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Everything posted by bride2b10

  1. Nope - in that case the entire white square with the stamp in it moves to the front or vise versa. The problem is separating the stamp from the background... it is currently attached as one image. Thank you though
  2. So I'm creating passport invites, and have found a bunch of stamps that I'd like to use. The problem is that when I paste these stamps, they have the white background instead of the color of my passport. I used photoshop and deleted the entire background, which I thought would fix the problem. However, even though there is no background it still pastes the stamp on a white square...anybody know how to extract just the stamp itself? Just spent 2 hours on google with tutorials and still no luck... Thanks so much!
  3. HAHAHAH Too funny!!! But I sort of understand the bride as well...if everybody can bring a +1 it can REALLY increase your #s (but love the cousin's reply!)
  4. I agree that we have all chosen this hotel for a reason. And I don't mind paying more than at other hotels. However, I'm concerned because it seems like they randomly raise prices. There are no contracts, so how can you be sure you will pay what you were quoted since "prices are subject to change"? Usually when prices, options, etc. are published for the year, they won't change be changed a month later...no?
  5. This is ridiculous! They already published 2010 prices and it was $3,080. You can't just keep changing the prices (or I guess they can)... Is there anything we can do??
  6. bride2b10


    Congrats and welcome! Both sound absolutely beautiful. Happy planning
  7. Wow that sounds awesome. We are thinking of going to Greece for our honeymoon as well. I've been there before many years ago and it was absolutely beautiful. There's tons of info here on invitations and such so you'll have plenty of ideas. Happy Planning!!!
  8. welcome to the forum!! I think you'll find a lot of useful info here and I'm sure there have been people who had their legal ceremony in Mexico as well. Happy planning and congratulations!!
  9. I'm in agreement with everybody else. It's not just a random vacation for people to invite whoever they want to. It's your wedding and you should have only the people you want there. If you have been friends for so long then I'm sure she'll understand the situation.
  10. I'm so sorry you have to go through that. Hopefully you will be able to find somebody at that office who can help. Best of luck!
  11. I thought Karina and Lacey's partners weren't too bad (sorry forgot their names)
  12. I think she Izzy be gone for 5 weeks to shoot a movie. Meredith will also be on maternity leave for a bit so I'm curious to see what they are going to do with her.
  13. Congrats and welcome to the forum! I was also initially very nervous but once you jump in and start planning, it's not so bad. Plus you have everybody on this forum which becomes incredibly helpful.
  14. Congrats and welcome! There are plenty of fantastic ideas around here and it is so incredibly helpful. Happy planning!
  15. Welcome to the forum and happy planning. Those all sounds like beautiful locations!!
  16. Congratulations! That is so exciting and I'm sure you'll get a lot of ideas on this forum. Happy planning!!!
  17. Hi Ladies, I'm relatively new but I wanted to thank you all for this thread, as I haven't had this much entertainment in quite a while. why? because it's all so true!!! Granted I can misplace a key here or there but honestly - how can somebody remember every player of every sport and can discuss them all in extensive detail but can't remember that we are going to my friend's engagement party even though we have been discussing it daily for a month? Really? Is it just selective memory? I think we should all colaborate and write a book (or more like a manual)
  18. yes I think at the end it will all be worth it. And there's always ways to cut corners but I think it's best to rememeber how much all that costs here (ie a hotel Saturday night minimum starting at 20k just for the food/location, then add dress, flowers, photography, etc) and that it is still reasonable for such an event. I'm also excited that the food is good!!
  19. Nope, not one of those. It's one palm tree leaning to the right. Most people have that one in their templates but it's so frustrating because I can get it into 7 random colors and then that's it...I hate 2007 version of everything!!! Thanks for your help!!!
  20. Were you able to change it to any color? It's letting me make it only a few pre-set variations...
  21. Apologies if this has been covered but where does everybody get the palm tree that a lot of people are using in their invitations, monograms, etc? It looks like the same pictures just in different colors. Thanks so much!!
  22. Thank you!!! I'll actually be there the week before you (AND I got engaged in Monterey in August funny enough )
  23. Hi Everyone, I'm having my wedding at the end of June and am really worried that it will be too hot for guests, especially since we are having some older people. I'm ok with the ceremony as it is relatively short but what about the evenings? Is it still generally hot and humid and uncomfortable even with the wind? Did anybody get married during this time? Thanks so much!!!
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