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Everything posted by flipflop.tee

  1. Ashton Kutcher: Dude where's my car?
  2. dislike (hated getting those for halloween) Truckers?
  3. Ya I used to take my sisters money for my morning coffee when I was in highschool..I miss her change Would you ever get somebody a pet as a gift without them having a clue?
  4. Robin Hood Prince of Thieves: Kevin Costner
  5. No we can't stay mad at each other for THAT long maybe a couple hours to cool down. Would you ever move to another country for your FI/FH's job?
  6. Antonio Banderas: Once Upon a Time in Mexico
  7. bologna....dislike! Black Forest Ham?
  8. Bad Boys II : Gabrielle Union
  9. Love...especially banana! Toronto Maple Leafs?
  10. ha ha ha guess nobody else wants to answer this one...I'm sorry but NO WAY! Would you ever want to be on survivor?
  11. OMG..thats too funny you put his number on the stall!! Any late night phone calls yet? LOL looks like you ladies had tons of fun..what a great idea for a stagette!
  12. not making it to the wedding: my uncle joe
  13. dislike! Getting your picture taken?
  14. Robert Redford: The Great Gatsby
  15. Toby Maguire (I think it's just an A instead of a U) : Pleasentville
  16. YAY went today and they were advertised 3 for $10 and so I got one for each of my bridesmaids in their dress colour turquoise and they rang up $5...soo exciting!
  17. No cause I think that takes the party away from them and that is their night! Would you ever leave your FI/FH if your favourite celebrity wanted to marry you?
  18. pretty much the same...beachbags from AQUA filled with flipflops, a necklace, their barefoot sandals for the ceremony, viva la juicy (my favourite perfume), trashy magazines lol (a must), beach towel, sunscreen (more like tanning lotion)....I'm not finished shopping yet.
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