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Everything posted by echo2_62

  1. sunshine... 46 days sounds awfully close to my wedding as well! What date are you getting married, and when will you be at DPA?!?! Is there certain info you're still waiting to get from Jacy or just trying to firm things up?
  2. HAHAHAHA!! Kris I love your pic with the mittens on!! What made you two think to take those with you, nevermind getting pics wearing them!?!? So very awesome
  3. Apparently it wasn't the measurements of the boxes but the weight itself that drove the price up. Live and learn I guess! Your mugs should be here pretty quickly then huh? I still can't wait for mine to get here and they better be worth it!! LOL!
  4. Okay so here's the official news... it is cheaper to pay for both the shipping and brokerage fees that discountmugs charges than it is to have the boxes sent (free shipping) to someone in the US and have them sent here. Or at least if you have them sent from farther in the southern US that is! I had my mugs go through a friend and because of the weight of them (~18lbs/box of 25mugs) it ended up costing me more in the end. I guess that's my punishment for trying to skip out on brokerage fees!! I assume that since d.mugs ships SO much out they get a really good shipping rate.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by bridej9 badrianne, thanks for the map! I pulled the one from the website and labeled it myself... This one is easier to read!!! HAHA I did the same thing too! I included it in my invite, just as a filler kind of and it was hard to get it all labelled on my own! Mind you that was before I was terribly adept at copying and editing just about every image that came my way! This is most definitely a better option though and I will likely be including it on either my pre-wedding brochure or in the OOT bags for everyone.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 Hehe, thanks soooo much! You've been a huge help ) I've already finished my document! lol been working on it for a bit now! Thanks again!!!!!!!! Okay good... then you can help me with mine soon too!!
  7. Damn Nadine look at your smokin' arms in that new pic you've got up!! Great pic girl!!!
  8. Well FI did not want to get a pro photog at all and at first I was okay to go along with that. After cruising some sites though, I fell in love with the work done by Moments that Matter Photography (they're on this site!) and now we've got them booked! I wasn't too thrilled on having the resort photographer as part of our package but only because it was such a limited number of pictures that we would have ended up with for the price we would have been paying. Having asked around my office with many of the women who have been married for a number of years, the ones that did NOT get pro pics done said they really regretted not having them. Then again the divorced ones are trying to figure out what to do with all their (useless) pics oops!
  9. Hey I know some of you girls were trying to figure out how to personalize mugs and stuff without getting them customized. I read this thread that is SUPER new and I am SO JEALOUS of the idea, especially since I ordered the same mugs but paid for the imprinting! Arg!! Anyways, here is the link to the thread... it's another vistaprint miracle!! Amy's Personalized Travel Mugs & Shot Glasses
  10. If the lunch was somewhere like a restaurant where everyone was ordering different meals and could eat as much or as little as they wanted, I don't think I'd have a problem asking guests to pay for it BUT from the sounds of it the lunch with your excursion is a fixed cost/menu so I think maybe just including it for your guests would be easiest? Plus depending on the activity, some guests might not want to be carrying a wallet or purse with them so it would help with that a lot. Personally I wouldn't care about the cost, since you're already paying for me to go on the excursion itself... but then again I always need food around me so I'd likely be carrying some with me and still buy my lunch I'm a little piggy sometimes LOL!
  11. I totally ordered those same mugs but in white and would have LOVED to read this thread about two weeks ago LOL! I think a lot of us are faced with the problem of whether or not to personalize the mugs and you had a FANTASTIC idea! I'm thinking now that I might copy you in order to personalize everyone's mugs with their names on them! Our group of friends rarely uses our real names to address each other so it would be funny to have all the nicknames on each mug! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I have to say I'm kind of with Mel on the whole advil/tylenol issue. The best answer I can say is that I *personally* wouldn't make the purchase, but I guess just go with your gut.
  13. hehe I have to giggle with you girls and your tanning minutes. I start closer to 14 minutes and work up to 20 minutes, which is usually the max they let you go in for. My dad and I can both look really pale sometimes but we still have skin that tans easily and doesn't burn often. Even if I go pink one day, it's pretty much gone the next! When I was a kid, I would spend so much time outside in the summer that I'd still be tanned by christmas and people would think I'd been somewhere tropical on vacation over the holidays! And that was my family even who thought that! Last time I went to mexico I didn't even wear sunblock most of the week and still didn't burn I'm so going to have bad skin when I get older from all this sun!!
  14. Holy crap! I don't check in for an hour or two and I can barely catch up!!! Quote: Originally Posted by hoyt75 c) that I'm so glad that I'm doing a dw b/c I wouldn't survive otherwise! Hehe I couldn't agree more! FI keeps saying he'd have gone insane by now if we were doing something locally, considering I apparently drive him crazy already! Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanLover BTW Tez is getting so much bigger, his so freaking adorable!!!! reminds me why I have want a kid, so keep posting those pics!!! lol I can see your point in there not being much of a honeymoon for the second week with Tez, but I am sure your resort has some sort of babysitting service, even if it's an hour a day to get a little alone time. if the second week is in your budged go for it!!!! you wont regret it. (your to cute 'already had our honeymoon' lol) no you didn't!!! (I know what you meant) Pls someone let me know when the brochures are on sale (like you guys I am addicted so I avoid going on at all cost lol) Hey suzy - I've heard there's this program called "Pawn-your-kid-off-on-your-friends" and if you're interested I'm sure I could hook you up for a weekend And Tracy - there is a big sale on with vistaprint right now until March 18. If they don't have the brochures listed on their website, PM your email addy to me again and I will forward it on to you! Quote: Originally Posted by Melidell I just put up a thread for my brochures in the DIY forum last week- here they are if you're looking for any ideas: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...ochures-55441/ Mel - those are SO NICE! I've never used publisher before so I might have to download the sample edition. Did you just have to pay the upload fee to use these in Vistaprint?? I was trying to figure out how that works because last time I thought they had a free upload, it wouldn't let me combine with a free item. I'd love if you could email the template to me! Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk speaking of the shower... i just checked our registries and people have bought things! i'm so excited! i also made up our AHR invites this weekend too. i have never used zazzle before, around $1 each for 4'' * 8'' color printed on both sides! erin - I would totally be excited watching for the items that people had bought me! It would be almost like christmas because you know that those items are bought and paid for and they're just for you! Also, I think $1 each for your AHR invites is a pretty good price if you got exactly what you wanted! And that's a pretty decent size as well so good for you! Quote: Originally Posted by jerseykitten I have told everyone I don't want one - don't need one - don't think I'll be getting one, and being in between jobs, I won't get a work one either. Between the wedding and the AHR i don't want people to do anything else for me. Does time seem to be going by very quickly for you guys? It's FLYING for me! I pretty much did the same thing, telling everyone I didn't want/need a shower. But I'm such a loser because I had so many people around me suggesting that people in the office would throw me a shower (okay it was mostly ppl or companies who wanted me to register with them!) and now I sometimes wonder secretly if anyone here really is planning something for me, even though our group isn't really like that... you know? hehe give me one surprise birthday and now I wonder if everyone is conspiring! LOL! For me, time isn't quite flying, but it's starting to feel like it's actually passing by and not sitting stagnant. Because I'm waiting on a few more orders (mugs, bags, guys pants, wedding party flip flops) and they all take a few weeks to come in, I find that the time seems to go by in bigger chunks. But now I worry that I'm going to run out of time quicker than I can get everything done! LOL! Yep, starting to be a mess!!
  15. well that makes sense to have two showers then with the divorced parents. I had told my sister (also my MOH) that I didn't need her to throw me a shower at all since most of the people that would be invited are all my friends who are coming to mexico with us anyways! Of course there would be a few others from work, or those who can't make it to mx with us, but I just wouldn't feel right otherwise. Our mom lives really close to you actually so obviously she won't be throwing me a shower from ON! My girlfriends mom (the same one whose shower I was at) even offered to throw me a shower since she was worried I might feel left out or like I was missing something. It was so sweet of her but thankfully I didn't feel too bad in declining since I am happy enough without one already!
  16. LOL I love that you mention it as your FIRST shower!! I don't think I'm even going to be adding one shower to my tally, nevermind multiple events haha! It sounds like you had a great time though and don't feel guilty because, afterall, everyone was there to celebrate YOUR big day coming up!! Must be nice that you got to be spoiled though And nice of your mom to do all that prep work too! It must've been delicious! I was at a girlfriends shower in the summer and was AMAZED at some of the handiwork and craftiness that people put into her gifts... I almost felt cheap that I'd just bought a few nail/bath pieces and a card for her pre-wedding mani/pedi in it. At least now I know better and will be ready for the next few that I'll be going to throughout the summer!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by AlexsBride Hey that's sweet of you! That would be great if you wouldn't mind. I can paypal you the money to cover the cost of them and the shipping probably around 6 bucks or so. Or I could also mail you a cheque. If they have two of each, bridesmaid and flowergirls, shoot me a pm and we can exchange info. Thanks!!!! Hey sorry I didn't get a chance to grab these yesterday - it was a crazy busy day apparently! I will pop over today and grab what I can for you. I was thinking that I might just be able to send them in the mail as a regular letter and not have to worry about extra shipping charges?!? I'll see what size they work out to be and let you know Quote: Originally Posted by jackobelle Is anyone going special OOT bags for their BMs? I ordered totes from cheaptotes for all of the guests, but thought maybe a nice beach bag for the BMs might be a nice gift. Has anyone seen any good deals? I'm still giving my BM's the same OOT bag as everyone else but have also bought each of them another bag that is personally suited to them as part of their gift. Actually I still have one more to buy as one of the girls is proving rather difficult! I tried to stay around the $30 mark for each bag and also have them some other gifts as well. Not that I mind, but I totally spoiled my girls
  18. Wow Christina I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through all of this! I don't even have the words! Please know that we're here for you if you need support and that you don't have to go through this alone.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by AlexsBride I was at the Michael's in Barrie, Ontario. The only iron-ons that I still need to get are two bridesmaid and two flower girl ones...But hey...the Bride is looked after! I thought the one that said "Property of the Groom" was really cute! Good luck looking for the cups! I thought they were a nice size as well, not super huge. That way people's drinks don't get warm from the sun! Ooh I think I saw these at the Michaels around the corner from my house today... want me to pick them up and mail them to you?? Nice finds at Dollarama too! I'll have to check ours out to see if they have the mini shower puffs... that sand can really stick to you sometimes and might be nice to have a little scrubby on hand.
  20. Yikes Mel I don't blame you for being a little freaked out! Is there any way that you can go in to the store and have one of the managers take your measurements again just to check it out? There's a chance that since it's only been a few weeks since you put your order in that they may be able to call in the proper size for you?? I'd definitely try to straighten this out sooner than later if you can! Besides, if you talk to a manager now and they reassure you that things are fine... and then they're not down the road... at least you AND the store/manager will know that you are completely NOT at fault for any of this. Of course I don't think you are now, but then there won't be any doubt for them!!! I guess I'm totally the person who'd rather assume the worst and try to fix it quick, than have it buried in the back of my mind for the next few months without having tried to do anything about it. Just try to stay calm when you go talk to them again (since no doubt all the staff felt a little crazy from that sale!!) and I'm sure they'll be happy to help you sort it out quickly. Let us know how it goes!!!
  21. I think one of the better Canadian sites that I'd been looking at was Elmhirst Packaging and I know they've got a reasonable selection of canvas totes with varying prices depending on how many you need. The good thing is that the minimum is low, the bad thing is that you have to order in certain increments which can be a bit of a pain in the butt.
  22. oh Cara I'm so sorry to hear about your dad!! Speaking as a daddy's girl myself, I know that I'd be just as devastated as you are and wouldn't feel like planning anything either!! It sounds like you've got lots of support around you though and I'm sure that makes a world of difference for you. All I can say is to take on one task at a time so that you don't get overwhlemed, and maybe just carrying on as your way of honouring your dad. He'd have wanted you to be excited for your wedding day. Maybe knowing that each bit of planning you finish will make your wedding that much more special for you and those sharing your day with you will be enough to keep you going. No one would ever expect that you'd just bounce out of a situation like this so remember to take a moment for yourself now and then, and in between rely on those around you to help you through. If there's anything I can do to help you out just speak up! There's lots of us around town here that I'm sure would help get the creative juices flowing again for you.
  23. Yuck Jules that sucks!! Sorry to hear that you've been having issues getting your mugs!! I've concluded that for something that should be so easy to take care of, choosing and successfully getting the mugs you want is quite a chore!! I'm just sitting with fingers crossed that my order works out well enough. I've been watching my order using their online tracker and it says the order is in "Production Control" and should only take about three days there. Yah, we're on day eight now. I'm having my order go through a friend in Florida to avoid some of the brokerage charges and my estimated date had been for delivery on Feb.23.... not sure how optimistic I am about them being done and delivered within the next four days since they're already more than double the time in just a single phase of being made :S
  24. SO EXCITED FOR YOU DEE!! Even though you don't feel too stressed, your body is obviously showing some signs of it so try to breathe and take a few moments to sit down throughout the day and relax!! sorry that you're having last minute problems with AC but I'm sure they will not leave your little guy sitting by himself. People are often willing to switch seats to help a family sit together too. And besides, once you get down to MX you'll forget all about it!!
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