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Everything posted by SillyGirl

  1. Hello all, I'm looking to do something a little different on our DW to Costa Rica. I'd like to do a guided tour of the country, stopping at 3-4 locations for 2-3 days. Sort of an adventure tour with a wedding tacked on. We're looking at having 10-20 ppl.... I would like opinions on whether I should try to find a TA that does DWs, or an adventurous WC? If I go TA alone will the wedding part, ceremony and reception then be hard to pull off. Like wise with a WC, will I still get a top notch adventure? atm I'm at a loss to figure it out.
  2. Michelle Pfeiffer : LadyHawke
  3. Monday Sept 7 1:22pm EST, recovering from hosting 3 bonfires in 3 days. Surfing BDW while Fi plays Warhammeronline.
  4. I'm going to play up the physical, stress the tour thing (I mean really who liked being the kid at the back of a school tour you couldn't hear a thing. kind of important this time "don't step here poisonous spider etc..") night time walks with 30 ppl not going to work etc. I also I will try to win over Dad and mom and forget about sis. No changing her mind anyway. Thnx for the ideas SSNM
  5. Congrats and welcome. You'll find plenty of info here.
  6. Cliff side and warm there is always the option of Costa Rica, its safe too.
  7. SillyGirl


    Welcome, you will find tons of info here as well as advice
  8. Yes absolutely, We're actually telling quite a few they can't come. Esp on FI side. Would you ever . . . Tell a friend that their new hair cut was . . ugly
  9. Matt Damon : Bourne Identity
  10. Omg yes even tho I am terrified of falling. ( I would swear the whole time, but love it) Would you ever . . . eat a bug
  11. Thank you, Fi and I have been considering it, but were not showy ppl. I think were starting to lean toward not having one.
  12. I think its perfectly reasonable for her to do. The child needs to eat, no need to shove her and the child and a closet somewhere just b/c ppl tend to sexualize breasts. Then again I grew up in Europe where topless sunbathing at family waterparks was common. I just don't see why she should feel ashamed or need to hide. <shrug>
  13. I wish it would make ppl think twice, but ppl still put their makeup on eat breakfast (cereal), talk on the phone, etc... pity tho
  14. SillyGirl


    Welcome to our addiction you will find so much valuable info on here
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