I will tell you my situation and what my family has been through this year. My mother has been sick on and off for the past 8 years. This past Feb 24 she was rushed down to the ER of the hospital (she is an RN at a local hospital) since she didn't feel well. She was diagnosed with pneumonia on the 24th. Still in the hospital, on the 26th I get a phone call from my dad to come to the hospital now. My fiance and I head to the hospital as well as my sister and brother and his wife. We all get there and head up to the room. As we walk up, her room is packed with drs and nurses and all her co-workers (its the hospital she works in). Her heart had stopped and the were resusitating her. This was the worst I had ever seen her. They got her heart starting again. She was put into CICU. The drs told us they were giving her a pacemaker. We actually questioned if she should also get a defibulator. The drs told us that the pacemaker on its own would "do the job" if her heart were to stop again. She actually was in the hospital for about 3 weeks. She had never felt better in years than she did when she got out of the hospital in March of this year.
My mothers went into cardiac arrest on August 30 this year and passed away. This is the mose devastating thing in life to go through. We questioned how she died of cardiac arrest with a pacemaker. How is this possible They told us that the hear t can slowly slow down to where the pacemaker doesn't even realize it is stopping.
If I could go back to Feb 26 I would have them put the defibulator in as well. I have no idea if this would have made any difference, but anything that I could do to change the end result, I would do in a heartbeat.
As for work vs time with your mother. It's such a hard situation to be in. I look back and only wish that I saw her even more than I did. I live about 20 minutes away from my parents, but always was busy. Usually saw them 2 times a week or so. I actually broke my shoulder 2 weeks before she passed away so it made it even harder to see her since I can't drive.
I would definitely look at the defibulator as well as pacemaker. I would say even if you can't get there to see her, make sure you talk to her constantly. You can't talk to your parents, or the people you love, enough. I have learned so much from my mom passing away. I speak to my dad everyday and make sure that Paul and I get down to see him at least 3 times a week.
I really hope everything works out for you and I hope your mothers stay at the hospital is short. I know how hard it is to see her in that bed.
Good luck with everything