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Everything posted by kimberl07

  1. Congratulations and welcome!
  2. Congratulations and welcome!
  3. I am finally able to go to Dreams for my planning trip (though most of the planning had better be done) in early October -just 3 1/2 weeks before the wedding. I think it would be great if I took a couple of suitcases of wedding "stuff" when I go for this pre-wedding visit. Does anyone know if they would store my bags for 3 weeks, or do you have any suggestions/opinions about this idea? I appreciate your feedback!
  4. ~2009~ April 2009 May 2009 *M & L* - May 13, 2009 June 2009 Ashley -- June 30th 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 kimerl07 -- October 30, 2009 November 2009 smith3576 Nov 3, 2009 (Jamie) Jennifer_Katherine - November 10, 2009 VancouverPVBride-- Nov 27th, 2009 (good idea)! Jess - November 28, 2009 December 2009 J&M Wedding - December 4, 2009 Autumn - December 5, 2009 ~2010~ January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 Future Mrs. Griffith ~ 5/14/2010 KarenM - 5/29/10 November 2010 "AprilMay" (April) ~ Early November ~2011~ January - January2011bride
  5. 2009 Vallarta Brides Tiffiney01 -Riu Vallarta - August 15, 2009 tcuvicki- Presidente Intercontinental 9/26/09 jmiranda - Riu Vallarta - October 20, 2009 Kimberl07 - Dreams Puerto Vallarta - October 30, 2009 Trisha (verh0016) - Las Caletas - 11-03-09 Jamie (smith3576) - Dream - 11-3-2009 (arrive Oct 2 Marie-Laine - Casa Aventura, PV - November 6, 2009 Sam (db2b) - Playa Fiesta, November 10, 2009 godaloveme-playa Los arcos- 11-14-2009 Jess - Dreams Puerto Vallarta - 11/28/09 MaryS-Mayan Palace - 11/28/09 Autumn - Dreams Puerto Vallarta - 12/5/09 Nikkigard, Spiaggia, 12/5/09 msjcastillo- Las Caletas Puerto Vallarta 12/20/09 2010 Vallarta Brides beachwed2010 (Becca) - Westin Puerto Vallarta 1/16/2010 Jenn (lil_reeves) - Karen's Place, Bucerias, MX (PV) - 1-27-2010 owensmiley-las Caletas-4-10-2010 diane (miss di) - las caletas - April 24, 2010 KarenM ~ Dreams ~ May 29, 2010 Steffen and Randy, Villa Mia, June 4th, 2010 sierra - ceremony @ Hacienda San Angel, reception @ Villa TBD - 10/10/10
  6. Welcome and congratulations! This is a great resource for planning your destination wedding.
  7. kimberl07


    Congratulations on the upcoming wedding and welcome to BDW!
  8. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding and welcome to BDW!
  9. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding and welcome to BDW!
  10. You'll get good info here. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding and welcome to BDW!
  11. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding and welcome to BDW!
  12. Congratulations Mom on your daughter's upcoming wedding and welcome to BDW!
  13. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding and welcome to BDW!
  14. kimberl07


    That sounds awesome. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding and welcome to BDW!
  15. You will be amazed at how much you learn. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding and welcome to BDW!
  16. kimberl07


    Congratulations on the upcoming wedding and welcome to BDW!
  17. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding and welcome to BDW!
  18. Dig in- I'm sure you'll find some ideas here. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding and welcome to BDW!
  19. kimberl07


    Congratulations on the upcoming wedding and welcome to BDW!
  20. kimberl07


    That sounds like at great idea; please let us know what you decide to do.
  21. Hi, I'm Cassy from Nebraska/Arizona. I stumbled upon this forum last night and am ashamed to admit how many hours that I've spent reading these threads. It has been great to get information from those who have been there as well as others who are in the planning stage, like me. My wedding is on October 30, 2009 at Dreams Puerto Vallarta.
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