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Everything posted by Sherri84

  1. Welcome to BDW! Happy Planing!
  2. Congrats & Welcome to BDW! Happy planning
  3. Welcome to BDW! I'm sure you'll find all the information on this forum to help in your choices Happy planning!
  4. Welcome & Congrats!
  5. Thanks ladies!! I'm going to call the store tomorrow to see what they can do. But when I ordered it I signed a paper saying that I reviewed the measurments and was ok with the size they were ordering. Which I did, I was between a size 0 and a 4 so we went with the 4 so it could be taken in instead of being let out. So because of this paper I signed I'm not sure if they'll even order me a new dress. But what I didn't do while I was there was check the actual size on the dress. Maybe it was the wrong size?? Guess I have to wait till tomorrow to find out...
  6. Congrats Nat, on your legal day & Congrats Toyal on your wedding day
  7. I went to visit my dress on Friday, and it was too small! It zips up but I think I popped a rib out of place to get it zipped up! They lady at the shop said I need to loose 1 to 2 inches to fit in the dress. She said this like it's not a hard thing to do which annoyed me a little. So now I'm all stressed out about my dress, am I going to loose some weight? Is the dress going to fit? What if it doesn't? If I don't loose the weight hopefully they'll be able to take it out a couple of inches. Pics of the back of the dress from when I tried it on Friday. Pics of the front of the dress, from when I was first trying on dresses, I didn’t get a photo of it on Friday.
  8. My FI is 9 years older than me!!! I'm 26 and he's 35, although he doesn't look or act a day older than 25 lol!
  9. Sherri84

    Toronto Newbie

    Congrats & Welcome to BDW!!!!
  10. Welcome to the forum!! Happy planning
  11. Sherri84

    SO excited!

    Welcome to BDW!!!
  12. HI Welcome to BDW!! Happy Planning
  13. Hi!! Welcome to BDW!! Happy Planning!!!
  14. Dislike (& LOL Sorry never really got into L&O) Salt & Viniger chips
  15. Accounting Technician - I work for a small firm in the beautiful Canadian Rockies I also work part time at a cute lil shop, I spend most of my cheques from here on merchandise tho lol can't resits the 50% staff discount
  16. 1. Where is your cell phone? Purse 2. Your significant other? Work 3. Your hair? Down 4. Your mother? Silly 5. Your father? Bald 6. Your favorite thing? Candy 7. Your dream last night? Strange 8. Your favorite drink? Water 9. Your dream/goal? Money 10. The room you're in? Work 11. Your ex? Eww 12. Your fear? Flying 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? Home 14. Where were you last night? Work 15. What you're not? Mean 16. Muffins? Ick 17. One of your wish list items? Puppy 18. Where you grew up? Ontario 19. The last thing you did? ate 20. What are you wearing? clothes 21. Your TV? Old 22. Your pets? Gecko 23. Your computer? Desk 24. Your life? weddings 25. Your mood? tired 26. Missing someone? mom 27. Your vehicle? Mazda 28. something your not wearing? socks 29. Favorite Store? Costco 30. Your summer? Busy 31. Like someone? No 32. favorite color? Pink 33. When is the last time you laughed? Today 34. Last time you cried? Yesterday
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