I would not put them in the wedding. The role of maid of honor and bridesmaids should be for people that mean something to you. This is your wedding and they are there for you. I would try to involve them somehow. I would not have them wear the same dresses. Are you having commnion? My fiance has 2 sisters-in-law. I am planning on having them do some kind of reading. They arent wearing the dress or anything, but will be involved in the ceremony. If there are people you want in your wedding party and your fiance isnt keen on one, thats a tough situation. My fiance isnt big on a wedding party either. I feel like I HAVE to have certain people in it. There are people that have been there all my life and have to celebrate this with me. Even if you werent planning on having readings, I would probably do 3 short ones just to keep to how you feel. This is supposed to be the happiest day of your life. Good luck with everything.