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Everything posted by SillyGirl

  1. Annabeth Gish : Double Jeopardy
  2. I'm not overly sure where I should post this, We've decided to do a DW and it was met with excitement from almost everybody, which surprised us. Even FMIL was pleased, if you knew how old school European she was this would shock you. So we decide on Costa Rica. It has everything we want. Beautiful beaches, rain forests, and even a volcano or two. (when I told FI this he said we have to go, he loves the idea of going somewhere with monkeys AND volcanoes) We have decided we only want to invite people we: 1. Know of (no one we haven't actually see in 5 years or more and no ppl we haven't met) 2. Only people we think will add to our trip, not make it the week from hell. 3. Actually like and care about. 4. Are good friends with. 5. Can't imagine doing this without. When I say this to our close friends they get it. Fi isn't inviting his family, just his mom and bro. Dad and all are not invited. Period. However my family doesn't really get it. I know most of my cousins, but I'm a very different person. I like them well enough but I only see them at family functions. I just don't socialize with them. That said I have one I am close to. I will be inviting her but no other cousins. Shes fun and we get along great, she'll fit in nicely with our friends. We are inviting our close friends. 8 or so people, maybe 10 if ppl have SOs by the time we mail our invites. I can't seem to get around my aunts and uncles coming. They always travel and view my DW as an excuse to travel. Now don't get me wrong I like them but I don't think I want them to come with us. Let me explain why. Currently we are thinking of doing a private guided tour of Costa Rica. We are going for 10 days. We will be traveling to 3-4 locations and touring those areas. With just friends and family we are looking at 20 people. If my relative I suspect will 'really' want to come are included I will be looking at over 30 people, probably around 38. I don't want a 3ring circus traipsing about the jungle behind me. 20 ppl is going to be crazy enough with out doubling it. I want to keep it as simple as possible. As manageable as possible. As fun as possible. I really don't want to invite them. but my family (aka mom and sis) is trying to get me to invite them and my other cousins. (i'm getting alot of 'your sister is having a DW and inviting everyone' yes but she is having it at an AI, not on a tour grrr....) If I invite my only cousin I'm close to do I have to invite them all? Do I have to invite my aunts & uncles? If I do invite them can I politely suggest a few AIs they can stay at and help them find transport to my ceremony/reception site? Am I crazy for trying to do this? any advice is welcome.
  3. Red Ivory Gold and Silver ... I think (in sure I'll change my mind in a month... yay to having 2yrs to plan)
  4. Well I have begun my journey, with its goal not only being numbers but also a feeling. I want to feel fit again. I want to pick up a pair of rollerblades and just go for a bit. Hop on my bike and ride. Go for a paddle on the lake. Etc... I always worried if I'll get tired. I have to account for the fact that I always believe I can go farther than I actually can. But enough moaning. So far lost 8 lbs in 3 weeks, not stellar but hella lot better than gaining. Also lost 3 inches from my waist. I have more energy, most of the time. Even my Fi has noticed it. I'm happy this seems to be something I can do. I go to the gym MWF and I go to 2 aqua classes. One 45min the other 30min. I am trying to add the TTH 30 mn classes in but I have a hard time killing time until noon, but still having time to get there(or remembering it). Tonight I think I will try the dance aerobic class at the gym. Wish me luck.
  5. Fi and I thought that site was very funny he now calls all the wedding stuff I look at my 'wedding porn' lol
  6. Made it to both the energy aqua class, and the high intensity burn aqua class. yay
  7. I didn't make it today, but we did walk around yesterday for 5hours.
  8. Count me in. I'm trying to eat healthy and not give into the lovely wonderful things my FI can and does bake. I want to try to make it to the gym at least 3 days a week for a minimum of one hour.
  9. I made it to my aqua class, and walked around downtown for 4 hours.
  10. Today I went to the gym to do my aqua class, and the instructor was a no-show. However everyone who showed up decided we would do it ourselves. It was fun we took turns selecting a move and worked out for the entire time.
  11. Missed my aqua class today but I have 2 to go to tomorrow
  12. Ontario, here. Fh is born and raised I'm an army brat born Ontario, traveled, ended back up in Ontario
  13. Welcome and happy planning. You will find tons of information and support here!
  14. Wow thank you so much for the information Fernando. It really did help us a lot. I think I like the Occidental Grand Papagayo as an AI, the beaches are lovely and the resort itself looks very well put together. My FI was browsing around and found Arenal Nayara Hotel and Gardens he fell in love with the volcano, 'The most awesome thing ever' to quote him. lol So now I'm going to try and incorporate that into our travels some how . . . We have for the most part decided against a beach ceremony, they are beautiful but we chose CR for its lush greenery not just its beaches. We are think a waterfall or other natural backdrop for our ceremony, tho the jagged cliffs near the Occidental are very pretty. I saw some of your lovely photos of La Paz waterfalls. We're thinking something like that tho not necessarily there. damn I think I have to find a good CR TA. There are too many factors I have to sort out atm... grrr 14 people, AI (maybe), or good hotel with inexpensive dinning options, waterfalls, volcanoes, hanging bridges, jungles, wildlife, and a Wedding . . . sigh lol
  15. I'm actually trying to avoid a beach wedding, they are lovely but I chose Costa Rica for its beautiful Flora and Fauna. Its magnificent waterfalls and of course its geological wonders, aka the volcanoes. I think I'm going to hunt down a TA, maybe a WC plan an awesome trip: jungles, parrots, monkeys, waterfalls, hanging bridges and just get married along the way. now I have to figure out how to do that lol * tho I may want to do a TTD at the beach
  16. 1. Arrive in CR, Go to AI 2. Go on outing to a nice place with cool scenery, have ceremony 3. Go back to AI, celebrate that night or next day 4. Go on 2-3 day tour (see the volcanoes, jungle, monkeys, lizards etc) 5. finish at an AI for 2 nights in November?? Its it too much to do? Will my guests (I have 8 - 14 of em) kill me? I don't know where yet but I think I want to do something like this. I don't just want to hang at an AI for a week, but I know my guests will appreciate the luxury, pampering, lounging and the food. I'm trying to rig it so I get some adventure, a wedding and luxury all in one. Can it be done in a week to ten days? Any help would be appreciated.
  17. I was just going to ask that, thanks for the info
  18. I'm going to have to show that list to my FI, I've already told him were going thru a TA but I think this will assuage his fears. He is concerned we'll get locked in with a crappy TA and lose out on 'amazing online deals'. I think this will help clarify what a TA does for him thanks
  19. Well here goes, I need some where to store my thoughts, so I figured this would be a good spot. So right now we are just over 2 years out. Most people we would be inviting already know we are doing a DW and other than a few quiet conversations about finances (mostly from my student buddies) it’s going over rather well. We are pitching it to our friends as a vacation where we get married. Even my FMIL seems ok with it. This scares me. She's been know to love an idea one minute then abhor it the next. Ah well as long as FI is the one dealing with her on this. We have already decided we are doing this regardless of whether or not people think we should. So even if she freaks and tries to hold her attendance over our heads as a bargaining point we will simply say, ‘We will miss your presence but we will happily meet up with you after our return to show you photos’. Thankfully (sorta), we are financing it. So no $$$ controls from other ppl. We think we know what we want, I think... lol What we want A very dramatic location for the ceremony (jungle, waterfall, volcano, cliffs etc) Under $2000/person including airfare Time spent exploring the country as a group Some time spent at an AI (perhaps before we leave for home to get that papered vacation feeling) Reception somewhere nice, but doesn't have to be day of Live music, something with a jazzy feel to it but local as well An Awesome Photographer (we want full rights to our pictures) Excellent food What we don't want Beach ceremony (They are beautiful but thats not why I chose Costa Rica) To spend the entire trip on an AI resort (way too much to see and do) To use a resort photographer that will only give you 20 pictures To have to pay a fortune for our daily meals (might be a little much for most of our guests' budgets) To miss the beauty and biodiversity of Costa Rica How I think we're going to pull it off (yeah right LOL) Read BDW often (The tips and advice so far have been amazing) Hunt down a TA who knows Costa Rica and DWs Find a WC who (hopefully) doesn't think I'm crazy Involve my FI, but give him an out if it gets too much (I get kind of research intensive, then tell him everything I found. aka Info overload) Find out how adventurous my guests are willing to be Always keep the cost to my guests at the fore front Budget budget budget Current crazy idea: Arrive in CR, spend 1-2 days at an AI, Go for one of those 2-3 day tours(one that includes meals, transport, and lodgings) Spend last 2-3 at same or different AI * wedding ceremony somewhere in there and reception at the AI List can be shuffled. Could do the tour first, then chill at the AI Chill at the AI first then tour . . . Make the tour optional but then the ceremony wouldn't be available to those not on the tour Can the tour groups even arrange for a ceremony on route outside? Do I want to lug my dress around? Do I give the ceremony its own 'day trip to somewhere cool day'? Hmm... Arrive in CR, Go to AI Go on outing to a nice locale, have ceremony Go back to AI, celebrate that night or next day Go on 2-3 day tour finish at an AI for 2 nights Another idea some of the tour stop at places like 'best western' and such, they could steam my dress maybe . . hmmm how would I get a officiant out there? Would it be different than any other ruralish wedding? and this is why I need a TA and/or a WC lol LOL this is why my FI laughs at me, I do this out loud most of the time
  20. Awesome thread, I'll be doing some DIY now I guess. Ty for the inspiration
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Steve&Julia Hi all I am a CR bride to be also July 10, 2010 at the Paradisus hotel working with DestinationWedding.com for the planning. I have only sent my STD's so far and need to get moving on other things but i'm wondering how early are you sending the invites? I did the web page and put the link to US passports on it for those who don't have one. But not sure how early in advance I should send my invites any thoughts? I am guessing right now 25-30 guest, my Travel agent was suprised and thought that to be a big group. Can I get some feedback from ppl going through this also? I'm planning on btwn 15 & 25 ppl, I don't think its that big, is it?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by SSNM Hi SillyGirl, I don't know what your budget is like, but I know there are quite a few wedding planning services that are Costa Rican based that may be able to help you build the type of wedding you want. It seems to be the way to go for those who want a unique wedding in Costa Rica. They may be able to work out a way to have some of your guests stay at an AI and then come up to whereever you want for the wedding. I think we may stay at the AI with the guests but have the wedding elsewhere, Prob use a local WC and vendors etc, ( where should I start looking for WP services in CR, any suggestions?) We may end up staying longer as our honeymoon and use that time to explore the country
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