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Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk that being said... JEREMY'S DAUGHTER IS COMING TO THE WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the judge didn't just issue a decision, he made it a COURT ORDER that she come!!!! he has had a horrible experience with custody and just everything court related, but he won the most important part!!! i can FINALLY start letting myself picture her there and we can really start getting her excited about all of the details!!! oh man i need a glass of wine now!! HOORAAAAAAAAYY ERIN!!!! Yes I had to include every happy smily face that I saw for that cheer! I'm so happy that J's daughter will be joining you and I can't even imagine how incredible you must feel right now, especially being able to *finally* know that it's really going to happen! Amazing! Yay court judge!!! You deserve an entire bottle of wine to celebrate - enjoy!!!! p.s. especially in my case, I enjoy your mom's vulgar language so thanks for the kind words
Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk i hope you're travelling safe today michele!! i teared up a little bit reading your message... i absolutely can't wait for you to be back and to hear about everything! hopefully you'll be able to enjoy every second of the whole trip and experience! my stomach is in knots.. the hearing is at 1:45 today and i will definitely post an update when i get home! meghan, i am so so so sorry that these boys are just causing continued drama. the past DW brides always say that you really learn a lot about people during this whole process, and it sounds like you're no exception to that rule. this is not something you should have to deal with right now and it makes me want to strangle someone for what they're doing so soon before you leave! if it's possible, rest assured that they will NOT ruin any of your wedding photos, and there will be plenty of other, more important people there with you to celebrate with. it seems like we all have our own war stories through this whole process, and you've definitely got yours! we're all here for you to vent, just make sure these guys don't get the satisfaction of taking anything away from what you've been look forward to for so long!! Quote: Originally Posted by jodi_22n hello ladies just checking in and seeing how everyone is dealing with the last few weeks Meghan i hope that they dont cause any more drama coz if it was me i would have gotten loud and abusive by now xx i am getting nervous now as i still have no confirmation about the photographer at the hotel not sure if i mentioned before that the hotel changed its wedding package and i aparently did not get the package i paid for the travel agents are supposed to be fixing it but so far all they keep saying is just take the paperwork with you and i am sure it will be fine i have asked for a letter from travel agents to confirm that i do have a photographer as i dont want to get there and find out i dont the hotel are saying that they still have not received anything from the travel agents ggrrr i fly out in less than two weeks and getting a bit panicky now Quote: Originally Posted by Melidell Meghan, I'm so sorry that you have to deal with his loser friends right now. That is not fun- and Mr "does this shirt make me look fat" sounds like a grade A prima donna. I agree with Erin, though, there will be tonnes of other people with you in Mexico and these guys will just fade into the background. I think you're right not to want them around after the wedding- that one guy who thinks you shouldn't have an opinion on the bachelor party sounds like a sexist dick. Erin- I'm really, really hoping things go your way today. I don't know how you're coping with this mess at the last minute- but you're doing an awesome job. Let us know how it goes. I'll be thinking about you! Jodi - I can relate a little bit of what you're going through right now as we leave in just a few days and my wedding coordinator isn't even emailing me back right now! We haven't confirmed our reception time which means i haven't been able to confirm my time with our photographer (and I need to do that before Sunday! CRAP!). I hope your TA works it all out for you! And thank you girls SO MUCH for your support with these jackass GM's! It honestly means so much to me, even though I know my crisis is nothing compared to Erin waiting on the court decisions today. There's just more and more details about these guys that drives me crazy - such as one just having recently been married and gone through all this, and the other (the one with the backwards opinions on the bach. party) who spouts off about valuing his relationship with his g.f. like I value my relationship with FI - except I know that he flat-out lied to his g.f. about details of FI's bachelor weekend and the stripper, and asked the guys to back him up on it!!!!! I'm ashamed to admit that I hacked into FI's work email to see what these guys were saying behind my back before... but at least now I have the evidence in writing straight from this guys email account. It's so true that you really do find out what people are truly like in events like these. FI doesn't always seem to understand my theories on my friends - but I will not have people around me who think that it's okay to lie, manipulate and disregard others. The tricky part now will be how to avoid these guys as much as possible during our trip...
Yaaaaaaaaay Michele! You're already gone now but I know you'll have a fantastic trip! LOVE the champagne post too b.t.w Erin - I'll be thinking of you today as well... you have to let us know how it goes ASAP!!! We're all pulling for you here!! And I'm sorry... I have to rant just a little bit because I'm seriously having a freak out right now. FI went out with the two groomsmen last night to pick out new clothes and apparently the one GM who started all the whining and complaining about his clothes was being an absolute b!t*h about it and was soooo picky and fussy and tried on at least 50 shirts just to find one he could live with. And this was after they went through a couple dozen pair of pants as well! So FI is back and forth with me on the phone, I'm getting more angry and emotional by the second and he gets ticked off and doesn't bother telling me they're going for drinks! UGH! WTF! He's always good at msg'ing or something to let me know and when he's with these guys he is developing a habit of blowing me off. Now the big problem I have with these two GM that doesn't make matters any better is that I don't even want them in the wedding to begin with. They're two of the guys who planned FI's bachelor party and you all heard how that turned out. One of them has never apologized or even talked to me since then, and the other flat out told me that as the bride I should never have had an opinion anyways. And now this. I hate to admit it already but I think once the wedding is done, I will be telling FI that I don't want these two guys in my life anymore which is really going to suck because they're really his only remaining friends from back home. I just can't get over how incredibly horrible they've been through the last month or two and I want nothing to do with them. I already told FI that I'm glad our professional pics were just going to be the two of us anyways because I don't want these guys in my wedding pictures even! How horrible is that?!?! Having this stupid wardrobe crisis four days before we leave just totally pushed me to my limit and I really just want to be done with all of this now Sorry for the huge vent, I just can't deal with any of this anymore and it really, really sucks!
I sent both the English and Spanish versions of the celiac card to my wedding coordinator as my mom and one of our guests are both celiac. My wedding coordinator was happy to have them and was able to tell the chef about our requirements without any problems. We're just hoping that it all works out and I'm thinking of taking a box of gluten free cake mix with me just in case!
Ummm I`m sitting here trying to make up my playlist (yes totally last minute) and was grabbing some Justin Timberlake when I came across it. I sat here laughing and laughing and FI just walked away shaking his head at me!!!
Okay so I'm hoping this link will work... if anyone needed a good laugh for some stress relief then you need to watch this! There's a dull spot in the middle (yah that's Ellen for you) but you need to watch through to the end. Enjoy! Gingerbread Man Video
Quote: Originally Posted by jerseykitten 3 words for the Groomsman: SUCK IT UP!!!!! If your FI wants to go with him to find another comparable shirt let him - could it really look THAT bad? SHEEESH....men can be such babies. 2 hours till I leave work! HAHA thank you so much for this!!! It totally made me laugh and the few friends I've vented to around ehre today have all said the same thing. Look at the decades of horrible bridesmaids dresses that have been around - he's not the only one to think he doesn't look like a model LOL! FI is being good about handling it but I kind of feel bad because now he has to cancel his own plans this week just to take care of this It's not fair but at least he's willing. Oh and you must have been EXPLODING out of your office today! Not much longer and you'll be heading to the airport YAY!! Quote: Originally Posted by Melidell Oh- I almost forgot! We had some wedding guest related drama ourselves this weekend! Strap yourselves in for this one if you have a few minutes, it's a bit of a story. Wow. I don't even have the words for someone who could do that kind of thing. Little bro is definitely better off without her and hopefully you can just help him realize how much more fun your wedding/vaction will be without her Cow indeed. Quote: Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 Mel, Thanks for your kind words, it's pretty upsetting but I do know this is what we've always wanted and I wouldn't change things anyway! She called to cancel today and I think their travel ins only covers natural disasters, carrier bankruptcy etc...but now I'm feeling awful knowing she doesn't want to go and now is forced too. It's a mess for sure.... Suzy I hope you get things worked out for your mom and just try not to think that she doesn't want to be at your wedding - she obviously just has other concerns and reasons for not wanting to travel. Especially considering you live so far away and don't get to see her often, I can't imagine that she'd easily make a decision to miss your wedding.
Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk michele, i think i'm losing my mind! i guess i was thinking that may 22nd was actually april 22nd.. i need help! that's my mom's birthday though, so a fun date either way!! here's hoping for a fast last day of work for you! natasha, your garter looks JUST like mine, and mine's actually just my mom's old one. i love the "something old" thing! plus she made it for you, that's awesome! tracy, that friend of yours is psycho! fingers crossed that the whole situation gets figured out soon! i can't imagine a huge vacation so last minute! i have my fingers, toes, eyes, everything crossed for thursday. that should be the day we find out whether or not FI's daughter can come with us. nothing like cutting it close, huh? it'll give us just enough time to work with her teacher to get her assignments and all that organized. plus i'll have to tear through all her clothes to make sure she has what she needs! i hate all this uncertainty!! My mom's birthday is May 23!!! LOL! And FI's is today, and my dad's is this Friday! We've got a TON of birthdays this time of year so it's been hard to keep track of them with everything revolving around the wedding. Cute garter Natasha. I just spoke to my grandma this morning and asked if she had something she could send down for me with my parents, since neither she or m grandpa are able to come with us. So I'm not sure what I'll even be getting (she mentioned pearls, I mentioned a pin or brooch) but she knows me well so I know it'll be good. And definitely special since it'll be a part of them with me on my wedding! Erin - we'll have everything crossed here for you as well and hopefully the ruling goes in your favour!!! It would be heartbreaking after all this time if his daughter was NOT allowed to go so here's wishing you all the luck I can!! On a "funny" note, FI and I received an email from one of our groomsmen this morning. He had tried on all the clothes we bought for the guys to wear (special ordered linen pants, basic cotton button down from Old Navy and flip flops from American Eagle) and he's decided that the only part that he likes and that fit well are the shoes!! He's already tried having the pants altered a little and still isn't happy with them, the shirt is too small in part and too large in part and he just doesn't think he looks good enough for a wedding!! Okay I understand that he doesn't want to look like a slob, but if you are the kind of person who has troubles with the fit of clothing, or is picky about your clothes - tell the person who is trying to be nice and buy you all your clothes ie. ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Granted that FI left it until the last minute a little to figure this stuff out for the guys but I don't even know what to say about someone being that concerned about what they're wearing (and a guy no less!!). So when I talked to FI about it quickly, I just said that I wanted nothing to do with making this work, that he needed to be the one to find time in the next day or two and figure it out with them. I'm TOTALLY not dealing with this one! AGGH!
Yay I leave in 6 days!!! One quick question - I'm just sending out an email to our group with some details about everyone meeting at one of the bars the evening that the last few of us arrive. What's the best place for this? We have about 35 people in total and it would be for around 9pm. I'd been thinking Desire, but I'm not sure if it will be in nightclub mode at that time or not?!?! Suggestions please??
Hey Cara, congrats on the new house! That must be so exciting for you guys to have such a fresh start to everything right now. Getting your legal work done here ahead of time is actually pretty simple. You go to any registry and purchase your marriage licence (Service Alberta - Marriage Licences) which is valid for 90 days. Then you find a marriage commissioner (or church clergy) to perform the "ceremony" in whatever fashion you guys are comfortable with. There are minimal legal requirements/declarations that you each have to state but aside from those, you don't really have to do any vows or anything. You sign your papers and voila! You'll receive a marriage statement right away which can be used to start the process of changing your name on things like your drivers licence and about three weeks after you should be able to order an official Marriage Certificate. Nadine had recommended her marriage commissioner to me a little while ago and she's a super nice lady who does the ceremony in her home for you. If you want I can PM you with her contact info, even if it is just to ask a few more questions!
Erin - I have to admit that I'm envious of you having a few extra days off! I'm already contemplating whether I need to grab some extra time and just work a couple weekends once we're back to make up for it :S I started packing my clothes last night - okay mostly choosing my bikinis! - and then have a mental list going of other clothes i want to bring. Guaranteed that if I don't get that stuff pulled out of my closet tonight then I'll completely forget in a heartbeat! I think I finished my flowers for the most part, and now it's just a matter of figuring out how the girls can get them down there without getting them completely squished along the way!
Could you have him do a reading during the ceremony, or something similar to that? Or if you're doing a full-blown reception he could act as your MC just as he might do for a local wedding?
Wow Kimmy, two more days! And not many more than that for both Tracy and Michele! So exciting!!! Michele - it's going to be so hard to sleep on Wednesday night knowing that you have to get up so early anyways! Hopefully you're one of those people who can sleep on the plane. And everyone don't forget your neck pillows too! Tracy - we're flying with Westjet so each person is allowed two pieces of luggage weighing 20kgs (44lbs) per piece within certain size measurements. Plus we're allowed two pieces of carry-on baggage too but since I have my dress and everything to worry about, I'm hoping to only have one piece of carry-on. I'm not even sure that we'll use three full bags between FI and I combined, maybe four depending how our mugs pack in to the rest. So right now I've got two bags that I'll have to pass off which is easy with our friends flying down with us. And like Michele, everything extra that I pack will easily all fit into a single piece for the return trip so there won't be any worries at all coming home. I'll just have to worry about hiding a few bottles of liquor
Tracy I can't stop laughing that you said its nearly 11am when you got up and that was early! FI and I have both been up by 8am the last couple mornings and on the go the entire day! The flowers are coming along well, but not ready enough to take pictures just yet. Otherwise I finished packing all my OOT bags, all my decorations, all my favours and have a "still to pack" list of bits and pieces to finish off. After that it'll just be finishing the flowers, packing our clothes and printing off anything and everything that I need LOL! I'm kind of sad that I'll have a few little projects to do once we're down there but that's just the way it worked out for us. Things like my place cards that can't be quite finished ahead of time because we're gluing little umbrellas into a sand-filled tealight holder. But with the glue gun it should go really quickly!! I'm heading out tomorrow morning as well to pick up some last minute clothes and it'll definitely need to include those few "something specials" as well as some cute undies to wear with my dress - I didn't even remember about that until just the other day! LOL! I'm not wearing a bra with my dress (as you all could guess now!) and the rest just got forgotten with it. LOL! Michele/Tracy - what day do you girls leave again!?
Hey I wasn't at all here yesterday but YAY two weeks for me!! We leave in 9 days I think so this weekend is HUGE for us getting stuff done. I'm down to the point where I'm done most of the packing except our actual clothes and printing off all the paperwork and copies of things *I think* so hopefully this week won't be too stressful! LOL! I can't wait to just GET THERE!
Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd Hey ladies, I'm secretly a Mrs!!! Our legal ceremony was today We didn't think it would be a big deal but we both ended up crying a little! We're hoping that maybe this trial run will make us better prepared for Mexico. We had a great picnic in the park afterward. It's been a good day Yay congrats! I think having the legal stuff ahead of time will definitely help with the nerves in Mexico! Glad to hear that you made a good day out of it with your picnic too Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanLover Mel, LOL sounds like you have her pretty much figured out!!! Yeah pretty annoying, Like I said to FI I guess she is a true friend, it's just the way she goes about doing things, is very stressful on people .She thinks differently thats for sure, not on the same level as the rest of us!! I tell ya I have some special friends. I know someone on here had put aloe in the small bottles (was it you Meghan?!) I'm sorry I can't remember. I was wondering if you or anyone had a label for this? I can't get anymore of the aloe's I bought for the new comer, so I figured I'd just squirt some into the smaller bottle I got at the dollar store. And you all know I'm label crazy! lol thanks!!! Tracy - SO weird that your friend still thought it was okay to book even though you'd mentioned the 'deadlines' your wedding coordinator had already given a little while ago. And Yes I was totally the one putting aloe in smaller bottles and I do have the label template but it's on my work computer and I'm at home! When do you need it by? I'll be near my office in the next couple of days anyways so I can do it but just not right away. And thank you to everyone for the compliments on the dress!! It was definitely great to find everything I wanted in a single dress. The funny thing is that it was from a smaller store and I honestly think if I hadn't been to all the bigger stores first, I would never have chosen it anyways. Strange how that works!!
Not sure where you've shopped for tungsten rings before but we bought FI's ring through Tungsten Rings ~ Men's Tungsten Carbide Ring (Tungsten Wedding Bands) and love it! Their customer service is really good so it might be worth a call to see what their recommendation is. Initially we had bought FI an 8.5 which was what we measured him at. They had recommended a half size smaller but we stuck with what we had - and now we're waiting for the size 8 to come in the mail! LOL! It seems to be with the comfort fit bands, the sizing is just a little off from what a standard band sizing would be, so you might find that by going to the nearest half size lower in a comfort fit that it works well. But I'd definitely say to call them and check it out. They also have a really good return/sizing policy that's definitely a nice option to have!
OOOH! I had the best recommendation from my aesthetician (sp?!) last night. She said that I should go buy one of the little photo albums - like the plastic vinyl kind that hold maybe 20 photos - so that once I get pictures after the wedding then I can carry the little photo album around with me since people will *ALWAYS* be asking to see pictures afterward. I thought it was such a fantastic idea and really is so simple, but I would never have thought to do it! Anyways, just wanted to add that in for today
hey michele - what day do you leave again?? I just thought seeing as you're earlier than I am, it's gotta be just a few days around the corner!! And can i tell you all how happy I am to be getting an extra day off work this week?! OH MAN! And next week we're moving to a new floor in my office building so we automatically get a half day off so I'm definitely taking the full day instead! I'd really like to get packed this weekend so that I have all of next week to remember the things I forgot the first time around!
Hey Katie welcome to the site! There are a LOT of us from Alberta kicking around on this site, and even a thread for all of us in Calgary if that's where you happen to be as well (great for local help!).
Hey Patricia, welcome!! You'll find SO many great ideas here so have fun!!
I think Suzy or Tracy might have had the most up to date list? We all chat so much that we were over-writing the list a number of times and kept missing/dropping names so hopefully one of them captured it!! And Mel - FI has NOT seen my dress at all (although it is hanging in the closet right now, and he was trying to peek while I was posting pics last night!) and I sure hope that he likes me in it I really loved having the open back because it'll help keep me that much cooler. I keep having dreams about needing to stuff ice packs against my leg in a garter, instead of a flask because I get light headed in the heat sometimes! LOL! Or maybe a flask on one leg and the ice pack on the other to keep the booze cool too The idea for the magnets I stole from Shae's planning thread but I don't have the link just now although a quick search should pull it up. She's got a couple links included to help make them as well as her own recommendations so they were super easy! Clear beads from Michaels, printed the little pictures from work (need a laser printer) and mostly used punches to cut them out, glued them on and applied a sealer and gloss to the back to polish up the look a little bit. Then smacked on a magnet! The only real time consuming part was waiting for them to try in between coats!!