1. I still don't really know what I want to do when I grow up! (Karla I so know what you mean)
2. I'm more than a little silly, crazy or annoying depending on how fun you are.
3. I'm an avid video gamer
4. I'm a closet goth
5. I secretly want to be a princess on my wedding (shh.. don't tell FI and blow my cover)
We have an outdoor/indoor kitty. She always comes home, and is very healthy. I have had both so has FI. Fi's outdoor/indoor(barely indoor) lived for 18years.
My cats have always seemed happiest outside, but we are normally outside with them and they tend to come in when we do.
This is one of the few shows FI and I can watch together. Now that I think of it, we seem to watch cooking shows together....
Top Chef, Kitchen Nightmares, Hell's Kitchen, and Iron Chef America lol