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Everything posted by bride2b10

  1. oh that would be great thanks! I think you can look in the "how to" section to see how to add files.
  2. I'm asking bc I started buying stuff for mine...and it's EXTREMELY heavy and I'm not even half way done. I have to make 24
  3. Where did people get their clear bags for their beach/hangover kits? I saw some bags at michael's but they were more for candy and way to narrow. thanks so much!
  4. I did that as well...but all the labels came off over night, even though I used sticky paper. Did you have that problem?
  5. Stupid question - did you peel of the original label or did you just put your own label on top. What about the cap? Thanks!
  6. panic! I feel sheer panic Not at the thought of getting married, but at thought of having so little time left to do so much!
  7. where did you get the bows? That is the exact color I'm looking for!
  8. look in the "how to" thread in the general forum info.
  9. Yes you should definitely check out the other thread. Also, I often frequent tripadvisor and, at least for the Palace, the reviews are pretty good. Not sure what happened in 2006 but we were there a few months ago and thought it was great.
  10. I'm turquoise and fuchsia also so please post when you get back
  11. They can rent them to me for $3 or $4 per sash..I can buy them for about $1...
  12. OK I feel a little silly even posting this but I think it's my first bridezilla-ish non important detail so what the heck... One of my colors is turquoise...I know there are many different shades so I ordered these 2 samples from weddingslinendirect and tableoverlays because they both had the bright blue color I wanted. However, when I received it it's a much darker blue and looks nothing like the picture. Does anybody know where I can order any that are actually a brighter turquoise?
  13. Sorry it took so long but here are the pics. I also ordered jute bags for the hangover kit, so attaching a pic as well. Granted the totes aren't the best quality, but for about a $1, I think it's great! Feel free to ask if you have any questions.
  14. I actually thought about that post it note when I first read the thread. "I'm sorry, I can't, don't hate me"
  15. Thanks! That's just what I needed to hear I typically don't stress over little stuff I just don't like "matchy matchy"...also to me it just looks like the person is trying to be IN the bridal party... My FI says he talked to her before and didn't explicitly say not to but hinted that she doesn't need to wear the same color... anyhow..nothing left to do and no use worrying about it now, it will be her problem if she ends up looking silly... thanks again!
  16. So...I am definitely looking for a 100% honest opinion. My thought with wedding colors is that I wanted certain things to match/compliment each other - chair bows, turquoise runners, gm shirts, bm dresses, flowers, etc.. The one thing I didn't want in my wedding colors is our moms. My reasoning is that I just think it looks like they are one of the bridesmaids and it just seems odd to me. To make story short, Sunday FMIL tells me that she bought a dress in bright turquoise (my color) and sends me a link. Not only is it the perfect color, it's long and chiffon like my bridesmaids were suppose to have. My FMIL is walking my FI down the isle so I picture how all my bms/gms will walk down..and then his mom... am I making something out of nothing? Not bad considering I've been engaged 7 months and this is the 1st thing I freaked over
  17. My dad passed away also so I'm having my mom walk me down the isle.
  18. Just wanted to let people know that I received an order of OOT bags (fabric with pocket in front) and they are great...especially for the price! I'm really happy with them. If anybody wants a picture let me know and I can upload.
  19. I sent a picture of a simple huppah and a similar tent cover for the guests for ceremony. The picture had a few roses .. make story short? $1700!!! Are you kidding me? That is BEYOND ridiculous. Do they just make up these ridiculous amount in hopes that people will pay?
  20. That's what I'm afraid of also but at least for ceremony and pictures...I'll walk super slow
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