So...I am definitely looking for a 100% honest opinion.
My thought with wedding colors is that I wanted certain things to match/compliment each other - chair bows, turquoise runners, gm shirts, bm dresses, flowers, etc.. The one thing I didn't want in my wedding colors is our moms. My reasoning is that I just think it looks like they are one of the bridesmaids and it just seems odd to me.
To make story short, Sunday FMIL tells me that she bought a dress in bright turquoise (my color) and sends me a link. Not only is it the perfect color, it's long and chiffon like my bridesmaids were suppose to have. My FMIL is walking my FI down the isle so I picture how all my bms/gms will walk down..and then his mom...
am I making something out of nothing? Not bad considering I've been engaged 7 months and this is the 1st thing I freaked over