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Everything posted by echo2_62

  1. My FI's brother also had a dw and they had about 100 guests as well, which I totally cannot imagine! At their resort if you went OVER a certain number of people then your entire wedding package was free so they had it easy. Jenna - that's a really good idea about getting the vacuum packages for your towels! I really liked that idea but wasn't sure how I'd have gotten them all packed so you answered that question! All of your to-do lists seem so easy right now compared to mine! Maybe it's because I haven't written out an updated one recently enough but all I keep thinking is how much I still have left and how little time I have to get it all done. I'm always so busy in the evenings that it just doesn't leave me time to get much accomplished. This weekend is a write-off as well since I've got my stagette all day Saturday and through the evening. My sister (and MOH) has been working SO HARD to get all of it planned and then yesterday I nearly called off the whole thing. FI got back from his boys weekend and lets just say that it did not go over well for me. I'm in a seriously bad place with a whole bunch of our friends right now (the guys who planned his weekend) but am stuck because all their effort really meant a lot to FI. If our wedding was a week away I probably wouldn't even want them there. It's that bad. BUT I'm working on sucking it up because of how important it was to FI and so the show must go on - which means for me too! The girls were all keeping it a surprise but yesterday my sister told me because she was just too excited! Haha! We're going to play PAINT BALL and then go to her house and get cleaned up, hot tub, get ready for dinner and then go ROLLER SKATING!!!!! Both of those were my suggestions/requests for events to do and I get them BOTH so I'm really pumped. We're all dressing up in 70's costumes for roller skating too so it should be pretty funny to see everyone.
  2. Cara - I've got about 15 first aid kits at home ($10 for all) and mini sanitizers as well. I think I mentioned before that they're the same ones from Dollarama that are always available so you could easily pick up a few more to fill the number of bags you're making up when you have your final count. I'm just happy if someone can use them and it's one less bag in my room haha!
  3. Hey Cara - it was great meeting you the other day! You're poor FI looked so shell-shocked and was probably wondering what the heck he's gotten himself into! LOL! I think we've all seen that face at home at least once or twice P.S. Not sure if you're including or have already bought first aid kits, but I've got extras that are from Dollarama if you're interested. I can't remember how many but I think it's around 20? Let me know and I will double check for you!
  4. okay apparently my week was going too well so I had to get knocked down a notch. Because I added my other friend as a bridesmaid, I called the bridal store where i had ordered all their sandals to add a pair for her. Well it turns out a) the mens flip flops I'd wanted have run out of the brown colour - maybe, and the girl who had been receiving my order (not at the bridal store but the company who makes the sandals) worked there yesterday or tuesday, but as of today is NOT employed there anymore and right now they have no record of my order at all!! And it almost doesn't surprise me because originally I was told they would arrive in three weeks which was either the end of this week or early next week, but when I called to confirm the other day, they said no it would be another two weeks. Oddly enough i'm not even mad or anything, just grateful that I had called already this week and we're on top of it in time to still fix the situation.
  5. ugh pictures, pictures... I never look good in my pictures LOL! At least not usually when I know they're being taken Since this is my first fitting, the dress will likely be half falling off since the largest measurement I had was my hips so everything above that will be completely out of wack! Honestly I think I would need Dolly Parton sizes to fill the empty space left in this dress
  6. My opinion... LOVE LOVE LOVE westjet!!! Boooo AC!! All of the quotes that I had for our guests flying direct from either Toronto, Winnipeg or Calgary was at a minimum of $1750+ through AC and that was including every bonus the TA could pull for me. So far any of our guests who have booked through WestJet Vacations have paid under $1550 including all taxes and transfers, and other guests who booked through AC have paid on average $1650 or so. Air Canada - I have issues with AC because anytime I've been trying to get customer service they were typically not very helpful and sounded as if they had no intention of giving an ounce more of their assistance than is required. I also find it ridiculous that they charge $25 PER TICKET to book over the phone! You could do it online for free but might take a lot longer if you're booking multiple people etc. Also, I find that if you want a ticket that has more flexibility (like if you later decide to fly home a day later or something) then you get charged for that ability upfront but also have to pay additional fees when you actually make the changes. And from what i've heard, they're more strict about baggage allowances and charge a higher fee if you go over. WestJet - they just recently made the addition of a new sales call centre to handle their volume which has unfortunately resulted in longer wait times on the phone (sometimes, not always). However any time I've called for information or quotes etc they've been tremendously helpful. If you book your flights and need to change them afterwards, you pay a single fee for the change plus the difference in cost from the old flight to the new one. This goes two ways though - if the flight cost DROPS after you book, you still have the pay the change fee but anything beyond that you get a WJ credit to use on another booking (and this $$ is transferable to a friend or family member too!). Although they still charge a fee for going over your baggage allowance, I believe that it is less than AC charges. Oh and of course - they have seat back television on their planes!! In all honesty, I do all my travelling with WestJet within Canada and am SO happy that we were able to book through them for our wedding. Also, each year I organize a student field trip that involves booking flights for around 30 students across Canada and WestJet has been spectacular in their customer service year after year. When I tried to reach someone at AC to assist our group, I was bounced from dept. to dept., or rather answering service to answering service and I never did manage to get a person on the phone who could help me. You'd think with a group that books every single year for the last 15-20++ years, they would try to be more available. As for suggestions... see how long AC is willing to guarantee that price for and make your decision then. You could also contact westjet and ask what their prices were this past month for the same time period to at least get a ballpark price estimate.
  7. ahhh, thank you for the clarification between Escort cards and place cards! Ya learn something new every day!
  8. awesome thanks for the template!! I think I mentioned I had the same mugs as you even so it'll be nice to have a good size to use. Discount mugs buggered up my image a little bit but FI keeps telling me that it still looks good so I'll just let that go.
  9. Holy smokes Alex!! That's quite the post you've got there! It completely sucks that the best man hasn't booked a single thing yet and maybe its time for FI to have a talk with him (over beers of course, to make it a manly talk!) and tell this guy's he's either got to be in or out at this point. And in means booking ASAP and not putting things off any longer. I definitely had the same kind of issues with guests not bothering to RSVP, and yes a good number of those were from FI's side as well! I think you've got a smart guy there, telling you that there comes a time where you just have to accept that people are not going to respond and you should carry on making your plans for those guests who DID already RSVP and book. We set RSVP dates for a reason and if anyone comes back to you causing grief then it's their own fault! Nowhere does it say that as brides we need to be accommodating to guests who think they can respond last minute and still get all the same treatment! And don't worry about what your wedding coordinator thinks about your numbers fluxuating - I can almost guarantee you are not the first person to have that happen and she's probably prepared to roll with these changes anyways. I think you've done a great job checking lots off your to-do list so far and I can only think of a couple suggestions to help you keep going while you figure out where you stand with the non-RSVP guests. If you're doing any DIY projects for the place cards and seating charts, start up your templates and add in the names you have or get those completed early so that if you do have stragglers that you need to add, it's just a matter of printing them off. Another idea for your seating chart is make a small card with each guests name on it (like a 1x1 square), put a little piece of velcro or two sided tape that lets you move the paper around a bunch - and start making up your seating arrangement using the people squares to place everyone. That way if you end up needing to add guests in, you don't have to scribble out names or reprint anything... it's all right there and completely movable!! It's just an idea but might help your brain be flexible and still let you feel like you're accomplishing something You're right that some of these small weddings can end up being much more hassle than we originally thought, but I guess it's just something that none of us can really completely escape from. Keep on chugging through though and just remember to stay focused on the people who have already made the effort to be a part of your day! P.S. I have been laughing about your "ill-mannered call" the entire time - good for you girl!
  10. I've been a little quiet the last day or two but it's practically been Christmas at my house this week!! I received four different orders of things in the mail and even my trainer was laughing at me for all my excitement about it the other day. I received the guys pants (custom from Studio Suits - but haven't even tried them on yet!), our mugs (yep, they messed up my image but FI convinced me it still looks good and I shouldn't worry - pics to come later!), my sample OOT bags (still having issues deciding!), and the carabiners to attach our keycards to the mugs (haha they are too small but I had assumed that already and figured out how to get around it!). My dress also came in this week so I am taking a day off work tomorrow, grabbing my niece out of school for half a day and heading in for my fitting! I don't *technically* have my shoes yet but since I'm only wearing flip flops I think I will just put on a really small pair of heels (about 1/2" -1" tall at most) just so that I have a little something on my feet to figure out any hemming. Hey here's a question for you - for any of you that needed cups sewn into the bust, did you have to supply your own or did the alterations place have them for you? I was thinking that if they're going to the work of adding cups, I might get them to add the cutlet style ones and give my girls a nice boost for the day!! At least then I can pretend for a day that I've got some cleavage Aside from that, I asked my other friend to officially be in the wedding party and she was super excited. Now the hard part will be trying to make sure that I can get her most of the same gifts that I've already bought the other girls! I've had some things since back before Christmas so it might be a little tricky but I think I will pull it off. Thank goodness I'd bought locally for most of it! Hmm, oh yes - have any of you also bought or made something special for your parents?? I've made something for my mom, Fi's mom and the gramma's but honestly right now I have nothing for the dad's or grampa's and I'm a little stumped on what to get. I've kind of already ruled out flasks or cigars & cutters etc since at least my dad won't ever really use those things. Fi's suggestions (his only one EVER) was to get them a nice picture frame to add our wedding picture, but to me that's not really an I LOVE YOU DAD kind of gift you know?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by adelaide Hey! No, it's the covered bridge in Guelph ~ but I totally know the one you are talking about. This one is only foot traffic, so no chance of being run over Haha well it's close I guess! Probably a good idea that it was one with only foot traffic too... although I'm sure you'd hear the clippity-cloppity of anyone approaching the one in St.Jacobs!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Thomasjsgirl The cards are back on the table, however, shipping to Calgary is $13, which is more than what you would be paying for the cards. IF you still want them, let me know. Thanks, but for some reason I saw 26 not 16 for the number you had and I need about 21 so I'll free them up for someone else
  13. echo2_62


    You'll be addicted to this site in no time Christy! There are lots of "how-To" threads that can help you navigate the forum so definitely check into them and ask questions anywhere if you still need more help!
  14. Hi and welcome to the site!! You'll find a TON of great ideas on this site. Happy planning!
  15. It looks like the playing cards are all spoken for but where did you get them!?! THey're super cute and I'd love to get some myself!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by ebredhawk we did schedule our legal day though.. did i tell anyone this already? we're doing 4/20, both because J gets tuesdays off and because we figured we'd make it something funny too. bah-ha-ha-ha!!!!!!!! That's awesome Erin! LOL! We're just in the middle of figuring out which date will work best for our legal day but definitely getting it booked up soon! The last time I thought about it was early February and it really doesn't seem that long ago, wow!!
  17. I pulled this up online quickly and it sounded about right for what I already knew... If your garment does not list any instructions on the label, or is made entirely of linen, machine or hand washing your garment in mild, bleach-free detergent is best. When hand washing linen garments, never wring or twist the garment while cleaning . Carefully wave the linen around in lukewarm or cool water, replacing the soapy water with fresh water until all soap is removed. When machine-washing linen garments, it is best to use the machine's gentle cycle. Do not overload the machine, as linen launders best when given more room to move around freely in the washing machine. For garments that are delicate, have embroidery or fringe, put the garment in a pillowcase or mesh bag to prevent wear and tear. The more you wash linen, the softer it gets. Softer linen is still sturdy, but will not wrinkle as much as stiffer linen. If you choose to dry your linen garments in a machine dryer, it is important not to over-dry linen. Over-drying can make linen brittle, causing it to wrinkle even faster than it naturally does. Remove linen clothing from the dryer before it is completely dry and iron while it is still damp. When leaving linen items to dry on their own, best results are achieved when the item is laid and smoothed out on a flat surface to air dry. Ironing linen garments is remarkably easy. Be certain your iron is clean and if you choose to fill with water for steam, be sure it is free of mineral deposits. Mineral deposits can cause spotting on the garment. To make ironing effortless, simply make sure your garment is damp. Wrinkles are pressed away with ease when linen is dampened. Finish ironing when linen is smooth but still slightly damp, and hang or lay the garment flat until completely dry. For extra crispness, spray the linen garment with starch before ironing. Avoid folding linen garments. Linen clothing should be hung on a padded clothes hanger in a cool dry environment. If by chance you are battling with a stain on one of your linen garments, remember that stains are most easily removed when they are fresh. Never try to rub a stain away. Using a damp white napkin or cloth, blot the stain gently. If the stain is oil based, it is usually best to let the dry cleaners do the work for you. If you know that the stain is water based, blot the stain, and then wash the item as soon as possible. If you choose to use a stain remover or treatment product, it is safest to test an inconspicuous area of the garment with the product first. Apply the product and let it sit for at least 5 minutes and then rinse. If you notice no color change, then proceed, using the product directly on the stain. After using the stain remover, rinse the garment and launder as usual. Remember that some stains just can't be removed. By simply caring for your linen clothing in the proper manner, you will be able to enjoy wearing your garments for many years to come. and also this one had some good tips... Cleaning Linen shirts and pants can be machine-washed in a gentle cycle in warm water, or preferably, hand-washed or dry-cleaned. Repeated hand or machine washings make linen soft, thereby eventually reducing wrinkling, while dry cleaning keeps it crisp and new-looking. And like with most garments, it's a good idea to read the care labels before washing. To hand-wash a linen item, place it in a small tub with warm water and soap suds. Rub the linen in the mix and then pull it out of the tub. When it comes to stains, the treatment really depends on the source of the stain, but the general method is to rub immediately with cold water (which prevents the stain from setting in), or letting the garment soak in laundry detergent. Rubbing the stain with white vinegar, or sprinkling some talcum powder on the stain while letting the garment lay flat overnight, have also been proven to work. Once you're done hand- or machine-washing, air-dry the linen garment. You can then iron it, or wear it as is. Suits are a definite dry clean. No ifs, ands or buts. Drying and ironing It's in linen's best interest to never see the inside of a dryer. Ideally, you should let a freshly-washed linen garment air-dry, whether by laying it flat on a towel or hanging it from a padded wooden hanger. If you're ironing linen, do so on a high setting, while the garment is still damp. The dampness guards against burning the linen; the fabric dries quite fast. Iron first on the inside of the garment to remove wrinkles, and then on the outside to create a nice sheen. Also, be sure to iron until the linen is smooth , not dry. When it's to your liking, begin air-drying. As well, avoid folding your linen items; hanging is preferable. And if you wear a linen suit or pants regularly, get in the habit of always pulling your pants up from the knees before you sit down. This keeps the fabric stiff between your knees and waist, and avoids the excess wrinkling in the crotch area that can be brought on by sitting, slouching and so on. Hope that covers most of it! I also read that hanging white linens out in the sun to dry can help bleach the fibers to keep them nice and white... so I'm almost thinking that for coloured linens you would want to refrain from drying them in the sun?? That's just what I'd extract from the suggestions for white...
  18. oh yah! Stephanie I can send you my set now that I'm done with them but as we've had problem getting them between US/Canada before, I'd probably want to send them through a courier shipping method which would be a little more pricey and may not work out to be a lot cheaper than ordering them If there aren't any US girls who can send them to you, let me know if you'd still like mine and I will find out how much the envelope would be.
  19. Yep Suzy there sure is!! Ever heard of Aussie Rules?? It just so happens to be three minutes from your house even I'm not sure what time you have to get there if you just go with a couple people but if you have any size group you definitely need a reservation at least a few weeks in advance to make sure you get a table. I'm sure we could make plans to go sometime though!
  20. Thanks Kpeg! We actually picked up the pants last night! LOL! I came home to find the delivery notice on my door so I was really excited. It's one of four or five packages I've got coming in this week so seriously it feels like Christmas right now!! FI hasn't had a chance to try them on yet and the guys are all gone this weekend for the bachelors weekend but I'll get them on those boys soon enough! I had a good laugh that you're not *too* far from me because we actually drive the 11hrs into Brandon to visit FI's family - that's where he grew up. So really, the extra three hours out to Winnipeg isn't so bad in comparison to that! LOL! Will post pictures soon as well I hope, and it seems something like photobucket is the easiest options for posting if that helps you any!
  21. OMG duelling piano bars can be SO much fun!! I went to one when I was down in Austin and never laughed so hard in my life! There were a few of us CDN's there that night and they made fun of us the entire night of course but it was all in great fun. The piano bar we have here in town isn't the greatest unfortunately otherwise I'd be there all the time! I hope you've got a great one there and have TONS of fun! If you change your mind on the mini sanitizers let me know because honestly our dollar store has them ALWAYS so it wouldn't be a problem to pick up a few extras to make sure you had enough. I can't imagine shipping to be too much since the packages are fairly small. Let me know!
  22. Suzy - have you tried any of the vendors at the Calgary Farmers market for your beef?? That might be one place to check it out. I've also heard that you can get propane at a gas station along the way which might help you out as well
  23. awww, my poor suzy at the bottom of the list!
  24. j9 - first - not sure if you saw my post in the April thread but we've got an updated list of all our dates going since they're coming up so quickly - and I added you except for your name because I couldn't remember it or find it here SORRY!!! second - I think the rehearsal is more just if you want a *formal* practice run of your ceremony. Otherwise I'm sure that you'll go through all the details and a "how things go" chat with Jacy or Sandra ahead of time so that both you and she have everything cleared up. That's just my assumption though so maybe someone else can confirm!?
  25. Oooh really? What section are they in at Michaels? I honestly haven't seen them ever! If I find some I can send them your way too!
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