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Everything posted by flipflop.tee

  1. YAY I'm soo glad you picked Gangs of New York..cause I had to look him up cause I was thinking what the hell else has he been in...I had no idea that was him from Gangs of New York! (one of my favourite movies) Gangs of New York: John C. Reilly
  2. dislike...he's cute and all but I don't like victoria beckham Christian Ronaldo from Manchester United?
  3. Holy cow McDonalds seems to be popular today on BDW....No I wouldn't I don't eat McDonalds at all! Would you ever go on a "City Slickers" like cow herding trip?
  4. Burger King...I can't eat McDonalds it's been years! Would you rather know all about your bridal shower or it be a complete surprise?
  5. like....after a few cocktails! romantic comedies?
  6. Greg Kinnear: Flash of Genius
  7. I checked that out too! Wish I could find them on a site that shipped to Canada..they are soo adorable and such a good price!!! ugh.....
  8. Wow I've never ever seen one alive come to mention it...weird now I wanna look it up..lol...I'm using them to add to our fans we are putting on each chair and we are putting ribbon through one of the holes and putting our names and the date on the sand dollar...I'll show pictures once I have all the sand dollars..it was my mom's idea actually and I have all the fans, the ribbon, and little charms that say "To Love and to Cherish"..now I just need the sand dollars so we can make it a little more personal.
  9. From Dusk Til Dawn: Quentin Tarantino
  10. definatly smell...i actually have the worst sense of smell anyways and I love tasting food so..ya could do without smell! Would you rather go on a date with a really handsome guy or a really funny guy?
  11. yeah..we both said we could and would if the predicament happened to exist. Would you ever let a stranger sing live at your ceremony if you had never heard them sing before? ( friends of ours got "surprised" when the bride's grandma asked her friend to sing during the ceremony and it was HORRIBLE..we have the whole wedding party cracking up laughing on tape during her song...)
  12. umm...no it think female body building is so sick...ugh gross! Would you ever go to the drive in theatre wearing your p.j.'s (cause I didn't just do that..lol)
  13. OOooooOOhhh......wilted flowers...they don't have to be in EVERY picture! Would you rather go to the drive in the freezing cold just the 2 of you or go to a crowded, noisy movie theatre?
  14. Ya my sister loves to buy stuff on e-bay so I may have to try..lol although Hamilton isn't very far from me either..
  15. Thanks Ladies I will definatly be checking e-bay out then...I've never bought anything from e-bay before so I was sorta reluctant about it..hopefully they all come in one piece!
  16. We booked 8 months in advance and we stopped looking after that...I'm pretty sure it will keep going up until last minute deals will pop up..so we are happy we got such a good deal!
  17. I'd rather listen to the baby..nails on a chalkboard is the WORST! Would you rather parasail away from your ceremony or leave on a catamaran?
  18. DISLIKE...it's been over 5 years since i've eaten it! Cream Soda?
  19. Sex in the City: Kristin Davis
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