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Everything posted by echo2_62

  1. I know that all my wedding party, friends and other guests will be happy to keep on the "wedding gear" as we head to the dance floor later in the night. I'm totally planning to wear my dress as well and can't wait to see the pictures. Then again I'm also the one planning a group reservation to book a bunch of scooters/mopeds and go driving around and get a bunch of pictures on Cozumel - all while wearing my wedding dress! I figure that I'm not going to be wearing it again so I may as well do all the fun things I want to in it!
  2. My FI had also suggested sending out e-vites and not doing paper invites and I was the one originally opposed to this idea. It wasn't so much because of our friends, but I knew that my family would want to have a solid object in their hands (and also to put away as a keepsake). It turns out that it was a really good thing I started my invites early because although we did the same as you, sending out an email STD, it was NOT well received by FI's family. There was a lot of miscommunication involved but the general feeling from his family was that we were being inconsiderate for a number of reasons but especially because his grandparents don't use computers and felt not included. (meanwhile right in the e-std it said Formal Invites to Follow... again, miscommunication). The whole situation sucked and was insanely stressful to be honest. So I guess all i'm trying to say is that you have to consider who is on your guest list and whether an e-vite would be enough for everyone. Since parents and grandparents (and most family for that matter) are the ones most likely to keep and value a more formal paper invite, you could always do a small set of paper invites for them, but include them in your email invites as well just to be consistent? I would just hate for you to be stuck in the same situation that I was because all the issues have led to a falling out between FI and his family, even though we're all speaking again. And if FI is still opposed because he doesn't care what people's reactions will be, then just tell him that you're making the invites for certain people as a keepsake more than a formal invite. That way you'll be able to cut down on your costs for the invites, but still get them to the people that matter or will really want them.
  3. I haven't looked into this too much but my mom is celiac so I am hoping to come up with some ideas for treats that she'll be able to enjoy as well. Have you thought about getting a cake from outside the resort from another bakery? You might be able to find a place that is able to do something as a special order but I really don't know. I guess that's something to add to my list!
  4. Thanks for the heads up on that Ginalyn! I think I get so used to thinking "thank god it's going to be nice and hot there" that I forget that sometimes that may mean TOO hot along the way. But yes, I was hoping to find out prices for the golf course that we have access to through DPA. Guests get free green fees but I've heard from a number of people now that they still get you pretty good with cart and club rentals (at most courses, not just the one through the resort).
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by 2010wedding I received an email from Jennifer, the chief concierge today about booking golf times. Here is her email address if anyone is interested. ([email protected]) Thanks for passing this on!! I was actually talking to my dad about a round of golf to see if he'd want to go play. Any idea how much the cart rentals and club rentals work out to be for each person or for a group of 4??
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by amcarter I am getting nervous reading this blog everyday. I am obviously so far behind. My wedding is in a little over 100 days and we just found out we have to move to a new venue. As you can see I have a LOT to do. I think I'm going to print a large checklist and put it on the wall in my house as a daily reminder that I need to be doing something. I am really disappointed that I have only received two RSVP cards back in the mail. I have 11 confirmed airline tickets so far. Yikes! What happened that you had to move to a new venue?? Have you been able to switch everything over without much trouble? Do a search of the threads here... I know there are a couple really useful spreadsheet checklists that you might be able to use. It might at least save you the trouble of having to type it all out yourself! I think sometimes people assume that since they've booked their tickets and mentioned it to someone, you will know they are coming. I directly asked all of my guests to email a copy of their itinerary to me with the confirmation numbers "to give to my wedding coordinator" which really meant me! It has worked well so far since lots of our friends booked their tickets but otherwise hadn't replied by card or on our website. And you're right, you've given them lots of time to save up for the trip so don't make yourself feel bad for it!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by jerseykitten Do you guys know I have sent 2 emails to people and gotten barely any response! Michele - I'm sure it must suck that people keep saying that they are coming but then don't book but I think it some point you have to remember that it's beyond your control too If they don't want to take advantage of the group rates that you've got for them, then they can deal with the higher prices. Since we didn't use a travel agent at all, our guests have just had to rely on airline sales... and now that the new year has come all the sales have ended so the prices are up by a couple hundred dollars. I think it's going to have a big effect on who ends up booking now which sucks because it's mostly FI's friends who haven't replied in any way either. I'm sending out reminder postcards tomorrow (only ten thankfully) but I'm pretty sure that most will result in a form "sorry but we're not coming". Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanLover Thank you!! OMG I didn't even notice!!! and I've been writing 'Punta Cana' over and over again. lol thank you, what woud I do without you girls. Oh yes I love that game, try doing it for 12 mins tho, holy it's hard and definitely makes you sweat lol! So you do the Wii, and you work out at the gym or at home?!?! Thats amazing,where do you find the time and energy? I am worried about my MOH a little since she will book in March,and if there isn't any rooms left ,then both the FI and I will have no witness. At least my parents booked, but not the FI's parents!! WTH!! you'd think they would care if they got a room or not. haha I'm usually a bit of a stickler for grammar and spelling so I tend to notice little things like that (when I actually look at what I'm writing!). Glad to be of some help though! And I totally accept your challenge! As soon as I'm done writing here, I'm going to go hoola hoop for 12 minutes! 14 even! LOL! It's been a while since I had my wii out... and was sober using it!!!!! For a while I was going to the gym a couple nights a week but my gym was undergoing some renos which really turned me off going anymore. It's petty but true. So I workout at home or get out snowboarding when I can. I don't usually have the energy for much to be honest but its something I'm working on. I worry about my sister as well who is also my MOH. She won't be able to book until more last minute as well as we're trying to wait on her husbands work schedule. I know there are a few BDW brides at my resort around the same time so I worry sometimes that it's going to be fully booked. Someone had suggested a while back to try and reserve a room directly with the resort and I just might have to do that and hope that she can still get a decent rate paying for the room and the flights separately.
  8. Not sure what size/style you need but the chinese shops near downtown seemed to have them when I was last in.
  9. tracy I like your image the way it is... except I'm going to be the one that points out the spelling mistake!! It says PUTA CANA... it's missing the 'N' in Punta Cana (and writing that out so many times makes me think I don't know how to spell hahaha!). So before you start printing you'll need to get that part fixed. But otherwise I really like how it fades between the colour and black & white. I honestly wouldn't change it to the other expression. Oh AND I have to say - Wii Super Hoola is SO FUN!! I will certainly admit that I love playing that game! Man, I want to skip out on work and go home to play wii now! It gets left to the wayside far too often. P.S. Tonya - did you have a jump in numbers for how many people you have booked?!?! Maybe it's just my fried brain but I don't know if I remember seeing 26 there before!
  10. haha well erin I'm one up on you already then. Geoff wants to move out of the house we're in already! Turns out that he was a wonderful person when we bought this one because I LOVED it and he didn't really like it at all! My only request was to stay in one place for three years because i've spent so many years moving before now. We've got more work that we want to do inside, and definitely yard work that will carry us through this summer and by the following year I'll be ready to move too. And scary enough, that timing might possibly coordinate with a baby arrival too! We aren't planning anything at all but since I'm almost two years older than Geoff is, we don't want to wait too many years before getting started!
  11. Haha! At the hotel we were staying at over the holidays while skiing we had a room with two double beds. After the first night of being squished between FI and our dog (she's 55lbs and thinks she's 5lbs!) I decided that it wasn't going to happen again so I sent FI over to the other bed! LOL! I was hoping that the dog might sleep on his bed but she wound up on mine which really wasn't a surprise. It's just proof that I will likely never have a bed to myself unless I have to travel without either of them. Normally at home the dog sleeps in her own bed beside ours so it's not really an issue but I'm pushing for a king sized bed as well. Told FI that if I get pregnant then it's going to be on the top of my list for things to buy. 1) Big bed for me, 2) car seat, 3) baby crib, hahahahahaha!! I'm so selfish!
  12. hehe Michele - I'm happy being a little more lazy too And I'm glad to hear that someone you know actually enjoys their kettlebell workouts! It's hard to find people who are familiar with it even! And waaaay back I know that I'd mentioned that I would be running on my treadmill once we finished the renos in the basement (on the bathroom at least!) and we're getting so close! At the very least I should be able to pull it out of the corner after this coming weekend since FI was nice enough to clean up most of the destruction that he'd done. I'm signed up for a 5km run in May so I have to make sure that I train for that since I'm totally not any sort of distance runner.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanLover Meghan, Do you really need a trainer? Your so fit and thin as it is.. I am telling you get a Wii lol really does the trick for toning and fitness. Thanks for the compliment Tracy! I'm lucky to have some decent genes to start with, but I guess everyone has their own personal fitness ideas. I'd been in sports my entire childhood so I was always used to being pretty trim but let's just say that the previous toning I had has gone a little, umm, soft Haha! A guy friend of mine who's totally into full body workouts and kickboxing etc. had suggested the kettlebell training and said that it usually has pretty fabulous results. I've been starting to hear more about it as well and figured that i'd give it a shot. I think one of the benefits is that you're really working at your entire body during the workout, not just one muscle group at a time - which is good for someone like me who gets bored quickly!! Here are a couple links to kind of show you what the workouts involve... Lift Kettlebells: Video Player > Lauren Brooks teaches the kettlebell deadlift Lift Kettlebells: Video Player > Lauren Brooks Miller teaches the kettlebell swing
  14. Less than 100 days Michele?!?!?! That's CRAZY! I can't believe we're moving from triple to single digits! That makes it seem so much sooner than counting down from three months! WOW!
  15. well michele - if it's worth anything to you, I'm kind of for the attempt at working out before going for surgery. I mean, I get that you'd rather have the easy way out sometimes, especially if you've had to deal with other health stuff along the way BUT I also get concerns over potential problems that could come up from the surgery. But way to go for getting a trainer!! I'll be following suit pretty soon here I think. I've been looking into a trainer that works with kettlebells and I'm hoping that I can make the time in the evenings now more than I could before Christmas. My work schedule was just not accommodating to booking someone else's time for training but I think it'll be a little quieter for the next couple months. And with only three months left, I've got to get on top of it!!
  16. Buckeyegirl8 - if you email Jacy she should be able to get you the newest wedding guide. I think I still have the old one and a couple items changed on it so that wouldn't help you necessarily. She can be a little slower replying to emails but she is one busy lady! Sometimes I've emailed, waited a week or so and then called to talk with Sandra (she's the other WC and seems to be in the office more often). If you're really trying to get something emailed, I have found that to be the easiest but otherwise usually they're good at getting back to you if you don't mind waiting a bit. Otherwise, start posting your little heart out so that you can get enough posts added up to start downloading! The newbies pages are great for that since there are new brides signing up almost hourly it seems some days!
  17. Hey Samantha! My grandparents live in Oakville and I love it there! I used to live in Burlington for a long time too but now I'm out in Calgary and I don't think I'll be leaving for a long time Unfortunately I don't know any specific TA's out there for you, but I think my mom had said that either Sears Travel or Marlin Travel were usually really good whenever she had to book other trips. Maybe try with those and see if they work for you? It seems to just be trial and error to find someone decent. Good luck!! NSbride - I know I've chatted on a few threads with you but you are a total cutie and damn you've got a good looking FI there! What a beautiful couple!!! You should let us know what hockey team he ends up with so that we can all cheer him on!
  18. Jenna in J. - have you looked into buying the fabric and having dresses made? I'm honestly not sure how much that would cost but if you're having too much trouble getting what you want at the store then that's the route that I'd be going. Ckrn80 - for your welcome/rehearsal dinner, have you thought of renting a catamaran and going on a sail? You can get packages that are 2hrs, 4hrs or full day (those seem to be the common ones at least) and I know there are some threads here with suggestions for which companies to use... Either that or contact the concierge service at your resort and they should be able to help you too. Oh and that's awesome you have 42 people booked! you must be really excited about that! And girls - I have to share my story about my dad because he's just way too cute for words!! Throughout most of my planning, my parents have been amazing - really supportive and helpful - especially considering the problems they knew I'd been having before with my Future-IL's. So my dad - not wanting to say something wrong that would upset me has had one line for the past five months "Yes dear, whatever you want". He is just totally going along for the ride and letting me direct as needed. So yesterday we were talking and he starts asking about what my parents are expected as far as hosting the rehearsal dinner and what do I want them to do and what are they required to do etc. but he barely got through it all because he was so awkward in trying to make sure that he said things properly to me! It was actually really funny! Now, we'd decided long ago that we're not expecting anything from our parents at all. We don't want anyone to feel unnecessary pressure or stress so of course that's what I told him and he almost sounded surprised that I was already decided on it! We're having a family dinner probably the night before our wedding so I said he'd need to attend that, but otherwise he was off the hook. I don't think he quite believed me at first but I know he'll be glad that he doesn't have any formal responsibilities when we're down there. I love my dad!!
  19. Oh sorry if I wasn't clear Tracy - I meant if you liked the bags that I had bought to use before, that I would just sell them to you and send them your way! Then it wouldn't matter how close you were to Michaels I'm home tomorrow so I'll try to remember the pictures for you! And I also forgot that I'm getting all my girls an anklet made for each of them. My girlfriend is a jewelry maker so she's designing something for them. She's also doing my hairpiece since I've been struggling to find what I want. I'm super excited to see what she comes up with!! I'm trying to get her to post on Etsy so that I can recommend her here.
  20. I've been really bad with buying things for my bridesmaids - but in a good way for them! I keep finding things that I love so I'm having to limit myself more than anything. At one of the Christmas markets I picked up some awesome blown glass balls that have the kerosene type fluid you can fill them with. I'm going to be giving those out before we leave on our trip because they weigh a ton! And otherwise I picked up some AWESOME sarong type cover-ups that instead of just being a simple wrap, you actually twist them around you into a dress style. I will try to find the business card for the company, since they're more local, because they are super cute! Tracy - two things. First, the word you're looking for is PASHMINA! Hehe, you're probably hitting your forehead now that you read it too Second, I've got some cute canvas bags that I got from Michaels that say Bridesmaid on them ( I have three, plus one more that says Bride) and they are chocolate brown and pink and have polkadots. I decided instead of those to go with a different bag for each of my girls that suits their personality and I was going to post these other ones for sale at some point. Do you want me to send you some pictures?? I got them on sale too so I'd be more than happy to pass the savings on to you! Just let me know!!!!
  21. I think part of it will depend on which airline you're travelling with as well. Most of our group is split between Air Canada and WestJet and they are direct flights from Canada to Mexico - so if it's only the US airlines that are enforcing the super strict rules then we might be a little better off because we won't have any direct contact with the US customs or anything. It'll be good for all of us to keep our eyes and ears open in the meantime just in case though!
  22. Kris - where was it that you ordered from?? I know one american website that has them and ships to canada for sure but you can get hit with duty taxes which really sucks. The site is www.northernsafety.com in case you want to check them out. Otherwise I've heard others mention that you can find them at costco sometimes, but I don't know if that's just seasonal. Or what about some of the outdoor stores such as Mountain Equipment Co-op?? I think I've seen them there before as well.
  23. fingers crossed here for good results on the job interview tracy!
  24. I really hope that site works out for all of us. I think it would be a HUGE bonus to be able to find what we need there. But it's probably a good thing some of their other items have such high minimum order because I'd be able to go a little crazy on there otherwise! LOL! -meghan
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