Quote: Originally Posted by shellk futuremsmoulton,
great invites they look brill.i have found out that my fi only wants to do the fun stuff.we had a conversation about invites the other day and i could tell he really was,nt interested but i asked him about the lay cause i know when i get them designed he will be like well what about this nd this.i had said we will send them out beg of dec and he said rather than a picture of a tropical beach on the front why not put one of our wedding pics on there?reply because we don,t get married till feb?but he said he was listening.
meyer2010,i think because you know who is coming you will be fine sending your invites out in november.i guess you are sending them just to make it official? Yes!!! We are sending them out to be "official"... thanks for your help! When are you sending yours out? Just curious...
Your FI sounds like mine... mine didn't want to take part in: table decorations, flowers, or invites. But he was on board when it came to OOT bags and the welcome brochure! Go figure! ha-ha!