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Everything posted by wemkulaf

  1. Great choose, I tried that dress on it was light and free flowing. Great for a DW.
  2. I am keeping it simple also. Only time I am asking everyone to get together is ti give out OOT bags, and that is not going to be formal. I am thinking we can all meet at paticular bar at a certain time and say a little Thank You speech and hand out the bags.
  3. Congrats and Welcome to the forum, you will found a lot of good information here.
  4. I had the same question, when people found out I was having a DW, most people alread said, well since it is a small event, we can do a bridal shower or something else for you. I also got questions from friends and family, like where are you registered since you are doing a DW so we can do something for you. I think some people understand the concept of DW wedding and don't get offended if they are invited to a shower, but just want to celebrate with you in some way. But in the end I will leave the shower situation up to my Bridesmaid and friends.
  5. Well what you can do is have your semi-private reception and have people meet back at the disco when it opens for dancing and fun, then you don't have to pay extra for anything. And then that way, if there aren't many people in the disco you can have the DJ plan what you want. At least that is an idea I am thinking about.
  6. Don't stress you have have come to the right place. Be careful cause this site is addicting. Welcome and Congrats!!!
  7. Oh great, I can't wait till you return to hear your review, since we both have the same package. We aren't doing any upgrades either, if I don't like the bouqets we get to choose from, I will probably get my mom to make them from the Real Touch or Silk Flowers. Are you taking your own decorations down for the semi-private reception? Are you doing any dancing after dinner? Sorry for so many questions.
  8. I thought about shipping too, but I will pack everything in the suitcases since we both get 2 checked bags for free.
  9. Lisa I just emailed her, we will see how long it takes her to reply since my wedding isn't until July. But I had one of the same questions, what does the flowers look like that come with the Royal Package, and what is the cost to upgrade if I want different bouqets.
  10. It must be something in the air, cause I have gotten lazy too. I use to go to the gym 3 times a week, but now I am lucky if I get there once a week.
  11. Thanks Lisa, I wonder if I should start this after the holidays. My wedding is in July 2010, so wondering if I should start in January. Cause Thanksgiving and Christmas are the best holidays to eat.
  12. Can someone email me this diet at [email protected]. I am very interested in starting this. Thanks!
  13. HEllo Lisa, can you give me Dionne email address cause I am also getting a bounce back from the [email protected]. By the way how is everything going as far as planning? Your big day is quickly approaching.
  14. We will be using our own wording too, think it makes it more personable.
  15. Congrats, isn't that a great feeling to get that confirmation!!!
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