi all Well my wedding is coming up Feb 18th, still not sorted! Need to get dress fittings, favors, final numbers table plans etc!!! I've sent an email to the hotel asking about what kind of things we can hire for table decorations ie candles, lights... Im traveling from England, and have a tight luggage allowance, so cant really carry much stuff over. I'm happy to buy things once I get there is need be. Just feeling a little stressed now. Worried about having the correct paper work for my legal wedding (think I only really need birth cert. the other stuff I get there). REALLY worried that people will be bored. I keep jumping between having a DJ vs Ipod. There's only 30 guests, so feel like having a DJ is a waste and that it would be better just to use the hotel disco...AGGHHHH !!! Hope everyone else is doing well.x I'm in the same boat Claire. We still have a list of things to do. But luckily we will be traveling from China to the U.S. before heading down to Mexico. So we have about 4.5 days to get things sorted out and packed in order to fly to Mexico. We decided on not having a reception in Mexico. So after the ceremony we will have a cocktail hour and mariachi band playing for an hour while we are getting our pictures taken. Then those guests that want to join us we will head to dinner in one of restaurants. After dinner we will head to the disco and party the night away! We figured our guests would enjoy a not so scheduled day and they can basically do what they want after the cocktail hour since it is their vacation too. Good Luck Claire! When will you arrive at the CAT? I know you already told me months ago but I forgot. ~ Erica
  24. Hey girls! I'm back in China and need to get caught up on all the gossip! Two good things happened today- 1st - booked our photographer (Ivan Luckie) and I feel great about it 2nd - 5 weeks from today is our wedding day and I'm so giddy about it I just realized last week that all of my guests are flying in on Superbowl Sunday afternoon. I need to email the resort to see if they will be playing it at one of the bars. Is anyone having last minute guests book and still getting quotes? I am excited for more people to book but at the same time it's driving me crazy not knowing how many guests I will have since we are 5 weeks away. Ahhhh..... I'm off to bed, have a good day girls! xo ~ Erica
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