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Everything posted by Meyer2010

  1. So sorry to hear your mom will not make it! I went through this same thing!!! Long story short: We got engaged in January, one month later my mom told me she could not make it. Then in April she said she could with her income tax money! Then by June she could not because of finances. Since I live in China with my FI, we were unable to take my dog so she is watching her while we live in China for 3 years. So, I worked out a payment plan with her. I was paying her $200/month for dog food, supplies, grooming and the rest was for the trouble of taking care of a large dog! So, we trimmed off $125/month for the next 2 years and paid for her ticket, my step-dad's ticket and my brother and sister. It was alot of money up front for us, but it will work out in the end. It would have broken her heart not to be there! Is there something like that you could work out with your mom? Maybe you pay for her up front and then have her pay you $50/month or whatever she could afford? Maybe it's not the money though. I really hope things work out! You need your mom there! Good Luck! HUGS!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by koolatta Wow..Nov 12th is my step dads b-day so we will be celebrating that out there..I'll make sure to take an extra shot of tequila in celebration of your anniversary.. :-) I will make sure to find all of that information for you! No worries there. Congrats to your brother. I am so happy for them and for you!! Lots of happy memories are going your way, with the wedding and the baby - isnt it great! I am also doing the renewal of vows (we just got married here legally for our 9 year anniversary!) We picked Nov 14 since my FI proposed there last year on that date. I am doing the OOT bags and i have wedding cups that have our name and date and the saying "arriba abajo al centro pa dentro" on the back (our tequila shot chant) we also have personalized playing cards, water bottles, candy, postcards and a welcome letter..I have no idea how im getting it over there. I also have fan program (which i still have to assemble) that i have to take too..boo. I am doing the private reception with the Grill menu and am getting my hair done there at the cat salon. I have a person I found on this forum doing my makeup. Let me know if you have any questions or need advise or vendors cause I worked with some great ones! The personalized cups are great and I got them so cheap and they were a pleasure to work with as is the photographer I hired. Thanks for the great wishes and I know both of our weddings are going to turn out beautiful :-) Woo-hoo... thanks! Take 6 shots for me! One for every year we have been dating! Congrats on making it legal! Did you tell anyone you were doing this? We planned on keeping it a secret because our real wedding date is Feb. 10th in Mexico! I want my grandmother to be at the jp when we make it legal since she can't be there in Mexico with us. She doesn't know it yet, but we will just pick her up and tell her we are taking her to lunch or something! Nice job on the cups!! Here is a picture of our cups and koozies. Wedding Koozies picture by meyer2010 - Photobucket Wedding Cups picture by meyer2010 - Photobucket Just to clarify, the private reception is still $50/per person right? I know some brides choose the Chill Out Bar and I think that is what they charge also. We still need a photographer but I'm so confused on how long we need one and who to go with. We have some time yet though. Thanks so much for your help and Good luck on the rest of your planning!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by lisa_k How is everyone getting their OOT bags down to Mexico? Carrying them down or shipping? I'm kind of worried about that and I've been trying to read about it on the forum, but I'm still not sure of the best way to do it. We will divide our stuff up between us and my parents. Luckily we are on the same flight as them. We will arrive in Cancun at 11am and our resort by noon. All of our other guests will be arriving later that afternoon. So we will have time to put the bags together and get them to the front desk so they can hand them out to our guests as they check in! I've heard horror stories on shipping stuff down there. I don't think I want to take that risk! I think custom's main concern is that you are bringing items down to Mexico to sell. Just make sure you have receipts for everything in case they ask you for them! I've heard this more than once! Good Luck!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by koolatta I head out there November 7th. OMG...so close. I went there last year and saw 2 people who were handicapped and they told me they loved the freedom they had to move around, so that is a plus. My grandfather is now unable to attend (he is in a wheelchair) and my mom has problems with balance and the sun also so she has trouble with steps and too much walking so I agree that this resort is perfect. I will definitly come back with tips, suggestions and hopefully all happy memories and details to pass on to you Meyer2010 and the rest of our cat brides :-) I will def tell you if there are any unexpected hurdles with my mom over there, but i doubt it. I think our moms will be fine Thank Morgan for the tip! You always come through for us :-) That's great! Can you do me a favor and see if the CAT has wheelchairs that we could use? My mom has a walker and cane but I'm trying to save her legs as much as possible. If we need to wheel her to the beach then that would be so handy! We originally picked Nov. 12th to get married (our 6 year anniversary) but we found out my FI's brother and wife were expecting and due Nov. 1st and they are in the wedding. They have been trying for 2 years to get prego so that is why we moved our date to February! I'm so excited for you! Do you have all your stuff done? Are you doing OOT bags and such? Are you doing a reception at the CAT? We are doing the "Renewal of Vows" package since we will go to the JP to do our "paperwork" before we head to Mexico! Thanks for the tips Koolatta! I hope you have an excellent wedding and a beautiful time in Mexico!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan The airports took very good care of my dad. He also got to bypass the lines for customs since he was escorted by a airport staff member pushing the wheelchair. We requested a handicap room, too. Great info Morgan! Yes, I did request a handicap room for her too!
  6. Yes, my BM's will have small versions of my bouquet. We will have an AHR so we will be able to use our flowers again. But, I think I will only have real touch flowers for me and my BM's and will have the florist at the resort do real bouts & corsages for the rest of the bridal party/parents. We will also have bouquet to throw at our AHR but I think it will be a real bouquet so it will be cheaper than real touch. We'll see. I'm still in the "deciding" phase
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by koolatta OMG! Meyer2010..my mom has ms too! that is why i am having my uncle and stepdad walk me to the ceremony and my mom will walk me the rest of the way! Yay..im glad i can help you!! Wow... small world! To tell you the truth, that is mainly why we picked the CAT. Because of the wood walkway down by the beach. She will be able to use her walker down there and still be able to participate in other activities. Since she can't be in the sun for very long I will try and reserve her a cabana everyday! Plus, I will call the airlines a week before we leave to have a wheelchair waiting for her when she gets off the plane. I can't wait to hear how your wedding goes! When do you head down there?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan my mom walked me all the way, because my dad is in a wheelchair. I've seen people have both parents walk them in when their parents are not divorced. Mine are. My step dad stood in the back of the tent until my mom sat down, because he didn't want to sit infront of my dad. This wasn't something we planned. I wondered why he was standing & my mom explained it later. So something that could have worked, if my dad could have walked me down the aisle, would have been to have my mom walk me from my room & hand me off to my dad. Then my stap dad could have escorted my mom to her seat after we had passed by. You'd have to think about the transitions & how it will look. Wow... I'm in the same situation. My mom has multiple sclerosis so she walks with a walker. My parents are divorced and at first I thought about having my dad and stepdad take part in walking me down the aisle but then I realized since I'm my dad's only daughter, he should be the one to walk me down the aisle. Hmmm... you've got me thinking now!
  9. Wow... thanks for the comments girls! I'm super excited to give them out! I do hope they become useful and when everyone uses them after our wedding they will think of the great times they had in MEXICO!!! Our logo reflects a postage stamp! Since it is a DW our STD's and passport invitations have our logo incorporated as a stamp too!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by *Nadine* Good poll! Im trying to incorporate green, orange, purple/pink somehow. This is my inspiration board Welcome SanDD!!! Our colors are Pink & Green! My FI picked green and I love pink. So that is how we determined our colors! Love your inspiration board Nadine! You have my BM dresses on there (J.crew - Silk chiffon Juliet dress - in clover)!!! Good Luck with the rest of your planning!
  11. Wow.... LOVE them! They have a great tropical feel. Green and Pink are our colors! I am so excited for you!
  12. I agree! I think the red would look gorgeous! I think they would compliment your MOH's bouquet as well! :-)
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by lily17bear I say we go for it!!! LOL Okay... let's dive in with both feet! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by bride2010 Erica, I don't think I ever complimented you on your logo. I absolutely LOVE it! It's so unique! This was a little off topic, so sorry guys... Awww... thanks! I'm pretty fond of it too. We've incorporated it into alot of our favors and such. It's our wedding "I.D" as we call it. hee-hee! I love yours too! Very tropical looking!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by sobelove Okay, so our wedding is just over 7 months away. I can't believe it's getting so close! I'll be engaged a year on Christmas Eve. Time has flown by. Planning is going good. Looks like we are having a private reception at the Pure Chill Out Bar due to the number of guests we are going to have. If you have any suggestions or recommendations or can just let me know how your reception went if you had a private one at the PCOB please let me know. What did you have for the dinner? Did you have a DJ? What did you give as wedding favors? Welcome to this forum sobelove!!! From what I'm gathering, it looks like if you have 20+ guests you will have to have a seperate reception. I really didn't want to go this route since we are having an AHR when we get back. $50/per person seems really high at an AI resort. I don't know, I wish there was a way around it! ~ Erica
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan see the pier in the background? You can also see how long the aisle of sand is that you walk in on. Awww... Morgan! That is so cute your mom was able to be included in the ceremony! My mom keeps telling me she wants to be a part of it too. I just may have to include her. I think having her walk me from our room to the site would be perfect!
  17. How does everyone plan on taking their flowers with them to their DW? - Shipping them ahead of time - Carry on - Buying them near their resort
  18. I'm not too crazy about the berries though, I think those will have to go. I might add more flowers to make the bouquet a little bigger. I just hope they travel well and won't get squished!
  19. Well, this bouquet is similar to what I was thinking of doing. I really LOVE this bouquet. Something about keeping my bouquet afterwards almost has me talked into doing "real touch" flowers. I just need to go for it!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Future Mrs. Kt Ellis My wedding colors are pink and green too. I'm so glad to see that it looked so great in your bouquets because people have been giving me some strange looks lately when I tell them our color combo. Ha-ha... I hear you! I chose Pink & Green too! I love that combination, so fresh and those two colors are made for eachother! Actually, I have a funny story: My fiance wanted green to be part of our wedding and I love pink - that is how we chose! You have nice taste!
  21. Okay, I really LOVE this bouquet. It's so tropical looking! I'm still on the fence on either having a fresh flower bouquet or "real touch" bouquet ....Auuuggghh!!! ~ Erica
  22. Love your wedding date by the way! Very cool!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by snoopAsh I found mine at the dollar store and they came FOUR in the pack! Pictures by snoopcurb - Photobucket I bought 25 pakcages...so now I have 100 shot glasses! Nice! What dollar store was it? General Dollar or Dollartree? There are so many now it's hard to keep track! Good find!
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by super19 They look great. I may have missed this but where did you get them? Thanks Girls! I can't wait to use them and see if our guests like them! I actually got them from a supplier my company uses so I got a great deal since my company uses them alot. I've heard a few brides used discountmugs.com. Good Luck!
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