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Everything posted by flipflop.tee

  1. Marc John Jefferies: Get Rich or Die Trying....( I had to look the kid up had NO idea..lol)
  2. like...is putt putt like..miniputting?? I'm guessing but like! moving?
  3. Kristen Stewart: Adventureland
  4. L.A. Confidential: Guy Pearce
  5. watching or playing? meh...like...it puts FI in either a great mood or a bad one goes either way...meh yogurt?
  6. Bedtime Stories: Keri Russell
  7. OOHHH thats a hard one...if it involved cheating I would definatly not keep it a secret..anything else probably yes I'm a good secret keeper!! Would you ever pee in the shower to save a flush?
  8. like...but all I drink is Casears, wine & light beer! Sick Days?
  9. The men who stare at goats (looks stupid): Ewan McGregor (LOVE)
  10. dislike..not a fan! World Series?
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