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Everything posted by echo2_62

  1. SUZY! Quit drooling over your private thoughts But yes, Suzy does have it right that she and I are both the impatient type - we feed off each other actually, it's quite disturbing! Hahahah! I have to look at the shirts that are available but I think FI will be happier with a plain cotton one because he's more likely to wear it frequently than he would do with a linen one. Ohhh, what would boys do without us playing dress up sometimes though!
  2. Oh man... I totally deleted part of my message by mistake! No wonder you're all confused too It is the policy of my resort that if you are NOT using the resort photographer then you have to book your own photographer into the hotel for one night, regardless of where it is that they are coming from. It seems to be fairly typical from what I've heard that a number of the resorts either don't allow outside photographers at all or they have conditions on them like my resort does. So it isn't my actual photographer that is requesting the room, it is a condition of my resort. And I REALLY, REALLY love the work my photographer does (it's Moments that Matter Photography b.t.w.) As for using the actual resort photographer, the wedding package that I chose does not include his services so I have the option of buying a package - which would then allow me to just get a day pass for my photogs. The cost between the two scenarios wasn't much different before the sale on rooms came up, but I'm just trying to make the smartest decision which is conflicting slightly with the cheapest decision etc... I'm just so confused. thanks for everyone's opinions so far and hopefully I've made a little more sense with this now!
  3. Okay I need some help here... but a little back story first. Fi's opinion - who needs a photographer? They too f!@#ing expensive anyways! My opinion - ceremony: meh, guests, cake, reception: meh, pictures of us two & TTD type pics - DEFINITELY REQ'D So I have my photographers booked for two hours which we are planning to use between the ceremony and reception Dilemna - what to do about booking a room for my photographers (or not!) and how early should I book the room. I have a couple options. A) First and most simply, I book the room for a night. There is a good sale on right now ($300/nt) compared to what prices usually (lately, $500/nt) are BUT I checked out the last minute rates that are available for, say, November and those are about $200/nt. So do I book while there is a sale or chance it and try to get something good last minute? Option I can get my photographers a day pass for the resort if I also use the resort photographer and purchase one of his packages. This is basically a more expensive route to go (would probably cost about $600) but then at least i would get some additional pictures out of the deal in return. Also - do photographers who live in mexico actually usually stay the night at the resort, considering their own beds are just a short drive away? I mean sure its a resort and you get all the food and amenities, but I really am not sure!!! AGGGHHHH! HELP ME!!!
  4. Stacey - what weekend in November were you planning to make your trip with the girls to go dress shopping? I realized that Nov. starts in just a couple days so while yes, it is important to try and get a dress ordered soon, if it's the matter or a week or so then *maybe* you can get away with waiting still. Is there any chance that you could get to a store with even just one girlfriend sooner than you'd planned just to reassure yourself more than anything? Now with all that in mind, I've heard a LOT of girls that said they didn't have a "this is the one" feeling when they found their dresses! And I can totally relate to what you said about having it on your brain all the time and checking it out online a ton. I did the same thing the day after trying my dress on! I guess just ask yourself if there's still something you would change about this dress. Would you rather it had a different cut, or more/less beading etc. I had those thoughts about a bunch of dresses and I think that's partly why I felt they just weren't right. If you feel like there are still a few critical things you would change about the dress then maybe just keep trying?! So hard! And I don't know if I even helped you or confused you more! LOL! Good luck!
  5. I'm partially torn on this same thing. We booked our DW about two months ago and were really lucky to have a bunch of friends and my parents book almost right away. Since then we've had the odd extra person book but not anything more. So that total counts for about 25/50 guests invited. Doesn't sound too bad huh? Except that none of FI's family or friends have booked. We have some mutual friends of course that have, but we're originally from two different provinces and these are the friends that he's had since childhood that haven't even RSVP'd in any form. We've at least heard from some guests verbally but nothing from them. I shouldn't complain since our RSVP deadline is the end of January but there's nothing worse than the silent answer to your invites! I really hope for FI's sake that his friends get off their butts and make an effort one of these days.
  6. welcome to the forum! If you have had a chance to look through all the threads here you might have noticed there are some resort specific ones that can give you lots of info from brides who have already been married there are have been dealing with the wedding coordinators there. These threads will all be a good resource for you to find out more details from. Happy planning and ask lots of questions!
  7. I have an ivory dress as well and FI is going to wear a white shirt and beige linen pants I think. My thought was that the contrast in his colours will balance out my dress colour. Our bridesmaids are in dark purple and the groomsmen are in med-dark purple w/ black linen pants, so FI and I will kind of be polar opposites to them wearing all light colours.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by JHune even worse - he did it over text. not a word of a lie. :-( Wow. I don't even have the words anymore. I truly hope that something even more amazing comes out of this situation for her. I'm sure she's very thankful to have you as a sister and for all her friends and family supporting her right now.
  9. I have a Paper Buddy rotary trimmer with both a straight and perforating blade included. I bought and used the trimmer for my invitations only (made 40) because I needed the perforating blade which I bought separately and it came with the straight blade. I won't really need it because I've got another trimmer that I use for all my regular scrapbooking. Asking $35 (plus shipping).
  10. That's actually pretty common from what I know, but unfortunately I'm not really sure how to break through that. You could try talking to a trainer at the gym and ask them. How long have you been at it? I know there's a point where you stop losing the "excess" weight and go through a process of converting fat to muscle. It may just be that you're going through one of those phases now so even though you don't feel like you're seeing results, you really are but they're just all inside you. I would talk to a fitness trainer and go from there!! Way to go on getting to the gym that often though... I wish I can that conviction right now!
  11. Tracy - if you find that you're getting too hot then maybe you could try one of those cool bands that you drape around your neck. I can't explain them too well but like either of these... Cooling towel or cooling headband/bandana. Either that or go the tried and true route of a cold wet towel!! Either way you might find that it keeps your temperature regulated a little more and might help from getting a headache. I have issues with over-heating so having my treadmill in our basement is perfect because its always cooler down there. Make sure you're drinking a good amount of fluids while you work out too because that's a sure-fire way to get a migraine is if your body is dehydrated. I try to drink lots a while before I work out just in case.
  12. Yah I always thought that I was closer to the athletic/straight shape because my waist and hips were usually about the same size but I also know that I've put on some weight in my hips and behind too so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Wouldn't it be nice if we could have some input as to where our extra weight went on? I mean, nevermind that we have to just accept that its there in the first place, but give me some options! HAhahaha! But last night I took the dog out for a half hour walk, came home to do some squats, lunges, tricep dips, situps and planks. And I felt SO GOOD afterwards too! I wanted to do a run on the treadmill but our basement is a bit of a disaster so the walk substituted. I actually want to get home and do it all again tonight! SO PUMPED!
  13. Okay first off I am SO sorry for your sister! That is an awful thing to have happen so close to the wedding, and with no explanation either I will happily take 10 of the blue gift boxes, the jewelled headband and the purse if they are all still available. My parents are in Burlington so PM me and we'll swap details. OMG and that dress is gorgeous! I feel so awful for her!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Barbo You girls are GREAT! Can I be the next BWD'er? Suzy can pipe in on this one too since she'll actually be receiving the swatches for the two of us, but I can't imagine why you can't be the next one to get them! LOL! Send either one of us a PM with your mailing address. It'll still be a few weeks yet before we get them just in case you missed that... but as long as you aren't in a huge hurry or horribly impatient LIKE ME! Haha!
  15. classadiva & ladytrunck - your comments were EXACTLY what I was wondering about last night looking at the site! I can't believe the price for shipping a few pieces of fabric even if it is overseas but it's a little better if you can get ALL of them for that price. I was also wondering, does anyone have fabric swatches that they don't need anymore and would be willing to give/sell me? I was looking at the blended linen ones, so I guess that is the set with eight colours. Please let me know!!!
  16. Those are awesome!! Where did you print the cards? Was it a home computer or somewhere else? I'd also be really curious where you got the luggage tags as I've been thinking about doing these as well. Thanks for posting!
  17. I don't think you should feel bad about not inviting this girl because she's not your or FI's close friend and because it's not just a personal irritation that you have with her. I'd drop some hints to friends that you do have in common and whenever you're around her make a point of saying things about how hard it is that you can only have a specific size guest list and won't be able to invite some people from the big group. We actually had family that was expecting to come and/or be invited however FI and I had no intentions of doing that because it would put us WAY over our limit on people. Of course a lot of the details were given to them by my FMIL and not us in the first place. We didn't want to go so far as saying 'NO you're not invited' so I deliberately told my FMIL specifically who I had sent invitations to and made no further mention of the other family. It seems to have worked because no one has commented since!
  18. I'm ordering the flip-flops (for the girls and guys!) in the next week or two. Once I get them I can let you know about those, but I'm not sure about the neckties. I'm sure that since the Dessy Group also does so many bridesmaids dresses that their menswear should be the same quality. I am pretty sure that you can search a local bridal store that carries some of their line so you could go in and ask about the quality I'm sure.
  19. A couple things to think about - are you really set on going down in the winter or 2011? What about waiting until the spring or even late fall? Then you aren't waiting a full year but you've still got more time to save up. Sometimes January can be difficult for other people too because they're just be coming back from Christmas holidays and either might not have the cash or be able to book the time off as easily. As for the TA, I don't think it's a bad thing for you to be honest and say that the January 2011 dates just aren't working for you financially or whatever, but that you'd like to come back and see him/her again once you've got a better idea again. I think they understand these situations for the most part. As much as you might not want to wait an extra year, you want to make sure that you're making smart decisions for starting your future together as well. Good luck deciding!
  20. Hey Rachel! Welcome to our group! My wedding is on a Friday afternoon (at 3pm, the evening times were not available) and our guests are arriving either the Sunday or Monday and staying for the week. I don't think I looked for any packages that were shorter than that, but I know that FI and I have a ten day package so that we have a few days on our own. You're right that the Friday times book up quickly although I've never really asked about the Saturday ones. If you're a little bit flexible then you still might have a chance to get what you want! I guess it just depends if you're set on specific dates. I would just contact the Wedding Coordinators (WC's) at DPA with the dates you're looking at and see what they come up with! Good luck and ask if you have any other questions!
  21. jetsbride - I know I saw some stuff at Jysk a little while back... not sure if they'd have them still but it might be worth checking out if you've got one nearby. I'll keep my eye out here for you.
  22. haha, I would totally make sure that either before or when you get to the restaurant, you tell the manager or staff who is taking care of your group that you would greatly appreciate if they would ignore any requests from your MIL if it pertains to something that has already been pre-planned ie seating arrangements, table arrangements, food, drink WHATEVER! That way she can spout off all she likes, but you'll know that it's been taken care of the way you want it done. Either that or tell her that when she throws a party of her own that she can make the seating chart then but otherwise this is your decision because its your party!
  23. oh I can't wait to look at your pictures after work tonight! Unfrotunately my work computer blocks photobucket but I bet they're just beautiful!
  24. I can say that thankfully my FMIL seems to have curbed her attitude about our wedding for the time being and has been reasonably agreeable lately. That, coming after six weeks of her not talking to us because she was nearly livid about a number of things we'd supposedly done or how we'd handled things with the wedding. I think she felt like we were expecting them to come but totally trying to exclude them otherwise. Well FIRST, she's not MY mother so I don't have to keep her up to date on every single step along the way nevermind that my mom isn't even that involved anyways! They both live in different provinces from me, and from each other, so really there's only so much they could help with in the first place. Second, I basically get treated like the "other" DIL right now. His brother and wife have only been married a few years but together for a long time otherwise so while it's understandable that they're closer, there is still some obvious favouritism towards her and really she could do no wrong it seems. BIL & SIL had a DW when they got married as well and it was "just wonderful" and yet FI and I have gotten all sorts of pushback. The really funny thing is that throughout all of FMIL's antics (which don't sound bad right now because I'm pretty much over it at this point), I'd been telling my mom about how angry and frustrated she was making me. And now, FMIL has been saying that she will make sure that she's not crowding us down at the resort and she will be more than happy to go shopping with my mom etc (like she does with SIL's mom!). And you're wondering why I'm laughing about this because really it sounds like a good deal? Well MY mom hates shopping and won't want any part of it. On top of that, she was getting really fed up with FMIL over what I was passing on and just can't see the two of them getting along beyond a social, casual (and partly oh-crap-now-we're-related) setting! Haha! I love my mom for it too. This thread has honestly made me feel so much better about my FMIL too so thank you! Or rather, it's helped me realize that I'm not alone in my plea to have her just mind her own business and be happy for us! Who'd have thought that was so much to ask from a PARENT!?!?!
  25. I think you're on the right track Kimmy. We have the odd things planned for our guests, but nothing major. We want to do a welcome breakfast/brunch just because we have people traveling from three different provinces and my parents have never met FI's parents etc! Otherwise, we'd been asking if our guests wanted to do a day trip as a group, just so that we could be sure that there was at least *something* we tried to do with everyone other than the ceremony, but it won't be an obligation to anyone that doesn't want to go. I think it's a great idea to let people know what you and FI will be up to so that everyone can make up their minds to join you or not along the way.
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