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Everything posted by echo2_62

  1. Congrats and welcome to the thread! It can be easy to get overwhelmed really quickly but here's a few things I found that helped to get me started. First - both you and FI should write down your top 5(ish) items that you just can't imagine getting married without. Rank the items from the ones you are completely set about down to the ones that you'd be willing to negotiate. Compare your two lists to see what priorities each of you have. These can include anything from photographers to why style restaurants/food the resort has. Second - once you've established your essentials (above) then figure out what you expect from your resort. Location (start big: Mexico, go smaller: Cancun), what amenities you want (lots of restaurants, pools, adults only, night club etc), what off-site activities you want to do and the proximity (shopping, ruins, snorkeling, scuba diving etc) and again, list these according to priority of what you really want vs. what you would negotiate. Third - Budget. Some people would start with this which is fine, but I found that having a list of all the things I wanted helped me to estimate what a realistic spend amount would be for all those things and then compared that to what I could realistically afford!! They are usually two very different numbers! Keep in mind that your budget isn't just what you plan to spend personally, but what your guests will be spending as well. So we had X dollars that we were willing to spend for the wedding package and related items, then Y dollars that we'd feel comfortable asking our friends and family to spend on their resort packages. Once I'd figured all these things out, I found it really easy to flip through the travel magazines to start flagging pages that met my criteria and easily ignore the rest. If you start with a mag. that includes all the resorts that offer DW's then it should be fairly easy. I started by ignoring anything that was out of my budget (ie. a week package starting at $2600 US!!!!) as a first pass, and then continued through my list of criteria to start eliminating from there. You'd be surprised how quickly the numbers can drop from something simple like the no. of restaurants available (my FI's request was to have at least 3 or 4 a la carte options so that we don't get bored of the same food). I hope that helps get you started and keep yourself organized!! this is a great place to search for answers and ask questions for the things you can't find. Good luck!!
  2. Welcome to the site Jen! You've done a good job so far to have narrowed down your choices to three resorts! If you are on the main page that lists all the threads and sub-threads, you'll see that there is a section dedicated to Puerto Vallarta area resorts which you'll probably find useful. I think just about every resort has it's own thread and Definitely Dreams PV where you'll be able to read lots of reviews. Good luck with all your planning!! Puerto Vallarta section Dreams PV thread (one of them at least!)
  3. Hmm, okay well as it turns out I might have deleted one of the links that I had (figured I wasn't using the coils and was desperately overwhelmed by saves in my favourites!) but the other I had came from someone on BDW and it is:Pouch 'n' Coil wrist chains. I haven't ordered from them myself so a call might be worthwhile to find out more? And I think you're right about the link you provided, that the date automatically changes for the "Updated today!" idea because it currently has today's date identified. Wouldn't it be great if ALL websites were really updated daily?!?!
  4. Amy - you completely just answered the question I came on to ask everyone, about the shipping/duty charges from Oriental Trading Co.! I was looking there this morning myself for a set of carabiners because that's what I wanted to use to attach my keycards to my mugs and I seem to have lots the ebay user that I had been comparing with. What company is it that you've been dealing with to try and get the coils?
  5. Amy - you completely just answered the question I came on to ask everyone, about the shipping/duty charges from Oriental Trading Co.! I was looking there this morning myself for a set of carabiners because that's what I wanted to use to attach my keycards to my mugs and I seem to have lots the ebay user that I had been comparing with. What company is it that you've been dealing with to try and get the coils?
  6. I'm totally planning on attaching our keycard holders to the mugs!!! LOL! I'm just going to buy regular key rings and carabiners that can attach to the mug handles. The key rings you can probably find in the craft section at a dollar store (the one near me has I think 12packs for $1.50) and the carabiners I'm planning to get from ebay. If you search "lot carabiners" it will come up with a whole bunch of options for different colours, shapes and sizes.
  7. I think that it's totally possible! We have our wedding planned for this April and only got our resort booked at the very end of August this past year (not even eight months earlier!). As some of the girls mentioned, and I'm sure you know, that's going to be a super popular date which may cause a few issues, but if you can keep an open mind about which resort you want ie. don't get completely set on just one, and make sure that you have maybe a Top 5 list in hand then start emailing the wedding coordinators and see what they can tell you! GO FOR IT!
  8. oops dbl post.... but p.s. I'm still laughing that I actually mentioned naked tata's in my last post! It's early, and I didn't sleep much last night.... oh man, it's funnier here I think!
  9. My requests for my bachelorette party were to go play paint ball or go roller skating!!!! I was always envious that the guys I know got to do something fun and active that didn't require them making fools of themselves or looking at naked tata's (LOL thanks Suzy for that!!) and that's what I really wanted. So in an off-handed comment from my sister she mentioned they'd been thinking about starting up something in the afternoon and then going into the evening so we could actually DO something. That being said, I don't have a clue what we're doing! Otherwise, what about a cooking party? Oh yes or a strip-tease class? That was another idea we'd had to do and I might suggest for another girlfriends bachelorette soon. Ummm, we're going houseboating for a weekend for another girlfriend this summer (yep, lots of weddings coming up means lots of brides and parties!). Ooooh, you're not too far from cottage country Tara, what about renting out a chalet for a weekend or go the opposite direction into Quebec and rent a place on the ski hill for a night if you have an active group? Both of those last suggestions would benefit from a hot tub as well, and hopefully a good pub nearby
  10. I agree, erin, that the whole event is rather infectious, given that I did have fun at my girlfriends 'do' in the summer, but the whole while I was thinking how much it really just isn't for me. Or I should specifically say that the bar scene isn't for me. I don't mind getting dressed up and being ridiculous and having penis straws but on the best of nights I'm really not a bar person and never have been. My girls know me well enough to have a good idea of my limits so i guess in that regard I'm not worried... but they'll enjoy pushing my limits as much as they can too!!! AND, of course we're all going to stick around until every last one of us is married off!! Plus then there are planning threads to create/finish and reviews to write, and pictures to post AND all of our newlywed stories to dish out etc etc etc... I don't think we'll have problems to find things to talk about. How often do we get off-topic here as it is
  11. ooh thanks for getting those details! Other than the time that is involved with proofing photos, can anyone comment on the amount of touch-ups that actually gets done? I'm just not sure if I can justify the price for the books which have the proofing/editing if I could do my own book using the non-edited photos just as easily with comparable results. Suzy tried calling to see if she could get some pricing for getting the images on a disc but couldn't leave a message as she has no cell phone (the phone is missing! LOL!) and of course she didn't want FI to pick up the message by mistake! So I think she emailed to find out more details and will report back a little later today or whenever she gets an answer.
  12. LOL yes we are a chatty bunch!!! I love it!!! And here's a great image for you.... since I specifically requested NOT to do the whole bar thing with all the screaming and squealing etc (EEEK!) my compromise was that I would willingly wear a pink tutu if that would satisfy their needs of making me look like an idiot! PLUS, since I got so many extra table runners/sashes when I bought mine (used from another local bride) my sister is planning to bedazzle a bunch of them - or maybe just mine, not sure - to wear as sashes like Miss America!!! That part has me pretty excited because its totally more the way that I am.
  13. SUZY! Quit writing more info while I'm writing LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes, if anyone can answer whether or not we at least get all our images on a cd then that would help my decision IMMENSELY!!!! Also, I can't look up anything on the Tait boudoir site because my work filter blocks my access... so thank you to anyone who is able to look up the details for us!!! PLUS - if we had enough girls together to book our own marathon session (I have no idea how many that is!) then it would be a great excuse for us to have our Calgary get-together that has been mentioned so many times
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 weird, I was totally going to ask you if you wanted to go in on a group session, but then thought we had already talked about it?? lol haha Suzy we probably have talked about it but then again what *haven't* we talked about at some point LOL!!!! Quote: Originally Posted by kris Hey Tait is AWESOME!!! The sit in fee is 150 (but you get a 50 dollar discount for booking together) They have marathons at hotel Arts, I think one is coming up really soon. When I looked into it, it was going to be $500.00 and thats with the session fee, hair & makeup and a photobook. Nadine, Right now it is of both of us together. Thats the problem, I cant think of a song together. Maybe I should show us growing up seperate and then have us together when older ...that would make it ALOT easier. Thanks for the suggestions Well maybe because I have NO IDEA about hair and makeup costs, or about other photographers, but the $500 sounds a little pricey?? But I guess with the photobook added in that's where you're getting a lot of extra dollars added in. LOL! Sometimes I just don't know the prices of things so if everyone says it's good then I'll just have to believe you! And you know what's funny, my sister already had me so convinced about this that a few months ago, i'd already bought a women's Boston Bruins hockey jersey to wear since that's his all-time favourite team! It's still sitting in the box in my closet so that he can't get snoopy if he ever noticed it in there
  15. oh yes definitely look into group sessions!! My sister and I had seen some of the work from Tait photography at the show in september and even though I wasn't thinking of doing a boudoir session before, my sister was so excited (she's been married for like 9 years!) and can convince me to do absolutely anything. Sometimes it sucks loving your sister so much hahahaha!!! Anyways, we'd been thinking of getting some girlfriends together to try and book a marathon session, but never followed through on getting the details or anything so at least the two of us would definitely be interested! Also, for putting a book together, I have been hunting around all the applications on my new Mac and it looks like through the photo application on there you can put together a book (soft cover and/or hard cover) all by yourself using photos that are on your computer - or of course a disk of proofs from a photographer!?!? I think I'm going to use this application once we get our wedding photos since they'll be edited already and on a cd.
  16. Well I know the guys all wanted to drag FI down to Vegas (he's got no interest in going... actually either do I) but money was an issue for everyone. And here's something scary - neither one of us has any clue what our friends are planning, except to know that they are indeed planning!!! The girls & guys have all been exceptional at asking small and random details to find out what they need to know, without letting on about what they're actually doing. I'm not sure whether they are planning to have the activities for both of us on the same day/night but everyone that is in both sides of the party are all friends anyways so there probably is some coordination going on. Otherwise I'd need the girls around with many bottles of wine on hand when the guys go out so that I'm not thinking of all the trouble they're getting him into!!! LOL!
  17. Thanks for all the support ladies!! I'm totally happy sticking it out and I just know that Fi has a bit of an attitude towards having a trainer because he just doesn't understand why ppl need them - being a natural as I mentioned. SO, the best I get is that he just keeps his mouth shut and let's me go happily along my way And I'm good with that too. But it's definitely a nice feeling having you all around for the extra back-up on a bad day especially.
  18. Cute dresses darlin!! And I thought of something else you could add to your list of things that have gotten done this week - some more bits of DIY projects for your OOT bags!! Hehe!! p.s. I thought you guys *were* doing the legal ceremony in mexico?!?! Did this change or am I just crazy?!
  19. LOL! Well my parents have ALWAYS said that if we wanted to elope, just let them know when and where so they could come too! Haha so yes I realize that completely defeats the purpose of eloping in the first place, but it was always good to know they'd be happy with a wedding just about anywhere! I've lived away from my parents for a few years now (and by away I mean across the country, not just out of their house) so we've all adjusted to life happening without always having each other around. Then again, my sister and her family are close by and I've always said that unless it was a true elopement, I could never see myself getting married without her there. HEE HEE HEE and thankfully that has actually come in handy since I refused to marry my ex because at the time my sister was pregnant and couldn't have traveled to the province we would have been getting married in. THANK GOD that never happened!!!
  20. Hehe oh no!! I guess because we originally didn't think that my parents would be able to come with us to Mexico, I had already gotten used to the idea of them not being there. Plus, we're going to do the most basic and least involved legal signing as humanly possible so that it's no more formal than when we opened our joint bank account LOL!
  21. Hehehe, we're just doing a symbolic ceremony in Mexico but not a soul will know that it isn't legal. Now we just have to figure out when we're doing our legal signing here. Initially we'd planned to do it after we got back so that the wedding in mexico was our first shot at it, but now I really want to do it sooner!! Like tomorrow!!! I keep trying to convince FI that we should go get it done and he won't have any of it! LOL! I'm sometimes convinced that he doesn't want to marry me at all and is happy "pretending" at it by having the symbolic ceremony. I think it would be hilarious to have that big a secret to keep but in the end I would probably end up busting my own bubble. I'm good at that
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by angie8119 woohooo!!!! i am loving this check list!!! here's thought- I went to inquire about my marriage liscense at my town municipal building and you know what they said... we can't do anything for you, your getting married in Jamaica. As long as your legally married in Jamaica your legally married. Will the USA acknowledge my marriage that lady sounded like a bunch of crap. If I'm not mistaken, the requirements to get married in Jamaica are much like they would be locally. I had a friend at work who eloped to Jamaica specifically because there aren't any requirements as far as being in the country for a certain number of days or doing bloodwork or having paper work translated. Are you having a full legal wedding in Jamaica, or just a symbolic wedding? Because if you're having a legal wedding there, then I think the woman was right that you don't have to get a marriage license locally - you would just have to use your marriage certificate and paperwork from Jamaica to register the marriage in the US. However, if you're doing a symbolic wedding in Jamaica and a legal one in the US then you would have to go through the full process locally including getting the marriage license and registering in the US. I'm sure there is another thread for brides who have been or will be getting married in Jamaica and they could give you better details than I can... but the comments above will hopefully get you started!!!
  23. Awesome job Michele!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had two sessions with my trainer this week and while I haven't been wicked sore afterwards I could definitely feel it in the muscles we'd been focusing on. He's really trying to help strengthen my core before we get into a lot of other stuff because I've definitely got some weakness there from last years accident and it's amazing how obvious that weakness is during some moves! I couldn't believe how much I had to THINK about the particular exercise that I was doing at the time. The part that really bummed me out about the whole thing is that Geoff is naturally good at ANY thing athletic, including working out at the gym and seeing results in like two days. It drives me nuts even though it's a trait that attracts me as well. So I've mentioned before that he's really tight with his money so the other day (in a rather disapproving voice) he asked how much had I bothered spending on this training and how long did I plan to bother doing it. I mean, it's great that he doesn't think I need to lose weight or anything but he just doesn't understand that some people like having a trainer or need that help to focus on their exercising. Plus, I know I spent more than I would have like to so it's hard to justify already, without his disapproval. He'd never tell me that I wasn't allowed to do it or anything, but it kind of makes me feel like I'm wasting my time on something that won't even have results or show any accomplishment. I'm going to keep at it, but I just wish he'd 'get it' a little more.
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