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Everything posted by echo2_62

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanLover here is the BM dress Those are cute BM dresses! I bet they'll look great on the girls!! And I don't really live close enough to the border to drive down to a David's Bridal to check out their dresses, but I think I'll be okay as long as I can order in the next week or two max! I've been lucky that a lot of dresses I seem to fit reasonably well, so I wouldn't need much done for alterations I think. Thanks for the suggestion though!
  2. I've been out at a handful of stores already and just haven't had any luck finding a dress so far, but I'm totally trying! I know I don't have much time left either I'm more sad about not having a dress right now than I am stressed, but give me another week and the stress may have bumped up a notch! We're going fairly casual for the BM and GM outfits, as well as our entire wedding almost so I'm not as worried about that - although maybe I should be!! We got engaged at the very end of June so it's been a bit of a go-go-go mentality for me since.
  3. I think I saw on tv last night that the season premiere is Monday September 14!!! I watch this ALL THE TIME and FI doesn't like it either - but that's why we have two tv's!!!
  4. Oh you are the devil!! FI and I have a too-cutesy inside joke about blue shoes and I would live to wear a pair for my wedding... and these are my size... and I have family in barrie.... aagghhh!!! I just don't know if I could handle heels that high!! Oooh, they are so tempting!
  5. Well for someone who hasn't planned much of anything yet, you sure are lucky to have found this site!!! Except I think I may have been more confused if I hadn't narrowed down my resort choices because there is so much help on a number of resorts here! Good luck with your planning!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanLover I excited to say I've got my bridesmaid dress in!! I got my wedding shoes as well. My rings came in as well alittle while ago. Now I am waiting for all the RSVP so I can start my OOT bags. I would love to put pictures up of the dresses but I can never get it to work, anyone have good advice to putting pictures up? My second wedding dress will be in next week, and the first $$ one will be Oct 1. Things are starting to come into place. I would hope so 7 months goes by fast! Holy smokes!! I've got some catching up to do!! My wedding is just a couple days later than yours and I don't have my dress (nevermind TWO! me = jealous!), no bridesmaids dresses, no rings picked out even! Agghhh! Looks like I've got a busy couple months ahead of me! Congrats on getting your dresses in though! Can't wait to see them, but I'm no help in getting anything attached either sorry
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk definitely an excuse to get all of your guests together for a birthday/pre-wedding celebration! i love the idea of keeping everything a secret from them.. that would be tricky!! i'm planning on shipping bags to our few guests going out of different airports.. a small price to pay to make it easier! i love the multi-quote.. what you do is each post that you want to quote you click the "MQ" and then on the last one you want to quote you click just "quote" and it will bring up a page with all of those posts listed. if i didn't have that i'd forget a ton of things i want to comment on! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Haha, I'd been bouncing back and forth between two pages to catch everyone that I wanted to reply to. Not fun! I'm going to ponder some options for keeping my secret on my way home from the office... I'll let you know if I come up with anything!
  8. Okay so I really don't know if these 'tags' would work for you because they aren't permanent sealing, but I thought because of the leaf-like shape, someone might get use of them!!! Touch Of Europe: Trudeau Silicone Reusable Bag Tie Wraps It looks like you get 8 to a package (based on the pictures only!!) but if so, they'd be a great deal at $4.99/pkg, even if it is based on US pricing. I know they're meant for kitchen or household items but I thought they were cute!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk here's my fun trick... most of my guests live close to us, so we're actually handing out the bags ahead of time. we bought them so they would work as a carry-on and then each couple can bring their stuff separately... saves us from having to bring it all! if you can believe it, this is me and my mom "not getting carried away". FI's bday is april fool's day so we're going to have a big dinner and hand them out then! we're not expecting any more than 20 guests, and only 3 of them aren't part of a couple. that definitely cuts down on the costs some! I was TOTALLY thinking of handing them out early too!!! We have a handful of guests that are departing from different airports than mine, so those would have to be packed, but otherwise the majority of our guests will be flying down with us! And strangely enough, my FI's birthday is April 6, so although we didn't have a birthday dinner planned yet, I'm sure that we could arrange something!! I just want to find a way to seal the bags in some way so that everyone has to wait until they're at the resort to find out what's inside!! p.s. how in the world does this multi-quote thing work?? I can't figure it out and haven't been able to find it on a search
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Kristy! Just so you're aware, post-dating checks is actually illegal. When I worked in banking and had to deal with overdrafts, people would constantly complain to me that the check should never have been cashed because it was post-dated. Sorry, but once you write that check, you're stating that the money is available in your account. Tellers look at the date to make sure the check is still valid (some checks state that they are only good for a certain number of days), but don't care if the date is in the future. Just wanted to let you know that so you don't ever get caught up in that. Thanks for the heads up on that Kristy! I honestly didn't know that! I guess I wouldn't have thought of it since I'm used to dealing with them while renting housing during school years back, but I've also been on the end of having had a cheque cashed too early (two months early!!) so I can see why that would be a hassle at the bank. Sorry for the incorrect advice Sgt.Pepperette! Hopefully you don't have to resort to any extremes and get to enjoy the rest of your planning!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by mwcfarms I talked to Jacy this morning and she was going to send me pictures of possible locations ie lagoon, poolside and beach plus some of the hotel photographers work. I am stuck between my extremely frugal fiance lol I will not say cheap but he's a farmer and well you know. I am thinking that we will end up going with the deluxe package, the gold or whatever and whatnot. I am not too keen on the buffet area/closed off. I know its free and can seat up to 35 people but I guess it also depends on how many other people come. If we are under 20 then I will do private reception. Where did you guys do your and was wondering if you had any comments. Thanks so much for the referal to Sasha Gluck, his work is amazing and i am hoping to book him. His prices are very reasonable. Anyways off to do more housework and planning lol. Have a great day all. okay I'm sitting here laughing because my FI sounds SO the same as yours when it comes to money!!! It's a family trait apparently. We're in the same position that you are regarding the meals, but because we don't want all the extras that comes with the gold/silver packages, we're just going to do the meals separately but not yet sure how we're going to swing it. Let me know what you get from Jacy!!
  12. ebredhawk - those are quite the OOT bags you've got going there! How in the world are you getting it all down to the resort?! And how many guests do you have, or at least how many are you anticipating? I'm so excited to get my bags started but I know I could get carried away SOOO easily! Can't wait to see pics when you get them! di - thanks for the links!! I couldn't see the first because it kept freezing my browser, but the second one worked and the funny thing is that we just attended a wedding a week ago and I was totally trying to get FI to wear a vest and everything! We didn't find one in time but nice coincidence. doblauvelt - I was looking at a stores website during lunch today and I found a lot of dresses that I want to go try on there so I'm a bit excited again (vast improvement from my miserable self after shopping this past weekend)!! What a roller coaster!!! shankd - I think that my FI is going to be dressed a bit more casually as well but since I don't know for sure what kind of dress I'll end up with, I told him that I still would like black bottoms, even if they aren't formal dress pants, and a white top. I think the GM will be in khakis so FI will stand out from them that way and not look as casual. I'm sure you'll find something in the middle for you!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by GinalynL I feel dumb asking, but what's EBB? EBB - Early Booking Bonus One of the terms I've come to know very well!!
  14. Ow, ow!!!!!! I think you're going to have one FANTASTIC wedding night with a new husband looking like that My challenge is that I see my FI in shirt & tie for work every single day so I have to find something that is going to make him stand out differently from that! I'm so excited though!!!!!!
  15. I would agree that you should see if you can hold back 10% of the total fee until your wedding is complete. It does give you some leverage if things aren't quite as agreed upon come the wedding date but it also gives him more reason to make sure that he holds up his end of the bargain too. You could even use his neglect in including various details (like the fact that he lives on the property, distance to the beach etc) before your deposit was paid as reason enough to withhold part of the payment. Either that or when you have to send in your final payments, send two cheques with one of them being post-dated for the day after your wedding so that at least he has it in hand, but you can make an emergency stop-payment if necessary! It's definitely worth the shot. I think you've made a good decision to outline all of your questions/concerns and get both verbal AND written confirmation at this point. There's no need for anymore surprises from this guy now that you know how he is handling this. As for the walk through the marsh area down to the beach, is there anyway that you can decorate a pathway of some sort for your guests to disguise things a little? I realize you maybe can't hide an entire marsh but perhaps you could lay down some sort of walkway and line it with torches or organza 'rope' to create an atmosphere? I don't know what kind of themes you have so I'm just throwing out one idea! I hope that it all works out for you in the end!! Try to just breathe for now, and have an extra glass of wine as well
  16. Janny - For the wedding day countdowns, I used TickerFactory.com (super easy!!) and I've also seen theKnot.com used as well. You just enter your wedding date, choose your images for the strip and the counter that moves along, then it spits out a string of computer code that you just copy and paste into your siggy and Voila!
  17. Congrats! Yay for more Alberta brides on the site! I'm down here in Calgary. How's the dress shopping up your way??
  18. Welcome & Congrats! You'll find lots and lots and lots of help on this site!
  19. GUESS WHO'S OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED AND ALREADY HAS EIGHT PEOPLE (yes including me and FI) BOOKED FOR THE WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm SUPER excited now!!! We ended up not bothering with a travel agent and since there was still a seat sale on through WestJet this past weekend, we sent out a formal-informal invite to our guests so that they could take advantage while the sale was on. I'm not sure what the prices will go up to once the sale ends, but that's why I'm still waiting on the group rate quote. NOTICE to the other girls waiting for WestJet quotes - I found out a bit of a glitch for my planning when it comes to the group rates. If the quote is given using an EBB price (which is what mine had been based on) then you have to pay the full cost of the trip upfront. No deposits allowed. Also, whether you are paying in full or paying the deposit amount, you have to pay the amount for everyone that is in your group in order to secure the pricing!! It doesn't sound like you can have individuals call in to get the group rate. You can however split the cost over multiple credit cards so if you had specific guests (family, wedding party?) that were obviously going to be booking then you could collect everyone's information and call it all in together. I thought they would be more accommodating for a wedding group, since most people recognize that the bride and groom hosting the wedding aren't going to be paying for everyone!! I could understand these terms for any other type of group though so maybe it's just their standard. If any of you find out differently please let me know in case I misunderstood but otherwise if you find seat sales or anything available then try to take advantage while you can!
  20. doblauvelt - you and I have the same wedding date!! I noticed your countdown first and thought it sounded familiar Have you already found your own dress then? I'm still looking for the right one, and man is it frustrating!! Congrats on helping your mom find 2 dresses though!! My mom is never too good at shopping, especially for formal wear so I'm hoping that it'll be easier for her being a DW instead of a more traditional wedding.
  21. Very glad that I've found this thread! I agree that it gets too frustrating hearing about all those great deals in the states and not being close enough to drive there! I used to live about 15 minutes from the border and that would be SO useful right now! I'm so excited about starting my bags so I'll definitely try to keep up on any deals I find!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Scubadiva You are in the same situation I was in before! I ended up posting pics on here and had the ladies take a poll. They were so differant but beautiful in there own way. I fianlly made my decision and im sticking with it. We went BM dress shopping yesterday so I got to try it on again and I know I made the right choice! I'm glad to hear that you're still happy with the one you chose! I really just want to find a dress that I still love down the road and that I'm excited to put on again! Quote: Originally Posted by karenk77 what are your reasons..maybe that will answer your question The first style I like is what most would consider more of the typical DW dress. Simple, more streamlined, lightweight with a some beading around the bust or neckline, halter or thicker straps, and often a low back or backless (highlights -> shoulders & back). The second style I like is the fuller look, fitted bodice, either light beading or rouching around the bust, strapless or full strap with v-cut bust (more noticable than the sweetheart cut), either button or lace-up back and the pull-up skirt (highlights -> waistline, cleavage - which I don't usually have much of!). ARG!!
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